Image Credits: plaque and accessories Arkane; head City of Heroes

Name: Bundry's Best Butcher

Gender/Preference: Male, 'still alive'

Age/DOB: unknown age, possibly in mid-30s / his time card says 2nd day, Month of Darkness, but leaves off any year beyond 18xx ** set in 1830s

Faction: Independent, Whaling Industry

Family: None known, none he speaks of

Height/Build: 6'6" / built to suit the industry, he is a burly chested man with more muscle on him than any three men; he has a lot of upper torso strength, each of his legs is thicker around than most aristocrats chest

Hair: if he still has hair it's a dark mess of brown, but he hardly removes his mask save to eat. He does sleep in it...

Eyes: piercing blue, rimmed with blood; no one sees him blink, even through his mask's visor

Appearance: what you can see of his skin is only the sallow light tone under his eyes, or the thick stubble on his chin when he raises his mask to drink. He is likely covered in scars, from a life carving up whale carcasses and fighting in bars nearby. His outfit is designed to keep those blades from harming him should they fly off their frame, thick leather with reinforced metal banding, thick gloves, heavy canvas pants and shirt, and massive boots. His mask - specially designed to allow deep breaths even in the muck and stench of a slaughterhouse... though he often goes without the filters, claiming he enjoys the scent... His voice is exactly as horrifying as the rest of him, gravel against bone.

"He laughs out an apology when he bumps a worker into the grinder. But he doesn't stop the blades."

Skills and Occupation: As a whaler - a real whaler, not one of those 'black magic assassin' types - he is perfectly suited. He loves to cut things, hacking at them with everything from a paring knife to the monstrous whale-oil-powered chain blade shown below. He isn't above using an ice pick to hold something - or someone - in place while he cuts at it. He knows anatomy of both human and whale, intimately in both cases. He is able to carve through any haul in hours, what might take days for a whole crew. He also knows how to service and use pretty much every piece of machinery, big or small, in the slaughterhouse and on any whaling ship. He's not much of a sailor, however, and prefers to have solid ground under his feet, even if it is slick with blood

Residence: it is entirely possible that he resides on-site in the Rothwild Slaughterhouse. As he is the first to be there in the morning, and the last to leave if he does leave, hardly a soul would be brave enough to ask what his address is... let alone what his 'real' name is.

Notable Possessions: Does this answer your question?

Magical Preferences or Abilities: He has no magical ability, and will eagerly slice up those 'whalers' if they linger too long

Personality: Do not cross him. He won't leave much, and it'll wind up in tins sold at market if you're not careful.

Likes and Dislikes: it's all pretty obvious, blood and carving meat, the feel of a strong blade or cutter in his hands, stomping down the concrete and tile halls of the Slaughterhouse, and hearing the screams of the whales - or the men - as he sculpts them into tiny pieces

Fears or Interruptions: that would be admitting he has a fear? If perhaps one peers deeply into his dreams, however, this man's nightmares are filled with teeth and seawater; if others come to the industry for the money and steady work, he has approached it out of anger and revenge

History: One day, a mass of anger issues and blood-hungry curses showed up on Bundry Rothwild's doorstep. He hadn't been on the whaling ships, at least not long, before Rothwild chose him to head up his new slaughterhouse. Thus, it's clear that he's been at this task more than half his life - he's grown an inch or two taller since Rothwild met him, but certainly also grown about twice as thick in the meantime.

He will eat raw flesh off the carcass. Whether it's still alive while he cuts it off, there's the question.



Other Info:

Void Travelers and Repurposed, Individual characters and information (c) 2022 and beyond, Lethe/Droppin the Fork | Dishonored (c) Bethesda; Half Life, Portal (c) Valve; Fear (c) Warner Brothers || Art assets (c) Bethesda / Arkane unless otherwise specified | Doll assets linked where possible | Any other images credited and/or linked where possible | No use off this site ( is permitted nor will be allowed without specific written request, and will never be available for No Fucking Thanks purposes