Candidates for the Darkling Dawn Fauna Frenzy (( New link )) Characters from dollpalace (which vanished in 2017)

Student Gender: male Iokua Anaru
Background: Half-Blooded (mother), lower-middle class
Personality: Unique
Cultural Background: Islander (Asian), atypical (eyes peach) and is pretty/handsome

Attending: Small Local School
Favorite Subject: Muggle Studies
Worst Subject: Entertainment and Communication
Professional Goal: Muggle Protector
Year/Age: 4th year, age 14

Length: long, 14.5 inch
Wood: Willow (fertility)
Core: Roc beak powder (binding power)
Favored Spell: colloportus - to close and seal a door

Familiar: none

Unique: Animagus - forced themself to learn to transform into Weasel

Quidditch: performs as a practice Referee

Bond: Sasper

Sponsoring: Shina

Student Gender: female Bahtyia Noor
Background: Half-Blooded (one parent and a sibling), lower-middle class
Personality: Bold
Cultural Background: Middle Eastern, atypical (eyes goldenrod) and slightly feral in appearance

Attending: Small Local School
Favorite Subject: Entertainment and Communication
Worst Subject: Runes
Professional Goal: Wizarding Wireless Network Reporter
Year/Age: 5th year, age 16

Length: shortish, 8.5 inch
Wood: Mahagony (transfiguration)
Core: Werewolf fur (shapeshifting)
Favored Spell: flying magic - spells that allow the caster to swoop through the air!

Familiar: none

Unique: Animagus - forced themself to learn to transform into Quail

Quidditch: doesn't care for sports

Bond: Chibirias

Student Gender: male Vahan Nagib
Background: Pure Blooded, newer family, middle class
Personality: Elitist, Unique
Cultural Background: Middle Eastern, typical and is pretty/handsome

Attending: Small Local School
Favorite Subject: Special skill - Legilimency
Worst Subject: Potions
Professional Goal: Inquisitor
Year/Age: 5th year, age 15

Length: average length 11.5 inch
Wood: Poplar (rebirth)
Core: Phoenix tears (healing affinity)
Favored Spell: emotional manipulation and pressure attacks

Familiar: all animals (non-magical) respond to them

Unique: Animagus - easily transforms into Gorilla shape

Quidditch: plays Chaser position, plays adequately

Sponsoring: Azoeba

Sponsoring: Roan

Sponsoring: Crynnelan

Student Gender: male Zvonko Spiridon
Background: Half-Blooded (father), very wealthy
Personality: Gluttonous
Cultural Background: Eastern European, typical and is kind of unattractive

Attending: Small Local School
Favorite Subject: Entertainment and Communication
Worst Subject: Scroll Scribing
Professional Goal: Auror
Year/Age: 4th year, age 14

Length: long, 15 inch
Wood: Manzanita (exotic)
Core: Pegasus tail hair (defensive spells)
Favored Spell: finite - a charm that causes all nearby magic to stop

Familiar: none

Unique: Animagus - easily transforms into Wolf shape

Quidditch: performs as a practice Referee

Bond: Ghanen

Sponsoring: Erythia/Shuka (bonded heads)

Sponsoring: Alondra (bonded to Ghado)

Sponsoring: Ghado (bonded to Alondra)

** NOTE that this was 4 pages now all in one long, sorry for the length and image spam **

They'd almost always been a foursome - it was always Vahan at the helm, with Bahtyia beside him, Zvonko and Iokua happily making a mess to clean up later. To say that any of the four were remarkably responsible or mature would be a flat-out misconception. They wanted responsibility - later.

They wanted some fun, right now. Even the somewhat Iokua, whom no one would expect would be around the more boisterous trio, always had something up his sleeve. He adored Muggle life, having come from a beautiful island where technology was rare at best, and magic was growing far more common. They had two signs of real Muggle community in their area: one TV station, and one wireless internet provider. The fact that most homes in the area didn't actually have electrical power was of little consequence. Iokua figured that the internet provider actually was a front for some kind of online money scam anyway. Their island kingdom was barely a dot on the map anywhere even close, but it was independent, and could be said to have all its own laws and rules.

Witches and warlocks had come through - there was never a time when someone wasn't arriving via a portkey or a very chilly magic carpet ride. Not very long before, a mainland school had been established which he was invited to, House Domina. Before then, it was just 'ask Grandmother!' or 'find uncle Anakapop!' for his education. So Iokua eagerly took up the task of heading to the northern England countryside. He froze - it was so cold, just as wet as he knew it would be but he was used to warm rain! And not all this fog or snow!

