Image Credits Arkane, Pastelkatto

Name: Pansy Payne (that is her real name, according to all sources)

Gender/Preference: Female, she/her, anyone she likes, she's rather intimidating and some people are into that?

Age/DOB: 16 in 1855, born midnight between 28th of Timber and 1st of Clans, 1839

Faction: Padilla Pirates, a street gang in Karnaca's Padilla Towne district

Family: Unknown direct relatives, but there is a Payne family living in Cullero that lost several family members to a pirate raid on one of their merchant ships a decade ago?

Height/Build: even at the age of 16 she stands 6' tall and is extremely strong, all muscle, and likes to show that off

Hair: bleached dark red, wooly and kept in thick locks which fade at the ends; though they're ususally wild and unkempt looking, she keeps her hair quite clean and free of debris; as shown it's down to her shoulderblades, though if undone and straight it would fall to her lower back

Eyes: yellowish brown, very light in tone and almost golden in the light; large, open, widely spaced, under thin brows

Appearance: reddish tan skin that is somewhat burnt from the Karnaca sun she often runs under; has thin dark lips, a somewhat bulbous nose, and often is growling or grimacing as shown. Prefers loose 'pear colored' clothing that she's clearly lifted from higher-class closets in Padilla Towne homes. Smells of cigars, yes she smokes what of it?! Her voice is raspy and quite loud, menacing, and lower than a typical woman's given her physical size

"If only her mother hadn't stood up to the pirates. But that spirit lives on strongly in her daughter."

See Also: her Carramba Student page

Skills and Occupation: though once intended to help run a shop in Cullero owned by the Payne family, she is actually far better suited to the life of a street kid and pirate. Since she was only a child when abducted by the pirates, she grew up with hard labor cleaning the deck, and constant fighting for her keep. Thus she has an incredibly good sense of who to fight, when to throw a punch, and when to let one land on her - she is unafraid to let someone hit her a few times before she knows just how strong or weak to land her own punches. She's good with swimming, running, climbing, and crawling around in the dangerous alleys of Karnaca, even at her size she's able to slip through iron fences somehow, or leap across rooftop gaps without pause. She can appraise goods but prefers talking about clothing, cloth and gear, and cigars and whisky with her friends

Residence: primarily lives with the Padilla Towne Pirates in their lair which is in one of the forgotten maintenance tunnels near the Padilla Canal, resting directly under one of the main streets in Padilla Towne. Currently moves between the World and Twoarth, however, and has what passes for a residence in Crescent City somewhere near the beach

Notable Possessions: has a trunk with looted coin, jewelry, and the like, as well as a swiped free-standing cabinet for her all-stolen clothing. No one goes rooting around in her stuff.

Magical Preferences or Abilities: none noted, though when she comes across any bonecharms or idols, she will consult with the local specialists about what they might provide or do. She's no fool - she won't just keep something on her or with her gear if it's going to contaminate them with black magic!

Personality: Her fierce will and strong confidence is straight from her mother, rest her spirit, and she has never backed down from any challenge. Even if she knows she'll lose a fight with a superior combatant, she will always ball her fists and let fly. That's not to say she is hot-tempered, she waits until the time is right, and won't start a fight. She will finish one, though... However if you insult her mother, or anyone else's mother for that matter, she will absolutely plaster you to the walls. She is quite vain, and likes looking her best, but also she will sometimes decide to just give people things. Maybe they're stolen, maybe earned or bartered for. But if someone looks like they need that coin more than she does, she'll drop it into their hand and think nothing of it.

Likes and Dislikes: enjoys the feel good well-made clothing, the kind that a street kid or pirate can only have because they've stolen it from someone much richer. She does enjoy going to a tailor and will have most of her clothing re-fit to her size and muscularity, though she often goes sleeveless because sleeves are bullshit (tm). Doesn't care at all for the Grand Guard, but then they're not stupid enough to mess with her without backup.

Fears or Interruptions: Even though they're 'pirates', Pansy doesn't much care for the open ocean, and prefers the bay, shallows and beaches, and the canals for her swimming escapes. Her last memory of her mother is watching her fall beneath the black waves off the coast of Cullero, no land in sight, and that has stuck with her. Though she has no fear of authority, authority doesn't much care for her, and as such the Grand Guard or the local Crescent City PD might be looking to arrest her for theft and assault charges. Some of the charges are true, some aren't...

