Whorling Deer-dragons |
Hailing from the Everrealm, these deer-like dragon creatures are not related in any way to the others on Misty Moon, but certainly fit in perfectly! Their appearances are tremendously variable, as is their size, but they enjoy the same slight powers over elements and typical dragon type powers such as telepathy and teleportation, and flight where they are winged. |
Lari (to dash) is a handsome and sleek male whorling of middle size for the Mountain's inhabitants. At 6'4" at the shoulder he fits in nicely. He is wingless and prefers to run, but can leap tremendous distances if given open space. His beautiful antlers and hooves glisten like ice, and at their touch leave a trail of frost. |
Kyoul Pak'a, wintermint, is a clever, agile female whorling. She is smaller than most, at around 6' at the shoulder, but her very long neck makes up for some of that. Her slick looking fur and shiny scales both bear the faint scent of mint. |
Teylan - winter - is a more moody male and enjoys his dark coloration to blend in at night with the sky and stars. His elegant translucent wings, antlers and hooves only serve to make him look more ghostly against the sky. He hardly ever speaks, even to other dragons. But he is generous and is known to leave gifts by the doors of deserving homes. He isn't small, isn't large, he changes size at will and usually is around 5' at the burly, transparent-winged shoulders. |