But he adjusted. And was easily taken on by the existing trio - making their Pack one stronger.

Vahan and Bahtyia had come from the same small middle-eastern village. Fortunately for them, plenty of other people there had magical abilities, and the place had been passed over by both the Crusades and the more recent ethnic cleansing which surely would have had the whole place burnt to the ground. They intended to keep it that way. Sending the pair to House Domina three years before was difficult for their parents, but certainly wound up doing well by the kids. Bahtyia had to convince her parents that much harder - her brother had already been killed by simply saying the wrong thing at the wrong time on a vacation to a nearby -istan. They clung to her, but finally realized that she would be both far better off in an area which openly accepted witches, and she'd become experienced enough to defend herself once she came home.

Zvonko... Everyone was half convinced he was a werewolf anyway. Someone must have bitten his family, because his one long eyebrow and extremely pointed canine teeth simply put most folks on edge.

However, no evidence of that exists. He did have to be subjected to a rigorous bunch of testing, but it was determined that he simply was an incredibly good Animagus, having started at an early age, and even if someone else in his distant family had been a were-creature, that was no reason to bar him from coming into the country. He couldn't pass on anything terrible if he bit someone.

He did bite, occasionally, but he's managed to get that more under control lately...


A quail, long-tailed weasel, wolf, and of all things a gorilla trundled through the halls. Mostly people got out of the way for the gorilla. Few people had actually ever seen one, there was a zoo but it was more than four hundred miles away and no one felt much like comparing. Vahan was exceptional at his transformation ability, as was Zvonko's. It was when the bird and little weasel tried to get back into their human shapes that they required a little help.

Professor Lucas Kalkin the dragonmage waved his hand, and they reverted to their normal shapes abruptly - along with the rest of the class, whose task it had been to remain in their animagus shapes for the whole day before. They had been excused from other classes, and some twelve students at the small (but growing) school romped in the grass, flew above the grounds, climbed the trees or roosted in the belfry. Lucas seemed fairly impressed at the group of students.

"Some of you need to work up a bit more background on your chosen form, and some need a lot of help getting in and out of it. I think you," he indicated the Pack, "should pair off with each other and help out to get them up to speed," he indicated three younger students, one of whom had remained in a gecko form sitting almost petrified on the instructor's desk. When the spell was broken, he sat up and scurried back to his desk, hiding practically below it. "Take the form, break it down again," he recommended.

A passing grade meant that they could enjoy a little rest in his class, the end of the term was coming up and it would mainly be 'guess the animal name' from then on. So they helped out the kids, and each other, until mostly they'd gotten it down.

Now, they had to concentrate on their other courses. Because they weren't in the same year, they did split up for the rest of their classes, Zvonko and Iokua, Bahtyia and Vahan together. Bahtyia groaned, "I hate runes, I hate them with such a passion! They read backwards!"

"You read them backwards," Vahan chuckled. "It's those potions I cannot get right. Cooking is woman's work!"

"Tell that to the gnome!" Bahtyia chuckled, as their instructor for that class was in fact a man.

Elsewhere, at the Farbers' class, Zvonko and Iokua got to learn a little more about the different locations where magic was strongest. Dotted around the globe were hotspots, connected of course by the ley lines of power.

"Why do ley lines always seem to wind up pointing to a volcano or a hill?" Asked Zvonko, "and ... why is it people always seem to live on volcanos, anyway?"

That made the class chuckle of course, he soaked up the laughs. Ben Farber nodded, quieted the room and explained that there were plenty of natural forces at work everywhere, pressure and changes in the ground itself could cause not only earthquakes and volcanos, but magical stress fractures and ley lines to form or vanish. "Good question on the second part, wish I knew..."


Nearly everyone came out for the dragon-quidditch matches, some lonely student or other sat in the library or up in their dorm where it was quiet. By now, the teams were well adapted to the game, though it had to have newer rules invented, and a much bigger grounds to play upon. The old quidditch pitch was used still, by regular broom riders, many of whom were also dragon-quid players. Today the emphasis was on the furry team - they had bigger dragons, but the skins team had faster ones. It wound up being Skins winning but only by points, they certainly wasted no energy chasing after the flitter who served as the Snitch in the game. They dedicated everything to moving toward the goals, and sure did a lot of scoring.