History: as above, her family ship was accosted off the coast of Cullero before arriving to port, and many members of her direct family were killed in the attack. She was only 6 years old at the time, but strong enough to hold her own, biting the pirates that came too near her, and easily ducking away from them when they tried to capture her. So eventually, she became part of their crew, feisty and even a little dangerous as a kid. She learned how to swim but never liked doing so unless they were docked in a port. While still young, just under 10, they began sending her to scout out locations to plunder in small villages across the Isle of Serkonos, and she did so with gusto. Squirreling away trinkets and baubles here and there, eventually she had to lug aboard a chest for it all, and no one stopped her - who would stop an 11 year old girl who could heft a 150 pound full chest of goods?! By this time, strange things were clearly afoot in Karnaca, with the Duke, Luca, burning through money and starting to allow the Grand Guard free reign to shoot first and take their own 'taxes' from the citizens, even the pirate crew realized things would get worse before they'd get better, particularly on the open seas. So the more experienced sea men left the younger and infirm among them in their canal hideout, and went north along the coast until going into Morley's seas for safety.

When Delilah Copperspoon's coup in Dunwall failed, and things started to change for the better in the Isles, and then just a little later when ... oddly, magic started being a much more pervasive event in the World, Pansy had already become second in command of the canal bound Padilla Pirates. Not wanting to actually lead them, but being a far more than adequate right-hand muscle to that leader, she racked up another few charges of assault here and there before something very strange happened.

The Void appeared to her in a dream, oddly it had started as a dream about her mother, which wasn't as common as when she was a kid. Down, down into the dark sea she'd fallen, dove after her mother's terrified face, but found only an odd black rock surrounded by great obsidian pillars - and whales. Circling in the equally dark sky. She found her mother's spirit then, broken and juddering like the little flakes of rock standing in mid-air; but when she touched the spirit her mother's voice solidified, her gaze turned from fear to joy, and finally whipped away with the chill winds: she was at peace. Along with the bitterness, that fear dissolved, resolution at last found ten years after her death, Pansy realized this was no dream.

He hadn't been walking on the ground, but she still heard him, the Outsider. Something so strange to her, she'd never much thought about him or magic or the Abbey even in passing. They were nothing more than a nuisance to pirates after all. Though they'd surely have killed her just the same as the Guard. But now, here he was, in his black-eyed spooky glory. And he held open a strange portal, to another World. He said one word, "learn", and closed the portal behind her.


She learned quickly, that while they shared the same language and overall habits, the people of this new World, Twoarth, were much weirder and more varied than anything she had ever heard of. Even the distant continent of Pandyssia couldn't have sported people like the ones she met at this school, Carramba High. And at first she was put off - why did they have tails!? What was up with that guy he looked like a squid, and that girl over there had transparent skin! But eventually, she realized that this was a school! She could 'learn'! No pirate would ever have the chance to sit in on courses or even get good tutoring back home, that's for sure. So she dug in. Wasn't great at some things, but still put in at least a bit of effort. Loved the parts where she could let her strength and size be to her advantage!

When would she graduate? That was up to the school officials. They were far more lenient than the local police, that's for sure, and they did keep their eye on her. Reminding her that even if it was 'easy pickins', that she had all she needed in her dorm. Somehow her clothing had come, along with a pouch with what she knew was her own coin from her chest. (And also knew that not one of the pirate crew there in the World would touch it, they were not stupid.) But she had to find someone to help convert that coin to local currency, and honestly? It was a very good conversion rate. She more enjoyed the challenge of breaking and entering, and swiping, and getting away with gear and goods, more than actually... having them. And this she explained to the guidance person, mister Townsend, who wound up running interference with the police to make sure that while she did take stuff - she'd give it back if she didn't actually then buy it from the owner...

See her Carramba High page for skills and classes



Other Info:

Void Travelers and Repurposed, Individual characters and information (c) 2022 and beyond, Lethe/Droppin the Fork | Dishonored (c) Bethesda; Half Life, Portal (c) Valve; Fear (c) Warner Brothers || Art assets (c) Bethesda / Arkane unless otherwise specified | Doll assets linked where possible | Any other images credited and/or linked where possible | No use off this site ( is permitted nor will be allowed without specific written request, and will never be available for No Fucking Thanks purposes