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Epona Wellspring, witch in training Student Gender: female Attending: House Domina Wand: Familiar: none Unique: Were - has been bitten by a therianthrope (a were-pony) and during both full and new moon phases (three days each) can change consciously - though the middle day she is unable to return to human form at all. Quidditch: doesn't care for that sport, loves watching and participating in duels though. |
Yes, bitten by a werepony. It sounded much more embarrassing than it turned out to really be. Plus, as a young child when she was bitten, those adorable plastic toys were all the rage among Muggle families, so she knew it couldn't be that bad to turn into one! Well that was her five-year-old self talking there. But still, she's worked with it. Never underestimate the power of a pony's hooves, after all. Her shapeshifting might change even more over time. She'd started as normal - only the sight of the full moon in the sky would change her. Then, as she developed more magically and began attending junior classes as well as normal school, she learned about the Animagus power. Willing herself to change seemed like something that would be very handy. After all shouldn't she then be able to change back at will? Well, not quite. At sixteen she's able to force a change twice a month for a few days extra, but is at the whim of the moon. And worse: she managed to make herself change during the new moon as well and that created a bit of a stir among those who were watching her progress. Of course there were people watching. All known werecreatures must be monitored, lest they get out of control. Fortunately ponies don't always get aggressive. And naturally: she picked dueling as a potential profession...She'd never bite anyone, oh no. But put them on their butt with a well-placed spell? You bet. Over the course of the decade since she's learned to live with her affliction, she has also learned that sometimes, it's best to show up as a pony when you're not expected. At least that way, when you change back into a human? People will be relieved to know it's only you crashing their party. Epona crashed several parties, which was probably why her harried parents hauled her off to House Domina after a time. She just did not fit in well with other students at the Northen Academy of Magic, and Beauxbaton's outright refused her - even though her great-grandmother was a Veela and related to one of their founders. Domina seemed like the very place that could rein in (pardon the pun) their somewhat unruly child. |
Oh yeah that didn't work very well. Because shortly, Epona was enamored of the idea of finding dragons that would suit her personality. She got them in spades. (( will write more later)) | |
Name: Lurvigath [Smol Fluffball] Gender: Male Parentage: Mooseth (w/ Contributions From Ank-Ahr, Beo, Kane) Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Unhindered Flight, Conjure Shadow Clouds, Alter Weather (Minor), Breath Weapon (Ice) Personality: Kind, Understanding *** Name: Mooreth [Beeg Moose] Gender: Female Parentage: Mooseth (w/ Contributions From Ank-Ahr, Beo, Kane) Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Aura Of Warmth & Comfort, Breath Weapon (Burning Mist) Personality: Sentimental, Witty *** Name: Risuth [Raptor Squirrel] Gender: Male Parentage: Squirrelth (w/ Contributions From Amri, Illioloustos , Ouryu) Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Breath Weapon (Lightning), Wind Tunnel, Great Leap Personality: Troublesome, Idealistic |
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