It was obviously the goal for a lot of the students that they eventually become a dragon-rider, not everyone was well suited to it, but at the very least everyone understood one very important thing: these were not Earthly dragons, they were from elsewhere and when, and so to compare these with the brutish and often terrifying earth-dragons (aside from Lucas's mate's tribe, who were none the less terrifying if they were not brutish in the slightest) was to be looking at apples and computer chips. They were that different.

"I think I'd like to find a dragon that's small, and likes the ground a bit," Bahtyia said.

"But you fly!" Said Iokua, "what's the point of having a grounded dragon if you fly?"

"What's the point of gaining extra wings, when I can fly?" She countered. It was a good thing they were discussing things this way too - for within short order that week, they had an Animagus and Transformation final involving 'why they chose their Animagus form' and, they were brought to Zora for final dragon-worthiness. The final came first and they grilled each other about it until they had their speeches down pretty well.

The class was rowdy, but that was hardly the point. Students were encouraged to get as wordy or as short with their explanations as they liked, but they did have to come up to the front of the class to do so.

"I like my peacock shape," said one girl, "because it's beautiful and very pretty!"

"Pretty loud, if you ask me," said a boy. The class chuckled, but then the girl came back.

"Coming from the Siamese cat who yowls when he's stuck on the roof," she chided, and the whole class erupted in laughter.

"I saw a quail at my home village," said Bahtyia quietly, "they aren't very common, and even if they were, they'd be very hard to spot. I don't mind being the center of attention when I'm trying to talk gossip," she caused some cheering - she'd already gotten an award for public speaking and in her Communication class had taken high honors. "But when I'm not trying, when I just want to investigate something, I can change into a small enough bird that not too many people notice, some mistake for a pigeon, and I can blend in. I can take all the notes I need to, in my mind, and then write them down for talking later..."

Next up was Iokua. "Even though some people think that the weasel is a pest," he was instantly interrupted by several voices (including his friends in the Pack) who proclaimed him a pest, "they serve a very important role - they control the rodent population. Imagine a whole field of wheat, being devoured from below by voles and hare? Well it's the weasels who take out most of those little things, not birds and not coyotes or wolves. No one needs a bunch of pesticides if you've got a good family of weasel around. Now... they do like to frolic a bit..." He forced himself to change, and did a very bizarre flipping-into-the-air dance, and then with more effort he changed back into human form, "that's to confuse the prey - works like a charm!"

The class applauded and Lucas granted him extra points for having transformed quickly during the speech. That was something he had to watch for, struggling one way or the other could lead to a dangerous encounter. If he shifted too quickly he might hurt himself magically, if he went too slow he might get eaten or killed by something or someone who thought he was in fact a pest.

Zvonko was up in a bit, he prowled up to the front of the class in his wolf shape, and as he often did, kept his canine ears. "Wolves are awesome. You ever watch a wolf?" One of the winged wolves living here cleared her throat, and everyone laughed, "no, a real wolf, without wings? They rely on each other, they take down prey that's much bigger than just one could ever handle. And they do so control the rodent population, they survive in the winter sometimes on nothing but mice!" He changed quickly and then pounced onto the ground, arched neck and extended paws in the traditional 'mousehunt' posture. Changing back, this time to fully human form, he completed by saying, "there is no wolf who would want to be alone. I like my Pack just fine." He strode back to his desk, shared with Vahan, who stood.

The room went quiet again, when he transformed into his gorilla shape. It was magnificient, he knew it and they knew it. He hadn't grown into a Silverback of course, that would come as he aged a bit. (Then again, he hadn't really tried: at least one girl had a male color scheme on her bird-shape, he knew it was possible for people to choose the other gender, why not a little age in the process?) He then sat with his back against the stone podium of the class, and spoke. "Everyone knows gorillas are rare, they may even go extinct soon." It drew a collective gasp - no one could do that, maybe parrot shapers, or the like, but ... this? "It is hard to speak, this way - but what if all gorillas could do it? What if they could all learn sign-language?" He shifted back into human form, tall and strong looking. "They would say stop killing us, they would say please give us our land back. Some day, I might have to go down to the last places they live, and scare the pants off some rotten poacher. They'd never come back, but then... Everyone would want to see the talking gorilla. Sometimes I hope and I pray they can find a place, where no one goes. Sometimes I wish they could all be saved."

