Name: Gideon Fleetwood

Student Gender: Male
Background: Half blooded (father wizard), well off
Personality: very shy in large groups, but talented and charming with smaller ones or when he's in his element. Dueling gives him a very good boost especially since he's good at it. Unfortunately for all the girls in school (or where ever!) Gideon is very clearly gay, and though he doesn't make any kind of fuss about it, he'd prefer others keep quiet about it. He doesn't mind the girls dangling off his muscular shoulders after all, but he'd far rather have the guys do it.
Cultural Background: European, typical appearance, very handsome

Attending: Hogwarts/Hufflepuff house; Domina
Year/Age: 5th year, 15
Favorite Subject: Charms, Dueling
Worst Subject: Arithmancy

Professional Goal: Duelist?

Length: long, 14 inch
Wood: Manzanita (exotic)
Core: Dragon heartstring (magical power)
Favored Spell: pressure manipulation and heat attacks

Familiar: none

Unique: none

Quidditch: oh no, that's much too physical. Prefers the intimacy of dueling over a big crowd any day.

Dragon: Paramazineth

Name: Lyra LaPaine

Student Gender: Female
Background: Unknown, raised by a 'pack' of animagus or were-wolves; this fact was hidden from any official paperwork, when she was sent to Hogwarts.
Personality: Very focused, and enjoys hard work as well as relaxing play. Almost always thinks of the emotional or long-term results of actions, and will help remind people of those effects if need be.
Cultural Background: East Indian, atypical (white colored eyes), average in appearance

Attending: Hogwarts / Hufflepuff; Domina
Year/Age: 5th year, 15
Favorite Subject: Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology
Worst Subject: Charms

Professional Goal: animal related field, magical Vet, or ?

Length: average length 12.5 inch
Wood: Peach (abundance)
Core: Pixie wing dust (size magic)
Favored Spell: fidelius charm - a way to keep secrets very secret

Familiar: large half-kneasel feline male named Purrnace (like furnace, only with ... purring?)

Unique: possibly a shapeshifter or even a were-creature but it's unclear since she does not consciously wish to be one.

Quidditch: prefers hunting or camping for her outdoor activities