Name: Tashi (meaning prosperity)

Student Gender: male
Background: Pure Blooded, unpopular, lower-middle class
Personality: Elitist
Cultural Background: Asian (Central Asia), typical and unearthly in appearance

Attending: Hogwarts
House: Slytherin
Favorite Subject: Care of Magical Creatures
Worst Subject: Entertainment and Communication
Professional Goal: Gardener
Year/Age: 3rd year, age 13

Length: average length 12 inch
Wood: Pine (life wood)
Core: Veela hair (charms)
Favored Spell: impedimenta curse - a curse that stops things from moving

Familiar: ghostwing sky blue male Key, shimmer blue male Lock, from the IGPC

Unique: Animagus - forced themself to learn to transform into Lion

Quidditch: plays Beater position, plays adequately

Tashi & Tezcatl Uena'Silex

Name Meaning: serpent king - Aztec
Parents: black Karnak Unena'Aisi and blue-brown Malome Rufasilex
Color: green
Gender: female
Size Range: medium
Height: 12'8"
Abilities: verbal speech - can speak out loud
telepathy - can speak mind-to-mind with others
teleportion - can travel/transport others to another location instantly
blood magic - has magic in the blood
conjure fire - can conjure fire of different magnitudes
occasional clairvoyance - can perceive things that are not in sight or that cannot be seen randomly

Tezcatl is bold, blunt, and strong. She's not one to mince words, or waste time. She's not brutish in any way, though, after all she is a bit of a mystic as well.

Because Tashi's House was almost entirely shunned after Voldemort's demise, he has a lot to make up for when people find out he was among Slytherin. Tezcatl will come to his aid in any way she can, be it by a-hem-ing at the right time in polite conversation, or blasting a bolt of fire between him and anyone getting too physical.