Name: Shah b'i sgro/, Shahb'isgroh, "deer feather"
Gender: Male, though potentially able to magically change
Size/Shoulder/Length: small, 6' s / 18' l / 40' ws
Colors: Body bright gold mainly and wings only on underside, with buff white on neck and belly, vibrant blue and sky blue on back and wings/tail, bright red forelegs, hooves, muzzle, and antlers, with yellow filigree on body, neck/face and hind legs, and light blue filigree on wings and neck
Features: Peryton with stag and bird features completely intermixed
Powers: Winged Flight, Shah is stately both in the air and on the ground, and at first you might mistake him for a giant eagle above the peaks. He can remain aloft for hours at a time, gliding on what appears to be magically induced thermals. But he can also maintain a perfect course in the worst blizzards, and if you see his shape in one, he is actually there to help!
Snow Running, through a careful use of wings and balance, or just magic, he can race along the surface of even the most fragile powdery snow, thin ice over a lake, or even up a stiff blizzard's flurry
Verbal Speech, Telepathy, when he must speak, it is in a resonant, deep voice, but if he must scream it is the call of an eagle, brightly echoing. His mental voice is calm and cool, not cold, though it seems to be tinted with what feels like icy snowflakes falling on bare skin. He has a telepathic range of around 50 miles, and can sense emotions as well as communicate in any needed language
Enhanced Senses, his eyesight is definitely as clear as an eagle's, able to 'read a newspaper from a mile away', but he can also pinpoint sounds as he soars overhead possibly focusing any echoes into his deer-like ears using his wings. He has a good sense of smell, but lacks taste so if you've been poisoned you should hope he can sniff it out instead of tasting...
Magic Use, a generalized ability to focus magical energy, Shah is adept with preservation and healing magic, levitation, and warmth spells. He often will place a specific magical effect into one of his cast-off feathers, which may be worn by another being to provide protection from the elements
Illusion, that whole thing about 'casting a human shadow until they kill a human' that's utter rubbish according to him, though he admits that others of his breed might have used their ability with light and shadow to terrorize people and started this lore... He is able to brighten or dim existing shadows and light, providing a higher contrast or dulling down what might be dangerous reflected light on snow. No use having protection from the cold if you're going to be blind by the light everywhere
Parentage: None known, no known offspring
Origin: Adopted from KiharraQuagga on deviantart
Other Info: He is interested in finding both other Peryton and friends to fly with on the Mountains, and is not above visiting far distant places to do that... |