Duchy of the Summoners

Where the realm of the furry folk leaves off, is where the Summoners area begins. With a defunct Portal, SandShire, at its base, the huge Jagged Empress range dominates the landscape as far as the eye can see.

The major body of water on the north is known as The Gods Tears, for this is where the last of their kind were beaten into submission by the Dragons. They knew their defeat was imminent, and fled to the Island of the Blessed Idols – where their bones lay bleached and exposed even today.

It is no myth: they really are the Gods bones, unable to truly be destroyed by any force of nature or magic. The Isle of Blessed Idols is pock-marked by what must have been huge explosive blasts, from the Dragons as they soared above.

So infused with magic and power is this area, that with the sole exception of the Forbidden Mountain, anyone with even the slightest amount of magical sense will be overwhelmed unless they’re well prepared.

SandShire, described earlier, is an interesting Portal area, that perhaps wasn’t just aided by the progress of the mountains but indeed may have been destroyed in the battles at the end of the Gods reign. It rests in a low, windblown area below the great Empress (which stands at 27,138 feet), inhabited by any bold enough to make the pilgrimage to the Blessed Idols.

Compass Citadel is a long-standing lighthouse isle, guiding ships along the coast from the Wyldkin areas into the Necromancers’ waters. It is also a home to many intellectuals and scholars, and a world-wide agglomeration of knowledge is stored here, monitored by dragon kin and Clockwork, as well as Summoners and other sages.

Windward Gaze is a large and lush island, tropical and full of life. The most exotic pets and birds are bred here, taken captive gently with magic and transported around the world. It is a primary stop on many trade routes, and has accommodations fit for kings and swabbies alike.

Blue-Well is a beautiful pure sea that cascades downwards into the ocean to the north-east by huge waterfalls. Many of these falls hide cavernous cliff-side homes, whole communities reside behind sheets of rapidly falling mist. Also, this waterfall activity powers the Duchy’s stored energy machines, which are similar to great dam generators, but also are tapped by magical means.

The Duchy of Summoners itself is a fairly compact city, but houses more than two million people easily. Though they do in fact summon demons and other such entities to do their daily chores or more complicated pursuits. They have a strong intellectual background, and above all would love to research the Gods demise. However, plenty of Dragons have warned them against it – and while they know it’s out of fear and anger, the Summoners are not too happy with this. They claim they would never attempt to subjugate the Dragons nor any other creature, though the Dragons (and almost anyone else) argue that they do exactly that, by bringing life from other planes and worlds to serve even briefly for their needs.

Due south of the Duchy are the scattered but well-maintained Twelve Realms of the Lumin – the descendants of prior inhabitants who all but destroyed their own culture in trying to make themselves ‘better’ individually. Their competitive spirit still lingers, though their rugged domain is quite beautiful under their expert care. Because it is situated directly beside some of the Fey dominated areas there are often dangers to be found in the woodlands, but by and large the area is more blustery than actually dangerous. Moors and craggy hillsides have sturdy wind-blown trees, but also very long stretches of rivers and farmlands can be seen. Each of the Twelve Kings lands has its own look and feel for architecture and landscaping, but they all tend to run with marble-columned official buildings and stepped hillside housing with lots of gardens. This is one of the few places around the world which one might see broadcast towers and electrically powered beacons scattered along the mountainsides.

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