Closer to true dragons in appearance with their long sinuous tail, the deerdragons of Misty Moon are reasonably large and range from around 6 feet at the shoulder to over 10. Their longer necks add several feet to their full height. They bear antlers on both genders, and they do lose them at times, but you'll never see that yourself. They have clawed feet, leathery hide under their feathery fur, and bigger feathered wings than the Kirin for they actually use their wings to fly. They also bear strong elemental magic controls, in addition to more typical draconic powers of telepathy and teleportation.
These two are the same species as most of the Sleigh team, however they are not part of that team, and remain at the Mountain to care for it instead. |
Jaal, male reindeer dragon. Much larger than many other deer-dragons, at more than 12 feet at the head, Jaal's domain is ice and water. He manipulates snow, ice and cold water with ease, can purify dirty water, or null poison. He speaks in a rumbling, waterfall-y voice, and to feel his mind is like drowning (so he rarely speaks mentally to those who aren't prepared for it). |
Usui, female reindeer dragon. She too is abnormally large, at around 10 feet at the head, with a magnificent wingspan. Her magical domain is light and all things pure, she can cause any darkness to be banished, as well as blind anything needing to be distracted. She speaks brightly and usually with a merry voice, and contrary to what one might think, she and Chajong get along well. She has impossibly well attuned empathy as well as the ability to read the past of any person or sentient creature. |