The class went quiet again, it was all true. There was something wrong about this amazing creature vanishing literally before their eyes. But... Perhaps they'd get a voice.

The rest of the class had their turns, and soon enough the day was over.


"I heard about you lot from Lucas," Zora said, sitting on the edge of her desk with her hands propping her up, and her heels kicking indelicately into the front of it. "And I've been hearing other things, from the dragons... There's something for you, something special. Something rather specific in fact."

They perked up with that. It turned out there was a frenzy of sorts that had been set up among dragons who showed some kind of 'animal' in their appearance. From butterflies to weird two-headed xeno-dragons, there were a mixture of things out there available.

"It's possible you won't all find a dragon, or might find more than one, but I think you'd do us justice if you'd go. Sineus and her dragon, along with myself and my gold will take you there. So... Get packed! You'll be back ... before grades go out, if you catch my meaning?"

They didn't, really. But Iokua got it into his head to root around for the information. While everyone was packing some clothes and whatever else they needed, he was in the library looking at the more recent additions to the records. Dragon records, to be specific. Right next to the tomes on the Red Bellied Burner and the other earth-dragons, was a book collecting at least the Domina Dragons in one volume. It listed among other things, how their abilities could be used.

When they got sorted up into the dragon field, Iokua leaned over and whispered to Vahan, "we're going to be traveling through time, there and back."

"Really? Cool!" Said the dark-skinned boy. Bahtyia looked a little skittish about that but it was way too late for any worry. And of course, Zvonko had a sandwich packed halfway into his mouth as he ran up with his bags.

"We'll be headed to a place called Darkling Dawn," Zora said, encouraging her dragoness to pick up Vahan and Zvonko, the larger of the boys. "You'll be introduced to the people running it, and I expect you to behave. You're emisaries from our school, so do well! I know you can, just act normal, you're going to be okay."

Iokua and Bahtyia mounted up the peacock-colorshifter that Sineus rode, and very shortly they took off. Now, all of them had ridden either a broom or a carpet before, and Iokua had been on a dragon's back because one of the students wanted to take a picture of them in flight, his own dragon simply really enjoyed being ridden. So they found a person to sit - and he loved it. And naturally, Bahtyia knew flight inside and out, it was one of her best subjects.

But the feeling of having a massive creature, all muscle and bone, real and live and warm below them... It brought Bahtyia to tears, and caused Zvonko to hollar and howl.

They arrived - it was cold, bitter and weird cold between worlds. Vahan swore he heard voices coming to him, in the darkness of the Nexus. But they came through fine, and circled overhead until they were cleared to land somewhere appropriate.

And sure enough - there were dragons. More than they'd ever seen! And in so many different shapes and colors! "Now, remember, you're here from House Domina, act like it."

"Rowdy gypsies and lesbian vampires, on the way!" Zvonko cheered, as they unloaded.

Odd thing was... Zora only laughed and flew up to her own temporary quarters while they would be here... she didn't exactly tell him no.

(( formerly pack2.htm ))

They settled in pretty well, relaxing because it was hardly a Muggle world, there were all kinds of other things to do and see in the meantime outside of a bit of studying and learning about the parents of the nests. After a few days, they got the go-ahead to start visiting individual nests as they wished. Because of the parents' appearance, Bahtyia was interested in one particular clutch here.

Ainkar Jariane's long body was curled around her clutch when Bahtyia approached the hatchlings, but she looked at the quail-shifter calmly and gave a slight nod of her head.
Several exuberant hatchlings ran up to her immediately, all of them shooting questions at her and jostling each other, but one particular hatchling stood out to Bahtyia.
She was a little female with rather plain brown feathers, and she hung back from the group a bit, but it was clear she was not shy, just a bit calmer and more patient. She gave a toothy smile, and Bahtyia knew this was the one for her. "My name's Chibirias, Bahtyia!"

Bahtyia was excited, but she showed it in her bright smile, nothing fancy. They would make a great team. "Oh when you learn to fly, your wings are going to be so beautiful!" She commented, as they went back to a more private spot to learn more about each other. And sure, the boys were jealous - Zvonko the most, probably, because of his more eager and more outgoing nature. But they all stopped by to congratulate her, look over the dragonet, and wonder which of them would be next!

