House Domina Personalities

Uma Khayali, Care of Magical Creatures and occasional Taxidermy instructor

Female, age 35

Hair - blond; Eyes - green; Skin Tone - white with fur

Preferred Clothing - usually she wears the skin of an animal (unicorn) to adopt its powers. When she's feeling human, expect her to be in normal everyday t-shirts and jeans. Don't expect that often, she loves that feeling of fur.

Specialties - Uma is an animist, not just an animagus, but she is able to acquire the appearance and abilities of an animal (usually magical) by wearing its skin. Yes, that means she has to kill and skin it. That's part of the ritual, believe it or not. She does however care quite a bit for animals, both magical and mundane, so it often creeps people out that she loves them to death like that.

Weaknesses - She is the chosen concubine of a wild spirit that inhabits the northern forests, and at his whim she will return to his side. He does occasionally show up in human or elk form at the school.

Wand - Uma doesn't need a wand, she has a horn. The horn is from the unicorn that she killed first, it actually is a solid emerald growth (like the hooves of this animal) and casts an eerie, greenish light at all times. It's almost 30 inches long, one doesn't want to mess with this wand. Ever..

Familiar - does her mate count?

Unusual Studies - she'll pick apart her food, as well as any nearby roadkill. She's like that. But she also has the ability to cure ailments from the common cold to cancer, poisons retreat from her touch, and when she's in full unicorn shape she is downright terrifying.


Snow Thestral!

Uma's not sure when this guy arrived, but he is certainly fit for winter. His skin, while still taut and hard around his ribs and shoulders, shows a glistening kind of snowy-icy-white. His lovely wing sails are a bright contrast to everything else. Especially other Thestrals.

((DNS Winter Gather dragon 2007))