Image Credits: poster Arkane; figure City of Heroes maker

Name: Gan Kuson

Gender/Preference: Male, he/him; straight, but definitely likes a woman who can keep up with him

Age/DOB: 29 in 1838 / 28th day, Month of High Cold (this is literally the worst time to be born in Tyvia, without light or even a temperature above freezing for the month before as well as after) ** ostensibly set in 1830s/40s

Faction: Currently Independent, but Whalers as a rule

Family: Son of a fisher woman and an unknown father, who may or may not have been an Operator - a secret government police agent; no known children or partners

Height/Build: 5'11" / Muscular and agile, not overburdened by any fat nor bulky 'show-off' muscularity, he is at least as agile as he is strong

Hair: golden blond, takes styling well, usually short as shown, but also quite frequently under a hood in public, or at least a hat, to avoid detection

Eyes: piercing clear green, under often-angry furrowed brows that have ragged edges

Appearance: light with ruddy undertones thanks to Tyvian blood, with plenty of scars and at least one tattoo of the Whalers' mask on his right shoulder blade; sports heavy stubble in brown though he doesn't let his beard grow; heavy frown and brow lines; he is actually a ruggedly attractive man, if you can get him to relax a little with some whiskey and cigars later; he does smell strongly of both the stagnant water of the Flooded District and of cigars

"For a time, he vanished into another world; is that where he picked up the spark of a conscience?"

Skills and Occupation: though he started his life as a sailor, this was not his strongest suit - however he can easily help man a craft if needed. No, now he is a sword for hire, apt with a blade common to the Whalers, wedge-shaped and heavy but still held in only one hand, leaving the other free to work odd magics. He is quite good at navigation, both under the stars on a ship, or across the rooftops, sewers, or streets of any given city. Has no balance issues, and can walk across the narrowest ledge, knows how to break into buildings that have been sealed by the City Watch, also knows how to barter or find goods on the black market, pawning things he's stolen or been given in trade at a good profit

Residence: Currently known to have a location in Paragon City - another world; but also kept a spot up in Dunwall's Flooded District

Notable Possessions: his Whaler gear is all he really needs to survive, but he certainly loves a good cigar and glass of whiskey, and keeps a variety of both in his safe cellar home; also has a sextant that he stole from the ship he came to Dunwall in - the captain didn't know how to use it, so... Enjoys seeking out magical items and history books.

Magical Preferences or Abilities: though his ability to use magic was kick-started by the supernatural bond that Daud gave his Whalers, it seems that Gan is apt to use such powers on his own now, without either a master to dole out power, or a Mark to bring magic straight from the Void. He can use his his sword in his right hand, and with his left performs quick and dirty spell casting: teleportation from one spot to a nearby other, peeking through the Void to see hidden items or the potential footprints of where a living guard or animal might walk, shielding himself or forcing shadows to coalesce around him so that he is stealthy even in broad daylight. He also appears to have had the opportunity or somehow the ability to move between Worlds, and though he doesn't do this lightly - as it is very costly to his magical reserves - he can walk from one into another as long as he knows where he needs to be

Personality: as a youth he was restless, capable of concentrating on hard work but curious about the rest of the World. The difficult life in Tyvia put him on edge, as he was no prince or aristo, or even a merchant - he was not inducted into his father's profession, but rather foisted onto a ship and remains bitter about that. He would have been remarkably good at that profession, as he's got an open mind and learns quickly, in both academic and physical skills. When he first moved between Worlds, he knew that where he'd landed was something entirely other than his experiences could explain. So he learned: Paragon was a city of Heroes - and he'd had enough killing to last a lifetime. He chose this route over the darker Rogue Isles, which he'd also had enough of to last a lifetime. Isles... seem to be the same everywhere.

Likes and Dislikes: likes the satisfaction of a job well done, regardless of what that job is; resting and putting his boots up on a table cluttered with notes and memories, with a cigar in one hand and a tumbler in the other. Does not care for religions, of any sort, but mostly the Abbey's; he will punch you in the gut if you use the word 'heresy' around him. Notably however, he won't stab you for it.