Name: Chibirias
Race: Winged Snake Demi-god/Crow-dragon
Gender: Female
Color: Brown-Yellow
Size: 24'
Abilities: Verbal Speech, Telepathy, Teleportation, Very long-lived (1000s of years), Major Powers over Rock and Earth
Personality: Usually friendly and cheerful, with an upbeat, optimistic personality, just as long as you don't get her mad, because she turns into a raging demon when her extremely long patience runs out, and only her bond has any sort of control over her then. She is otherwise a stable and sensible dragon.
Notes: Sort-of demi-gods in the same way Kukulcan is sort-of a snake-god. Very powerful in their element(s) and long-lived, but otherwise mortal. The kids all possess a mask that they wear as they get older. The gems on their foreheads and bodies indicate their elements, and their big feathery wings grow out from the rainbow bands on their back.
Bond: Bahtyia

Waiting until well after most of her siblings had found partners in a bond or sponsor, Raevale finally succeeded in coaxing a shy, grayish white hatchling to the candidates. She wavered a bit, unsure, but finally stretched her neck up to meet Iokua's eyes and let out a pleased hum.

May I go home with you, Iokua? I won't be any trouble, I promise. My name is Shina.

Iokua laughed gently, warmly greeting his newfound friend. But that wasn't all! Shina was soon followed by another hatchling that couldn't have appeared more different. The golden-yellow hatchling was obviously from Chylandra's clutch, and her hide was heavily spotted with black markings. She bounced rather than walked over to Iokua, radiating happiness and excitement. I wanna go! I wanna come too. Can I, Iokua, can I go with you too? Oh, I'm Sasper, by the way.

It was more than he could ever have imagined, but Iokua took it in stride as he would whenever things suddenly changed. The Wheel of Fortune certainly spun around for wizards like him. He felt much closer in his heart to the cheetah-patterned female, their bond was more solid than the dolphin dragon's, but certainly Shina would be a terrific addition to their Pack. She'll have to reside mostly in the nearby chilly lake, but that will merely give the group a good reason to head down there more often.

Name: Shina
Race: Pernese/Dolphin Dragon
Gender: Female
Color: White (Chinese White Dolphin)
Size: 19'
Abilities: Telepathy, teleportation
Personality: An extremely shy and quiet dragon, Shina can be very sweet and compassionate, but she gets scared easily in social situations and isn't very outgoing. She can be kind and helpful towards people she knows, though. She appreciates her solitude, but she also loves to explore, and is never found in one place for very long.
Notes: They need to be near water, and they're quite honestly happier in the water than out, but they can hop around on the land with their flippers, like a sea lion. (As Shina gets older, she'll become more white than grey)
Sponsor: Iokua

Name: Sasper
Race: Pernese/Malnev Dragon
Gender: Female
Color: Cheetah-spotted
Size: 21'
Abilities: Telepathy, teleportation, assisted firebreath, flight magic
Personality: A bubbly and outgoing dragon, as gregarious as Shina is shy, Sasper can be a bit overbearing, even crazy in her hyperness. She's a bit clumsy when excited and tends to break or knock stuff over with her tail and wings especially. She loves to be around other people, though, and even tries to get Shina to come out of her shell on occasion. She likes to talk too; unfortunately she doesn't always pay attention to what she says.
Bond: Iokua

A pair of dragons hatched from Chylandra's brood at the same time, tripping over each other in their haste to get to the candidates assembled nearby. The much larger orange male growled irritably at his sibling, but the white hatchling paid him no mind, glancing over the candidates and sponsors cheerfully, even chatting with a few of them, until finally she came to Vahan.

I think you're the most interesting one here. Can I stay with you? Vahan was happy to oblige, and Azoeba crooned happily. And while it was clear that this friendship would be a good one, there was more to come.

Seeing where his sister was heading, the brown-striped orange dragon hesitated, wandered around a bit, but finally went to join her. I don't particularly care to be around Azoeba, Roan grumbled, But I guess there's nothing to be done about that. Azoebe stuck her tongue out at him and slapped him with her tail.

But that wasn't all either. Possibly the natural attraction that animals felt toward Vahan, and his toward all animal life, meant that there was one more of these younglings on the sands that was looking for him. As he wandered by another group of hatchlings, one of them strode into his path and glanced up at him, weighing him and his new sponsors in her mind. She was a large dragon for her young age, and covered with three-toned fur, but her eyes were shrewd. I'll go with you as well, I suppose. My name is Crynnelan.

