Longdragon adopted from Delcathlia 's "Long Dragon" adoptions.


Dragons were meant to be sedate, impressive creatures. And by and large, even the youngest or eldest, smallest or greatest of them were just that. For to be in the presence of a dragon was... more than an honor, it was to become legendary.

Why then, was this dragon so different? Changnan chose her name, after hearing the word many times. The people she chose to watch were not used to such things. They were farmers, workers, blacksmiths. They toiled endlessly, and to Changnan that was just lacking.

She spiced their lives up. She was the embodiment of playfulness, the spirit of ever-adorable childhood, though she was certainly no child herself. Changnan *chose* her life, as she chose her name.

Changnan knew that there were many other dragons in the world, but they all seemed so... lofty. Aloof. Boring! Even unpleasant! What about other worlds? The celestial orbs distantly shining would beckon, there were people that needed cheering up and places that had never seen a creature such as she.

Was Changnan elegant? Of course. There was no denying that her slinky form bore all the hallmarks of quality. Her coloration was distinct, dramatic. But her eyes... they shone with the delight in all things that was her true nature.

Was Changnan ever Solemn? Well, if one only caught a glimpse of her escaping into the woods, perhaps whoever viewed her might think so. For a few moments. And then they would discover their baskets had been stacked into ungainly piles, or their tools arranged in such a way to spell obscene words.

She never wished harm on those who she pranked. No one ever went hungry because of her - except that one foolish and high-handed man who took everything from his subjects and left them practically to starve themselves. None were injured, surely. Embarrassed, perhaps. Exasperated, definitely. But no permanent harm would come from what she did.

And she delighted in human interactions - she watched quietly and in miniature form, sometimes clinging to a tapestry trying to blend in as artwork, sometimes wrapped around the leg of a table, and others draped over a rafter. Taverns were good places to listen in, as were courts, and sewing circles. She had all the makings of a terminal gossip, but ... no one to really tell any secrets to.

Other dragons shunned her, her ways were so boorish and low.

Was Changnan ever dignified?

... Only when she was sleeping.

Name: Changnan - meaning "prank" in Korean
Gender: Female
Size: Variable - can be 100 feet long, to around 1 foot long
Color: Greens, white
Powers/Abilities: Wingless Flight - Changnan needs only the wind and sometimes not even that, to fly at almost any speed
Verbal Speech - Changnan can speak whatever language is needed, though she prefers Korean and ancient Chinese dialects over anything else
Size shifting (as above)
Read/Write - though her script is impossibly sloppy, Changnan can read (again, in any language needed) and enjoys a good murder mystery
Focus - Pearl - with this item she can view people, places or even times by concentrating; with this pearl she can also translocate herself to the place she's viewing, though this power exhausts her and the pearl becomes useless for at least a full week; the Pearl itself is varied in size from a typical pea-sized malachite-colored item, to a gong-sized plate, fist-sized is typical, basketball sized is FUN ;)
Luck - Changnan brings luck to those she enjoys watching, even though they do have to put up with her endless pranks
Wind Manipulation - from still air to a full gale force wind, Changnan can alter the direction, force and volume of winds
Divine - though she hardly looks it, Changnan is a divine entity and can detect evil, holiness, and the like in any being
Grant Wish - Changnan's pearl can be used to deliver a powerful spell onto anyone - once per decade, and only at Changnan's discretion; This wish can include love, wealth or long life, but generally has a cost of some kind when the recipient has not already led a good life

** 2023 **

A few nudges led Changnan to the decision to find another dragon to bring to the Misty Moon Mountains. Whether she realized it or not, this would impact everyone there to a strong degree.

She's decided upon the Academia de Magica clutch!

** (some from hatching)

There were only a small selection of people, dragons, and others here for this magical moment, and Changnan was ever-so-slightly disappointed in that fact. But there were long and slender gold-and-red wyrmlings wriggling free from their eggs. Who even knew how long they had been maturing, Changnan might not have had the patience to sit through a several-year-long process.

But she still sensed that there was at least one among them that would have found her anyway. His horns were still just budding, but his whiskers were already feeling around in curiosity.

He spotted her and clearly the green dragon had caught Navynir's attention immeidately. She looked like them, but at the same time very different. "Hi!" He bounded over to Changnan, "I'm Navynir. I think we could have a lot of fun!"

It was all worth while! Changnan tittered happily and helped him gain confidence in his motion, chasing him and letting him bowl her over, then as he tucked in to a meal of nutritious fruit and fish. While she knew it would be a great responsibility, caring for and making sure that this young wyrm became an adult safely, Changnan knew better than to think she'd get all stuffy and boring like most of the others she knew.

