. Darkling Dawn

Jazeel Jair Al-Nayyir (his full name means Strength and Wisdom of the Light), from an '-istan' country that's changed allegiances as many times as it's has wars - currently somewhere between reconstructions (a fictonal country)

Student Gender: male
Background: Pure Blooded, newer family, poor (can trace magic back around 300 years, and before then were apparently priests aplenty)
Personality: Unlucky, Clumsy
Cultural Background: Middle Eastern, atypical (extremely pale skin tone) and is extremely attractive

Attending: House Domina
Equivalent Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Favorite Subject: Special skill - Occlumency
Worst Subject: Animagus Magic
Professional Goal: Ministry of Magic - Department of Mysteries
Year/Age: 3rd year, age 14

Length: shortish, 8.5 inch
Wood: Rosewood (charms)
Core: Gryphon tail feather (bird affinity)
Favored Spell: necromancy

Familiar: magically endowed mini-dragon named Barrok, who speaks fluently in about 3 languages - none of which Jazeel knows. Barrok is not one to interrupt an important conversation, but if he notices his human behaving uncomfortably around anyone, he'll make a good distraction for the boy to get away.

Unique: Magical Damper - sometimes uncontrolled ability to stop magic from functioning around them. Theirs works just fine, but in a radius (from right up close to around 10 feet away) magic is unlikely to work exactly the way it ought for others. Can concentrate on this power to focus it on one person or event, shape it into a shield-like shape, or cause it to function only at a greater distance. This is very, very exhausting.

Quidditch: tries but can't play very well (because, well, having to concentrate on both flying AND not making other people not fly is quite hard...)


Jazeel thought that everyone ought to ride a dragon at least once in their life. He thought that of course, the moment after he was allowed to ride on Zora's beautiful golden one. She'd offered to bring him back to his home for the short break between terms, and since travel costs were quite high - and danger abounded in attempting to go to and from his home country - she felt more comfortable just taking the few hours out of her own schedule to do it.

Jazeel liked Zora, if anything because she never ever chastised him or yelled at him for having accidentally nullified magic around him. Though it clearly made her - and other professors - uncomfortable when it happened to them, some of them reveled in it, and she always wound up laughing if she got caught in mid-spell. It was Zora too, that encouraged him to pursue the refinement of this odd ability.

A lot of the people here at her House Domina seemed to have interesting powers or abilities outside of typical spell and charm magic. Waving a wand around was only the first step for some students. He was told early on that Hogwarts wouldn't have him, he lived too far away and Jazeel suspected that the rebellion going on in his country would soon sever ties with the western world entirely. That didn't leave too much hope for his or any other family, especially ones which had to also protect themselves from being found to be supernatural.

Jazeel knew better than to display any kind of aptitude or knowledge of things beyond a typical young teen, when he was in his home town. His family along with only two others had been long known to be cast with suspicious looks - they were witches after all. Not everyone out here had been purged the last time such people were sent to burning pyres or hunted and hung or drowned.

Zora told him then, when they were coming into the airspace over his village, that he must absolutely concentrate on keeping his damper field down for her, while she protected them from being seen. His excuse for suddenly having shown up that day was that 'well didn't you even see the truck? last one in the convoy? come on, everyone knew I was coming home for a week or two'...

What wasn't as easily concealed, was the gift that he was given by his great grandfather when he got home that day... It was the egg from which Barrok hatched. Thankfully Jazeel had gotten back to House Domina before he did hatch, that gave him a little time to consider what he could do with the little dragonet when he was to return home.

Once Jazeel got back to school, things were as always hectic on some days and horribly dull on others. He practiced with his class mates, got good advice from one or two professors and a ghost here and there about how to use his abilities, snuck in a trip to the local store for snacks... and returned to see more dragons out and about. They were such a wonderful addition to the campus. But not everyone in the school had befriended them, there were still folks who refused to even get near them for whatever reason.

Jazeel was hardly one of those! He could sense their clarity and purity, see the intelligence in some of their eyes. Heck, even that big black dragon had his own library! If Jazeel was to go to work solving - or keeping - mysteries, he would love to be able to see those exotic tomes some day! Or show up to a meeting from the back of a dragon, now that's something that he thought about from the first time he saw any one get near these great beasts.

Earthly dragons weren't friendly, but none of these were Earth dragons... somehow. Zora eventually caught his eye and he walked over to the group of riders. "I know you've wanted to ride again," she said, "how about trying to find your own dragon bond?"

"I would love to!" He said, and Zora nodded with a grin.

"Then there is a place I'd like to take you, and I'll be there to check whether you bond."

Shortly, Jazeel was packed up and ready, they headed away to a 'suburb' of Darkling Dawn's main areas where several stunning hatchlings were preening themselves, showing off, and generally being adorable. Entranced, he stumbled forward (when didn't he stumble? well, sometimes when he was riding a broom he was really, really well balanced... too bad for everyone around him, eh?) and found himself staring into the eyes of...

They swam with warmth, a mix of green and blue, these eyes of hers. He knew her name, Bharith, and he spoke it without even considering the consequences.

The brown dragonet sneezed, breaking eye contact and causing Jazeel to pause and then burst out laughing. "Oh Bharith, you've got sand scratching your nose!" He reached up and brushed away the sand that had collected on the tip of the brown's nose, gently. She tumbled into his arms, purring, tail stirring up more sand than before!


By the time Jazeel was in fifth year, Bharith had grown to most of her adult size. She wasn't as big as other browns of Pernese descent (there were some booklets about such things laying about on one professor's desk) mostly because she was female, not male like most of those. But still, she was a sturdy, strong bodied girl, and she aggressively adored flying around the school. She could not breathe fire, at least - there was nothing for her to chew up around here (she didn't even like the thought of it, after her hatching she was careful enough not to get mouth or nose full of crud!) to produce a spark. But she was more than happy to provide the speed that Jazeel wished for when he played Dragon Quidditch!

He didn't have to worry about stopping anyone's magic while on her back. It was as though the connection between dragon and human had clarified his power, given him a boost to understanding and controlling it.

When she wasn't near by on the other hand...

Well, at least he could now visit home, or even rescue his family and friends there should they need it, whenever he felt like it. Learning how to teleport was quite easy for this student. For his mind was very clear and precise, and finding out information and gleaning images for locations was something his occlumency training paid off. If he could imagine it, he could visit it... Well, they could - Bharith had her limits, but anywhere on their earth was within them...


Dam - Semi-zappy blue (f) Hunmorin

Sire - Brown Faharith