Click title to enter the old T32RF index, it does not lead anywhere much else.

Want a Magic School student? Here's a new generator!

Click HERE to see the DRAGON INDEX and listing of currently-moving pages

Copyright 2003 Droppin the Fork productions!

Please note that I am attempting to distance my characters and magical realm stuff from That Terf Bitch's world, so please don't judge - her attitude has no room on my site. I loved HP for what it was worth, but christ on a crutch you cannot get more bad than her. 2.23.23 removed old generator and updated it to be my own / generic.

The Trusty Tome of Things To Run From will remain where it is, as a side-project. Two of the characters in House Domina's portion of the site - Nabib and Lethe - 'write and draw' this tome. Anywhere there are magical creatures, this book is likely to be found. (and yes I wrote this page long before fantastic beasts was out... and didn't have a copy of the books, never fucking will)