Oh yes, this would be an adventure.

Name: Azoeba
Race: Pernese/Malnev Dragon
Gender: Female
Color: Black-Striped White (Tiger)
Size: 19'
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath, Flight Magic
Personality: Azoeba's very social and outgoing, but it could hardly be said she's normal. She's got a very odd sense of humor, and she has a tendency to laugh for no apparent reason, or make jokes only she understands. She gets exasperated sometimes that no one understands her, but on the whole she enjoys her weirdness and the reactions of others.
Sponsor: Vahan

Name: Roan
Race: Pernese/Malnev Dragon
Gender: Male
Color: Brown-Striped Orange (Tiger)
Size: 29'
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath, Flight Magic
Personality: He's pretty easy to upset and he doesn't like being teased. That doesn't stop Azoeba, of course, but if it were anyone else, they'd probably get a fireball in their face in short order. He can also be pretty stubborn and headstrong, always wanting to do things his way, but in the right mood, he listens well and is willing to take the advice he's given.
Sponsor: Vahan

Name: Crynnelan
Race: Pernese/Catdragon
Gender: Female
Color: Calico
Size: 39'
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath
Personality: Crynnelan makes a big show of not giving a flip for other people, but deep deep down she not impressed with humanity (or dragonity, whatever). She's very harsh and quick to judge others, she doesn't go easy on anyone, but that goes for herself as well, and though she may not show it, she does have some self-esteem issues and worries overmuch about the faults she sees in herself.
Sponsor: Vahan

(( Formerly pack3.htm ))

Fairly soon, Zvonko was the one who got to be praised and congratulated. For out came a batch of hatchlings just for him!

Well, perhaps not JUST for him. The brilliant blue Ghanen trundled up to him first and placed his huge paws on Zvonko's knee. "There will be plenty of work to do, but I will never ignore you. Look, look, here they come."

Zvonko did look, and there were way too many heads for the number of bodies arriving toward him! The slinky and already-elegant two headed leopard-patterned one approached first, and it was clear that hir two heads didn't necessarily think the same things. Zvonko heard their chatter in his mind.

We'll be fine, but you should say hello too. I don't want to, you've already done it and here we are. No, Zvonko we are not arguing.

"I... okay, you're not arguing, but who are you?" Zvonko heard two distinctly different genders there, he wondered did this creature also have...

I am Erythia. I am Shuka.

"Well it's great to meet you!" Zvonko said. In his mind, however, he heard a third voice, that of Ghanen.

They are together more than just in body, my friend. They share a bond not unlike our own. Even if they could be parted in body, they would never be parted in soul.

Zvonko nodded.

A very dark and reasonably small creature scampered up to the trio (foursome?) and gave a barking laugh, sped off again, and was shortly chased after by a two headed, slightly lighter leopard-colored female. They led a merry chase around the others, until finally collapsing together.

"Ghado and Alondra," Ghanen announced. "They are together, wishing to explore with us."

Apparently this time, the one with two heads didn't have different personalities in them: she yawned at two different times, but had the same exact stare in her golden-yellow eyes as she looked up at Zvonko.

"Well this should be all kinds of fun then!" Zvonko cackled. Now he was a real pack leader!

Name: Ghanen
Race: Winged Snake Demi-god/Crow-dragon
Gender: Male
Color: Blue-Green
Size: 32'
Abilities: Verbal Speech, Telepathy, Teleportation, Very long-lived (1000s of years), Major Powers over Water and Wood
Personality: Ghanen can be stubborn, but also easily excitable and energetic. He is extremely friendly and outgoing, with a love of meeting strangers. He is surprisingly intelligent, though he prefers to keep his knowledge to himself most of the time, but some of his comments tend to surprise people.
Notes: Sort-of demi-gods in the same way Kukulcan is sort-of a snake-god. Very powerful in their element(s) and long-lived, but otherwise mortal. The kids all possess a mask that they wear as they get older. The gems on their foreheads and bodies indicate their elements, and their big feathery wings grow out from the rainbow bands on their back.
Bond: Zvonko