Fears or Interruptions: if the Abbey comes calling again, like they did that one time, without the other Whalers to assist, he might still be bound and helpless from their weird music-box machines. He still has nightmares about that box grinding out a horrific warbling 'tune' that ripped his connection to the Void and thus to any magical powers away.

History: was a native of Yaro, in the nation of Tyvia. But Gan was not happy with his fishing and the cold of the area, and while aboard a whaling ship bound for Gristol he slipped away and began exploring. Eventually he wound up in Dunwall, where he was recruited by the assassin, Daud, and became another sort of Whaler - the kind who kills for coin. He relished the use of the magic that Daud shared with the group, but also seems apt to use it himself without a boost from any other source. With the Whalers being disbanded after their last assassination, Gan traveled looking for magic, secrets, and adventure. Though he is clearly adept with the blade and has killed many, he understands the value of life, and is eager to learn new skills to preserve it rather than condemn.


Name: Selnaith
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Small brown-ranked 10' s / 46' l / 90' ws
Colors: Faded indigo body with paler grey-blue on face and from chin to mid-tail, undersides of wings, rust orange stripes along entire spine from forehead to tail tip, and along wing edges, white points on face, paws, and tail tips; claws ivory, faceted eyes usually green
Features: Pernese traditional (mostly, color and pattern, plus new powers)
Powers: Winged Flight, able to soar and sweep over land, sea, and high into the air with ease; he loves moving over the water around the Isles as well as, inexplicably, around islands on other Worlds like Paragon's. Enjoys fishing from the air, diving hard into dark waters, and bringing back dangerous or exotic fish to feast upon in Gan's new home. On it. Outside, please. Selnaith. Please. There are tentacles everywhere.
Teleportation, he can scoot between and through the Void, accidentally on purpose into dimensions that even Gan doesn't understand. He will always be there when Gan needs him, no matter where they wind up, and he can pick up a carriage filled with people and move them as well, but shh it's okay he's not a demon or something why do they keep screaming about that?
Telepathy, Selnaith is intimately aware of his rider's prior life experiences, as well as the odd connection that he has to magic. They converse at long distances, while the dragon is out miles away to sea and Gan enjoying his roaring fire and a glass of whiskey, and Gan has found himself quite taken with the dragon's mental burr and cadence
Telekinesis, when he is out of energy (rare at best) he can still heft himself into the air and keep whatever he's carrying tucked carefully between his forelegs with this power. He might also utilize it to enhanced his breath weapons, moving them more directly into the right path, or causing the particles of ice and ash to stir into the air behind him, clouding the view so they can get away without being seen
Unassisted Firebreath and Cold Breath, both fire and ice are Selnaith's to command. He's heard that some in his line cannot breathe fire without chewing foul smelling rocks, who wants that? He much prefers to fry things at will! He also likes to quick-freeze things like ... entire schools of fish in a block of ice, and melt it only when he gets it back to the estate...
Parentage: Black Nareth and Brown Vanneth
Origin: Academia de Magica | Art: Mageling - Owner; Jabberwocky - Shading/Shine; Kitelli - Shading; KaiserFlames - Lineart; Nomi - Colouring
Other Info: With several worlds to explore, this proud dragon is smart enough to know when he's accidentally gone too far into a different direction, or strayed from the instruction that Gan has given. But it almost always turns out just fine, so he will pass this off as 'on purpose'. He knows he is quite attractive and dapper, and will remain steady and calm even if people are being annoying to Gan. Sometimes they show up at his doorstep, ready to fight. If he cannot talk them down, the dragon serves as a large reminder that rules like 'don't cross an ex-assassin' and 'this is actually private property' are there for a reason. He isn't threatening, himself, but he knows that softly coddling any invader won't end well. To anyone that Gan does approve of being around, he is protective and kindly, paternal to the dragons that visit now and again, and he will certainly be a good sire and instructor to a next generation some day.

Void Travelers and Repurposed, Individual characters and information (c) 2022 and beyond, Lethe/Droppin the Fork | Dishonored (c) Bethesda; Half Life, Portal (c) Valve; Fear (c) Warner Brothers || Art assets (c) Bethesda / Arkane unless otherwise specified | Doll assets linked where possible | Any other images credited and/or linked where possible | No use off this site ( is permitted nor will be allowed without specific written request, and will never be available for No Fucking Thanks purposes