Midnight Snacks
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** 2024 **

"I know they had something like that at school," the one mage said, "you could pick up a little snack or sacrificial tidbit on your way to class. It was pretty cool."

Those classes were not here in Wonder's school - they had been a student down toward the coast, at Carramba High. And the 'something like that' they mentioned in passing, was a kiosk that sold live or recently-killed prey for those obligate carnivores or students who needed a little something for a class that they'd forgotten to pick up before school, for their magic classes. While this pair of vampiric dragons had not actively visited Crescent City for the bulk of their stay here in the hills, there was a day not very long ago that they decided to do so.

"They have night classes too," someone commented, when they expressed their interest in a map leading toward that selfsame school. They both realized that it would be easier and quicker if they just ... asked directions rather than wandering around getting distracted by the towns and freeways between Wonder and Crescent. Or better still, hitched a ride with one of the families that had students down there?

In the years that they'd been roosting in that empty warehouse, Basanar and Sorophan had attracted just enough attention for people to know that it was their place, and not enough to cause any trouble. And they had found work - night shift and security patrols and even some amount of pest control here and there!

It just wasn't ... enough. They wanted to participate! And as they heard more from former students, staff that lived up here, or even just the suggestions that got batted around at any given town meeting, they realized that there was a niche and they intended to fill it.

And tummies. They could fill their own as well as supply things to the town.

Now they needed a business licence and maybe some refrigerators...


They needed a little more than that, but in the end, their warehouse home became the distribution point for their new shops. Turned out, rather a number of people in Wonder were more night-centric and bored out of their minds - and didn't want to keep forcing themselves to work day jobs when they really didn't tolerate sunlight very well.

So now, scattered around town were their outlets, with one actual true storefront in the mall! And while it would be true that there were some permit issues at first, turned out that having the mayor's daughter on your side got things done... After all, having both live animals for food and sacrifices and on-site candy and donuts would normally be strictly health-code-restricted... With enough magical and technological preparation, they could coexist in one rather odd shop.

Midnight Snacks, when you need a sugar rush or a sanguine infusion, they've got it covered! In sprinkles!


Name: Basanar
Gender: Female
Height: 6’9” at head
Color: White
Marking: Black Dorsal Stripe
Face Marking: Blaze - Gold

Abilities: Shapeshifting: True Bat
See invisible; Turn Invisible
Blood Vision
Fast Healing
Moon Magic

Personality: clever, sneaky, often a prankster but would rather watch chaotic activities than be part of them

Halloween 08 and 09 from Starfyre Info on Vayamir

Name: Sorophan
Gender: male
Height: 6'7" at head
Color: White
Marking: Dorsal Stripe - Gold
Face Marking: Mask - Gold

Abilities: Shapeshifting: True Bat
See invisible; Turn Invisible
Blood Vision
Fast Healing
Telepathy (Hypnosis/Control)
Functional Immortality
Limited Teleportation
Shadow Magic

Personality: sly, slick, a ladie's man in draconic vampire form, but upon finding Basanar he is extremely protective of her

Halloween 08 and 09 from Starfyre Info on Vayamir

It wasn't too much to ask that they have a proper delivery service coming out of that warehouse, was it? In the end, no it wasn't! The semi- and fully-undead types around Wonder kept themselves quite busy thank you very much, and there was no shortage of parties, events, catering, and the like that needed just the right mix of 'sweet and salty' to add to their buffet table or their ritual circles.

Who knew cupcakes with jellied blood interiors would become so popular? Sure they got their share of complaints when unwitting human parents tried to accommodate their kid's friend who 'was a furry they like this kind of thing right'? But with experience came skill, and marketing became more important as their kiosks reached out with their distinctive spooky themes and purposefully turned off those who might just 'happen' to want a snack. What was a mouth-watering slightly-furry donut hole that smelled of ichor to one student might be a quick trip to the restrooms for someone else.

"Humanely sourced, what does that even mean?" Someone at the midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show said that one time.

"If you have to ask..." was the attendant's reply.

Either way, the dragon delivery girl was here, and he had to unpack the coolers and put them in their temperature-controlled displays, and get the deep fryer ready for the actually-sweet stuff!

That delivery dragoness sure did sparkle in the spotlights outside the mall's theater, though!


Name: Glaazd (glazed)
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium, 13'3" s / 55' l / 80' ws
Colors: Metallic Rainbow Sprinkle; body remarkably shiny faintly blue-chrome; armor more boldly metallic sprinkle rainbow; webbing and wingsails opalescent fractured rainbow sprinkle with a white base; spines and horns black-chrome, claws opal
Features: Semi-Dead/Unalive Mutt; very shiny hide (varies per dragon), armored belly; four legs with three-toed clawed feet plus thumbs on fore; two large wedge-shaped ragged leather wings with a single finger, split small finger, and wrist thumb all with long claws; head is studded with small spikes on nose, jaw, forehead, with two long skin covered horns(?) over external ears; neck has webbed spikes extending to shoulders; three tails with central having spiked webbing, the others smaller with forked ends
Powers: Winged Flight, speedy and sure in virtually any wind or weather conditions. When things get jumpy or turbulent, she can always just zip away, but anyone watching her fly can see those gull-like wings of hers serve for this purpose flawlessly
Teleportation, can easily reach the coast from up in Wonder, and is expanding her known destinations to include places as far as Black Mesa down in New Mexico!
Telepathy, capable of reaching any sentient mind within about 500 meters to converse, and up to 10 miles for a ping
Thought Scanning, Glaazd finds it much easier to gently dig for 'who ordered the-' on arrival, than to try and query at large. Might not want to give away the flavors or even the presence of the treats being delivered! She can delve fairly deeply but chooses not to, because anyone expecting these deliveries will certainly have it on their mind, or near to the surface anyway. Can identify the right person to deliver within about 50 meters so she can glide slowly over a street to find the party house!
Charm, Glaazd doesn't necessarily want to be the 'life' of a party, she's undead after all, but she can easily wheel and deal, get a great tip from deliveries, and generally not make much of a fuss if she does inadvertently wind up at the wrong house - she exudes a kind of sweet scent to go along with her very pretty exterior, and no one can really stay mad at her for any length of time, even if the cupcakes are still alive...
Fire Magic, though she isn't particularly great with the fireworks and flame effects that some dragons might display, she uses her magic to keep small things warmed up or candles lit with the flick of her head, mostly party-favor level stuff - but it's enough to keep her job fun!
Parentage: Icuus and Pinth
Mate/Offspring: none yet
Origin: Rainbow Glitz 2024 clutch
Art By: Phe, Derivative Works
Other Info: How'd she even know that Wonder needed a delivery girl?