Name: Ally'oop

Gender/Preference: Female, not looking just now

Age/DOB: adult, unknown age

Family: unknown, unrelated to other Tripanelae (?)

Size/Build: around 8' across longest tentacles; droopy out of water

Appearance: as shown, she's an octopus-like being with added bonus antlers and rattles upon each leg; base color shiny slate blue, with markings of void-black, and sucker/under tentacles very dark blue; pale green eyes, antlers tan/brown, rattles creamy

Art By: Mystic; giveaway 2024-25

"While there are sculptures and paintings of great tentacled creatures, she might have sculpted her own, with tools she made herself."


Skills and Occupation: Physicist, which is possibly why she's now in a place that has some improbable physics going on?

Residence: Had been from a world named Pathya, oceanic with other intelligent life beyond the Tripanelae. Currently resides in the deeper trench off the coast of Serkonos at Karnaca, directly under the main trade currents leading around the island in a large cavern. Only smaller whales might be able to fit through its entrance, so she has had the occasional calf come visit. The cavern is about 10 miles off shore and half a mile down.

Notable Possessions: Items which she brought with her to conduct science and physics experiments, all suited to high pressure and difficult conditions. She is fascinated by those same things that have fallen from ships or she's located from wrecks, so she knows that this World has intelligent life above. Their glass is so fragile, but their instruments are none the less impressively well made. Particularly of note, she's come across a wreck that had contained numerous 'clockwork soldier' parts, and some number of Jindosh tooling machines. She wants to reassemble these items though is not sure that she can do this while they're wet. Perhaps if she drains part of the cavern, and creates a series of pulleys and levers....

Magical Preferences or Abilities: Given her knowledge of water manipulation, it's entirely possible that she'll have a working 'air dome' under that cavern in no time... She can detect the motion of whales outside and does go greet them when they show up, as long as they're careful and don't bump the cavern walls.

Personality: Curious and somewhat hyperfocused, she hardly noticed when she'd gone from one dimention to another, and only after trying to summon one of her peers did she realize they weren't there. Or, she'd correct herself, she wasn't there. When she sets her mind to a task she will go to it until finished or until exhausted.

Likes and Dislikes: exploring and discovering items; unlike many of her species she does understand that air breathers are not inherently bad, but it sure seems like they have their own factions huh? What she's managed to glean from any given ship wreck is that 'boarding parties' are definitely not the fun kind of party. She will stay away from living humans if they're in the water, poking and prodding at them as they drift to the sea floor dead - except if the whales insist on helping them. She has been known to zip up and grab at specific people as the whales instruct, since they're often too big and can't reach the areas where those wrecks occur. But she won't remain around long enough to be observed by those humans, and slips away back into the depths before they cough themselves awake.

Fears or Interruptions: She worries that those humans up there might eventually decide to descend with equipment, after all she's got her own to carefully explore above the surface of the water, right? And some of those things labeled Jindosh were definitely scary. Lots of sharp edges, in addition to their curious electro-magnetic machinery. They did not function in the water but she definitely understands that they would work dry! She doesn't know that Jindosh is no longer a threat and no one can emulate his devices now.

History: Once working with a group of students and physicists in a large lab, and now... well, now she's got the room for her own! But she has no underlings, so she does have to do everything herself... sigh.

She has seen a human floating in the sea, unharmed by the pressure and somehow visible even in the darkest depths. He seems curious about her, but aloof. The whales seem to like him though, so she won't chase him off.



Other Info:

Void Travelers and Repurposed, Individual characters and information (c) 2022 and beyond, Lethe/Droppin the Fork | Dishonored (c) Bethesda; Half Life, Portal (c) Valve; Fear (c) Warner Brothers || Art assets (c) Bethesda / Arkane unless otherwise specified | Doll assets linked where possible | Any other images credited and/or linked where possible | No use off this site ( is permitted nor will be allowed without specific written request, and will never be available for No Fucking Thanks purposes