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Image Credits: frame and charm Arkane; figure Rinmaru Dark Mage |
Name: Gemma Carbanerro Gender/Preference: Female, she/her, straight Age/DOB: 45 in 1855; 23rd day, Month of Hearths Faction: Independent, Black Market shop owner Family: Deceased for the most part, inherited the shop from her mother; had two sons, one died being swept out to sea during a large storm, the other may still be alive but is likely in prison as he was on a contraband shipping ring Height/Build: 5'7" / quite slinky and curvy, no flab, and won't care to be called 'matronly' as she ages quite gracefully Hair: golden blond with slightly coppery highlights, straight and silky, usually done in an up-do, but goes to her mid-back when down Eyes: vibrant sky blue that she often complements with darker versions of in her clothes, under arched and amused brows, flawless liner Appearance: light skin starting to weather a bit, doesn't tan well; she's quite pretty and very much a catch. If she had to go into hiding, she would be able to instantly transform into a slouching, elderly and doddering lump - she knows how to posture and pose. Enjoys the proximity to the Duke's Palace, and all its riches - her clothing is usually very fine, she accents most of her outfits with copper and gold, rather than the local silver; she has a generous laugh, with a high but often sharp voice if needed; she tends to smell of candle smoke or incense from the shop
Skills and Occupation: She has skills in barter like you would not believe, and likes to keep timetables for shipments, as well as several sets of accounting books - one for the front business, the other for everything else she sells. While her shop is located quite close to the Duke's Palace, she has clear ties with specific local gangs and is definitely one to keep their business deals at heart. Residence: Karnaca Palace District, shop tucked away in Amparo Plaza which is where musicians often perform in, with a known Outsider Shrine in the hills directly south of the location. The shop serves more unusual needs than those directly on the main streets leading toward the Palace, and is usually dim, with softer lighting and more shadows to hide illicit goods and heretical items. The back of the location has hidden storage areas, and is well protected. Her apartment upstairs is little different from the mood of the shop, being candle-lit and stuffed to the brim with ages worth of imported books and pretty sculptures Notable Possessions: The Carbanerro Curiosities shop. This location has always dealt with the shadier side of sales, even so close to the Palace, and it's always been run by someone from the Carbanerro family.
Magical Preferences or Abilities: She is not Marked, and feels that if the Outsider himself granted it to her, she wouldn't have the first clue what to do with it, since her life here is rather busy and full already, though she does enjoy imagining a world filled with more magic than bullets. She definitely knows a little more magic than she lets on, since the shop deals in charms, books, and other various heresies. She does keep a few books on the Abbey's strictures or whatever they want up front, but those collect dust. | |||
Personality: Gemma is known to have a wicked sense of humor, and doesn't mind harmless pranks, though if you break the glass of her shop window or goods within, you're buying replacements. She's known to be fair with deals, but firm in debates. She does take sides and usually looks the other way if the Howlers need to ... dispose of things nearby. She also fancies herself a touch of a mystic, and eagerly looks for people that visit the nearby Shrine. Not that she'd pry about what they do there... While a good conversationalist, she's not particularly gossipy or chatty, though she does know how to bend the ear of nearby patrons with hints of scandal, perhaps to lead them on a chase, or score items they might find. Likes and Dislikes: She is very fashionable, and loves having her hair and nails done up. "It's Gemma, pronounced like gum not jump..." She is irate whenever a shipment is delayed or changed, and will put her foot down if anyone wants to drag a bloody carcass across her shop's floor - there's a place under ground for that, take it there! Fears or Interruptions: In a way she more fears the fate of her elder son Charles, as he was certainly 'in' on the secret items in the shop. Hopefully - and she knows this is a horrible thing to think - he is 'only' imprisoned by guards or local authorities wherever he may be, and not interrogated by any Abbey men. She is not sure who might inherit the shop, now that she seems to be the last in the Carbanerro line. |
History: She tolerates quite a bit of nonsense before abruptly deciding play time is over, and though she respects the leaders of the Howlers sometimes she feels they need to discipline their rowdy members, and is not above smacking a thief's hand away from her goods, she does not fear the consequences of doing that, she's old enough to know when to dole out that discipline herself. | |||
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