Name: Adrian Liu

Student Gender: male
Background: Pureblooded, but not very impressive magically
Personality: Very laid-back, unimpressed, almost completely unfazed by anything that happens around him. However, he is a 'doer' and not always just a 'thinker', he's the kind of guy that is resting because he's already finished his homework and moved on to more important things like watching movies or a Quidditch match.
Cultural Background: Islander (Asian), atypical (brown hair) and is average looking

Attending: Hogwarts, Griffindor House; Domina
Year/Age: 5th Year, 16
Favorite Subject: none, equally proficient in all, good at flight
Worst Subject: none in particular

Professional Goal: goals? pfff.

Length: long, 13.5 inch
Wood: Oak (good for strength)
Core: Phoenix feather (flight strength)
Favored Spell: broomstick riding - transport or sport, either way it's useful

Familiar: none

Unique: none

Quidditch: plays almost any position very well, quick in the air, but wouldn't want to do it as a pro because there's too much pressure

Name: Joseline Jones

Student Gender: Female
Background: pure blooded, family has many squibs
Personality: Observant and kind, has an overall good opinion of anyone before she rushes to judge; very thorough and keen to understand any situation.
Cultural Background: northern European, typical in appearance, considered attractive

Attending: Hogwarts, Griffindor; Domina
Year/Age: 5th / 15
Favorite Subject: Journalism, History
Worst Subject: Potions

Professional Goal: Journalist

Length: long, 15 inch
Wood: Mahagony (transfiguration)
Core: Centaur hoof powder (fleet travel)
Favored Spell: imperturbable charm - to prevent eavesdropping, prying in or opening

Familiar: siamese cat named Princess

Unique: a very rare Passive Seer, has a very easy time in any Divination class because 'things just make sense' to her.

Quidditch: ugh no, but my oh my those boys on their brooms are very good at it don't you think?