Name: Erythia (Left)
Race: Pernese/Catdragon
Gender: Female
Color: Spotted Brown (Leopard)
Size: 34'
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath
Personality: Shy and withdrawn, she prefers to keep to herself, though she is close (in more ways than one) to Shuka. She falls in love easily, though she finds it difficult to talk to whoever her latest crush is. She is surprisingly intelligent, though it is something that few people other than Zvonko and Shuka ever see of her.
Bond: Shuka
Sponsor: Zvonko

Name: Shuka (Right)
Race: Pernese/Catdragon
Gender: Male
Color: Spotted Brown (Leopard)
Size: 34'
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath
Personality: More independant than Erythia and not as outgoing either, he is friendly for Erythia's sake but otherwise very quiet and even rude if his short temper is roused. He is very intelligent, though logically-minded and not as creative as Erythia.
Bond: Erythia
Sponsor: Zvonko


Name: Alondra
Race: Two-Headed Jaguar Hydra
Gender: Female
Color: Brown-spotted Yellow (Jaguar)
Size: 36' long
Abilities: Telepathy, teleportation, vocal speech, illusion, shape-shifting
Personality: Friendly and outgoing, Alondra is quite extroverted and a bit of a flirt. She does have a bit of a rebellious streak and doesn't always do what she's told, especially if she thinks she has a better way of doing things. She is not the smartest dragon either, and tends to get confused easily.
Bond: Ghado
Sponsor: Zvonko


Name: Ghado
Race: Hound/Lynaxi
Gender: Male
Color: Black-Green
Size: 25' long
Abilities: Vocal speech, camouflage, darkness breath
Personality: Very protective of Alondra, he is not as daring as the hydra, but he is willing to follow her into whatever trouble she's gotten into. He is as friendly and outgoing as his bond, though, and likes to explore new places and meet new types of dragons.
Bond: Alondra
Sponsor: Zvonko

(( Formerly pack4.htm ))

It was indeed an adventure, to say the least. Before they'd grown into their teenage size, the group of ... how many dragons?! Came along with Zora and Sineus (it was a good thing those two dragons were as large as they were, anything less and they'd be needing a bunch more!) to arrive back at House Domina in time for dinner.

Literally, that same day.

They'd grown a little, a few months had been spent just tending the hatchlings as needed. Some of them needed to learn to fly a bit, some to control their own inner magic. For that, they relied on the clutch parents for the most part. Communication and getting to know one another was equally important.

Zvonko and his friends, his own now-huge pack, arrived triumphantly and enjoyed the crap out of the attention their extraordinary dragons got.

Sasper and Shina are still as disparate as they come, but each has their own best-suited environment available to them, and thrive in their own ways. Speedy and not quite as agile as one might hope a quickly running cheetah-dragon would be, Sasper laughs off any tumbles she takes, and patrols the entire school perimeter.

Shina keeps to the waterways, and is glad that there are dragons and wizards alike that have an interest in making more places for her to explore, such as underground caverns and narrow but very deep streamlets (don't go wading in those marked with her distinct sigil, you'll get carried down into her pool).

Chibirias did indeed grow into her lovely adult plumage, though slowly. She uses her golden-brown coloration to blend in with the surrounding stones, many of which she's shaped - and she has helped the school create new outbuildings and structural caverns below to avoid notice (and to house more dragons safely!).




Azoeba still loves the way people respond to her as she tells a very bad pun, and has taken to keeping the local sheep and goats in line... by pretending to be a zebra. >_> look no one said she's right in the head.

Roan has stood up for 'the little guy' after noticing any bullies in an area. He isn't as over-sensitive about things these days, but has a strong defensive streak that he puts into use.

Crynnelan has a momma-cat attitude a mile wide, and will keep her green eyes on the antics of younger kids and dragons alike, making sure that no one gets into too much trouble.

Ghanen puts effort into the work he does around the school, producing not only those watery areas for Shina but bridges and naturally-shaped dens made of living trees. He is clever with how he arranges these hidey-holes, and only those who are allowed to use them even know where to look.

Erythia and Shuka (bonded heads) remain rather a private team, and have taken it upon themselves to make sure that there are no pest animals around the school grounds. When the Pack - and many other wizard students - graduate and are ready to move on, they remain at the school for this reason.

Alondra has grown into one of the biggest dragons in this pack, with Ghado managing to keep up with his bond somehow even though he's hardly half her size now. He does still keep her out of bad trouble, and does a little damage control here and there, when she decides to 'dress up as a human' at times he has had to breathe out a darkness to cover it up when people realize she is absolutely not what she seems!