The light of exploration and curiosity were in those green eyes! She felt renewed, she could be responsible and hunt, gather, and teach as best she could but sometimes he would ask a question she couldn't answer. They would return to the Academia or seeek out learned dragons, or watch humanoids, or try and find books with research. He was clever, and smart, Changnan immediately adored him with all her heart.


"You can't keep taking them and not bringing them back," the goat-man sighed. "I lend books, not give them away forever. Someone else needed to look something up and I remembered I'd checked that out to you."

The look on Navynir's whiskered face showed his true remorse, "I know where it is, I can bring it back! I'll ... check this one out when I come back."

Changnan watched this exchange from his shoulder, a little bright green ribbon of a dragon matching the color of his eyes. She whispered, "that's so nice of you to do, let's get back and find that book, okay?"

They sped off, right into the air, the green dragoness appearing to grow bigger and bigger matching the gold one, like a pair of banners fluttering on the wind. They would be back, this small town had a good library, after all!


Name: Navynir (nah vhin NEER)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: wyrmling 4' s, adult 12 's, will top out quite a bit bigger, but that's never been a problem for his beloved! (ranging from 20' long at wyrmling stage to over 100' long at full adulthood)
Colors: buttery yellow belly armor, body sunny yellow-gold on limbs and near belly, fading to a rich hot-metal red on spine and tail, red horns, grey claws; elbow floof and whiskers pale buttery yellow, dorsal fur strong gold; eyes green
Features: Gold Wyrm, long noodle body with armor belly and scaled back, four limbs with paws, catfish-like whiskers, two back pointing swept horns, fur along spine from head to tail and behind forelimbs; other info at site
Powers: Wingless Flight speedy and enjoys flying more than running, he can get a very good head start during a chase but he sometimes flies into things like pesky tree tops and branches... but he 'suffers' only a comedic springy wrap around it, and slithers to the ground to collect his wits (almost all of that for comedic effect only, he doesn't get too hurt by anything he smacks into...)
Verbal Speech and Telepathy; he can speak a number of languages common to the area, and notices the differences between dialects spoken by the kin nearby - some are predators and others prey species, some even 'domesticato' types, and each have their own sort of style. His telepathic range is quite far, up to 200 miles, though over the tall mountains they live in this is vital anyway
Sensory additions Blindsight, Low-light vision, Dark vision; when half the year is dim at best, and dark fully for nearly a month, this is certainly helpful to get around. But also down in the twisting corridors of their hollowed mountain caverns, where other dragons might lurk or be hibernating, he wants to avoid any antagonistic encounters (and also wants to sometimes 'borrow' things from their hoards and they need to be sleepy for that...)
Breath Weapons - fire and weakening gas; he tends not to use fire too much (see also below) but the weakening gas is quite helpful! With it, he can gently and temporarily create a wobbly-legged effect on waking creatures, and prevent sleeping ones from rousing too easily as their muscles extra-extra relax; thankfully this effect is temporary, but it's also one that he has occasionally belched out without intending to, on an audience... whoops, now they're all hardly able to clap!
Additional abilities learned slowly but surely at different ages, found among books but also by asking other dragons to show how it's done

-Polymorph Self - earliest learned ability, with only a little help from Changnan who can size shift already, Navynir's preferred shape is a bipedal snake-like version of his normal draconic one, he likes adding a 'cobra hood' sometimes for effect; he can use this to slip into a kin tavern or store, and though the locals have certainly learned that it is him, they indulge because he has gold to share
-Sleep spell - when he discovered that he could potentially help those grumpy old dragons get a little rest, and... perhaps keep them resting while he snuck around their hoards looking for just the right book or a few handfulls of coins, he has used this effect almost constantly. Yes they too realize that he's doing it, but the endless barrage of Changnan and this new gold wyrm has definitely had an effect on the old codgers of the group. They allow it, because hey, sometimes it is hard to get to sleep...
-Slow spell - and if they aren't happy about this intrusion, or resist its effects (which is highly likely in some cases) he can let off a bit of sluggishness, the flick of his tail and a chittered spell and suddenly the mighty or angry are moving like molasses
-Fireball and Fire Shield - these come with difficulty for him, he prefers not to use things that might damage those around them and doesn't practice them much
Parentage: Unknown, related to the others in clutch 1 at Academia (?)
Origin: Academia de Magica, art by Nomi
Other Info: known as "The Playful", he is merry, boisterous, and kind - he still has a penchant for hoarding items, but having to give them back doesn't bug him much. He knows there are people who would be much happier if they had an item, so ... sometimes he'll make arrangements to send things to those who need them more than he does.