Name: Faraji (means consolation)

Student Gender: male
Background: Half-Blooded (mother), well off
Personality: Aesthetic, Unsatisfied
Cultural Background: Black, mixed features (hair hazel green metallic, skin made up with peach and red-brown tattoos) and is very attractive

Attending: Small Local School
Favorite Subject: Astronomy
Worst Subject: Magical Transportation (non broom)
Professional Goal: Journalist
Year/Age: 6th year, age 16 (almost 17) - legal adult

Length: long, 15 inch
Wood: Hazel (wisdom and wrath)
Core: Roc feather (air affinity)
Favored Spell: dissilusion charm - to make Muggles think it's allllll normal here

Familiar: green-copper blended female Swooper, from IGPC

Unique: Weirdness Magnet - strange and wonderful (and sometimes dangerous) things happen around them all the time

Quidditch: plays Keeper spot, is pretty good

Faraji & Zorion Ra'lu

Name Meaning: happy - Portuguese
Parents: black Yugure and white copper Hontori Ra'lu
Color: black
Gender: male
Size Range: medium
Height: 11'8"
Abilities: verbal speech - can speak out loud
psionics (teleportion) - can move self and others to a different location instantly
dragon magic - magic that is in the blood
metal sense - can sense metals even at a distance or if burried
metal manipulation - can change the shape and properties of metal

Zorion has a bit of attitude, but that's backed up by his size and his power. He's pretty much in everyone's business, whether they like him there or not. Though he seemed a little shy at first, he wanted to seal the bond with his human firmly, before rollicking around with the others.

One thing he's enjoyed practicing, is creating armor or items from metals around him. Though Faraji tries to dissuade him, Zorion often winds up in Muggle junk yards rooting out the 'good stuff' and bringing back with him piles of raw (and sometimes smelly) materials. What he makes with those however is very clearly superior to any forged items. Even custom-pressed steel can't match his weapons, he's offered to create special shields for the Aurors in case they need them. Perhaps those, or smaller items like rings, bracers or bracelets, or torcs could be enchanted for protection!