Wonderful Scares

Name: the Lintsmith

Gender: Male, only interested in other Dustbunny types

Age/DOB: immortal, dust bunnies don't count years like humans might

Origin: Under The Bed (Currently: Wonder, California, Twoarth)

Family: unknown, maybe he'll find a partner and have lots of little dust bunnies!

Other: Partners in crime with Kialtani, and no he didn't create the creature as much as he'd like to claim he did

Height: Shown Actual Size

Weight: dust does not have weight

Hair: Charcoal black, very curly and fluffy including the ear tips

Eyes: blue, like his favorite swiped marbles

Appearance: dusty off-white skin but can adopt darker or lighter or even odd tones based on the amount of color in the local lint under the bed. Very Long Ears with tufts on their ends, has a high squeeky mouse-like voice but can manage creaking, moaning, the sound of feet, etc; will make you sneeze whenever he's around because dust

Endings Chess: Magic set, Black side, Queen's Knight; created in 2007 for 7th Sanctum's contest of a month

Image Credits: Lethe

Abilities: very strong telekinesis that helps him lift things that are much bigger or heavier than he is, or collect tiny particles of dust; uses these things to assemble into much larger devices, items, even bestowing temporary life to them via an animation power. He can cast a voice through a doll's mouth, cause marbles or ball bearings to roll out just in time to step on them and slip and fall, or making off with That Pen You Needed Just Now. All of these things, no matter their size, weight, or durability, can be placed in the various pouches he carries, and stores for later use. He does require a space somewhere under a bed, or behind the fridge, or up in the closet behind the holiday ornaments, in any house that he inhabits. He will keep all his collected crap in that area until he must vacate, at which point if he hasn't used the items in anything else, they'll just tumble down from the rafters or roll out from under the bed when cleaning is done. But if he has used them, they come with him pretty much forever, or until he forgets he had it, or there's a better, shinier version of that thing he finds in another house. Lintsmith is able to scurry from shadow to shadow as long as there's a small amount of light, but he also thrives in an entirely dark environment like under that bed or in that closet corner. He freezes and either cannot move or doesn't move when a light comes on, and humans don't seem to actually see him even if he's right there. They will, however, see the pile of junk and collected lint he's got with him, which usually prompts both vacating the area and finding a new home. He lives alone, outside of any Dust Bunny community, and appears fine with this, since sometimes other communities will move in after he's gone, and benefit from the things he leaves behind.

** from the original contest entry, which I've deviated from a little bit since it's been more than long enough and I've already forgotten most of it...
Lintsmith ((wacky fantasy class generator))

This guy puts you in mind of a mysterious shadow. He has round eyes the color of turquoises. His luxurious, curly, black hair is short and is worn in an impractacal style. He has a graceful build. His skin is pale. He has prominent ears and a weak chin. His wardrobe is complicated, and is mostly green and yellow. ((general person generator))

In the murky, sunless depths of the World Below The Bed, a quiet civilization dwells. Linked through magical portals often found in shoeboxes, discarded socks, or even made from the lost necklaces or bracelets from Mom's Jewlery Drawer, the inhabitants are sedate and normally somewhat simple minded. However, there exists an elite group of creatures known as the LintSmiths, who are directly responsible for the creation and maintenance of the defenders of the World Below: the Dust Bunnies.

Since the inhabitants of this strange and even elusive world are never quite the same every time they're seen (when they are seen at all, which is rare indeed), it is difficult to put an appearance to these LintSmiths. But in general they appear bipedal, elfish or impish in proportion, and extremely feral yet at the same time almost arrogantly noble. Their keen intelligence and very good eyesight allows them to spot even hidden bunches of dust, lint and other detritus. Upon gathering this raw material, the LintSmith entwines it with strands of metal, fiber or plastic also scavenged from Below the Bed.

At this point, their creations are ready for the final stage: they are given brief and sudden life. They are often responsible for scaring children (being seen as reflections of bead-eyes, the spare claw or whip of a tail from under the bed's lowest hanging curtain of covers) and they are useful in patrolling the borders of every territory. They spare the rest of the normal inhabitants of the World Below the Bed a horrid fate: they are often sacrificed in their dormant state to the Great Sucking Monstrosity that visits almost every territory on a regular basis.

To say that the people of the World Below are more afraid of Humans than they are of us would be forgetting that most inhabitants are all but fearless themselves. The LintSmiths are responsible for keeping the peace, therefore, and almost certainly prevent any kind of dangerous interaction between the Human world and the World Below.

Typical LintSmith stats:

Intelligence: high
Ego/WillPower: medium to high
Psionic Ability/Magic: high but specific
Strength: low
Dexterity/Agility: medium
Health/Endurance: low

Skills found in most LintSmiths:

Spot Hidden Objects
Electrical Knowledge
Knot Tying and Untying
Material Identification

Social Systems of LintSmiths:

There are few female LintSmiths, for whatever reason the lack of desire to make things out of dirt or fluff has excluded many females of the same physical type as the males from really gaining in ranks. However there are a few, perhaps three in twenty are female.
LintSmiths live solitary lives usually only meeting in private groups of three to ten on nights of the New Moon. They are also opportunistic, when a territory is left unattended for extended periods of time they spend more effort creating and scouting out in the dangerous Land Outside the Bedroom. Some small pockets of LintSmith works and civilization can be found in downstairs couch corners, in discarded storage areas, and in disused guest rooms aplenty.
A young LintSmith often tinkers without the ability to embue their creation with life. Slowly they grow in their magical abilities, and with practice they begin to animate small portions of fluff or beads. Over the course of a LintSmith's life, they can learn to animate whole Stuffed Beasts, which is a practice all but forbidden in the most dire of circumstances.
Only the quantity and quality of a LintSmith's work determines their rank among the group, and rarely does one group conflict with another's territory. The instances of 'Sleepovers', a natural disaster which often both destroys the work prior and creates huge new opportunities for sleeping-bag tears and child-frightening, are always a time of danger and celebration.
For all intents and purposes, LintSmiths, like all denizens Below the Bed, are immortal. However they are not ageless. Many of them prefer an older, more wizened look complete with hair springing from unexpected places, and beards that contain plentiful raw resources. Some however enjoy a more sleek looking youthful appearance, having slowly noticed the accumulation of popular plastic toys in the form of Human females. They do not take a female shape, unless they're actually female.
There is a small splinter community which lives in the Attic Above, but the LintSmiths only know that their distant kin in those slightly brighter and much more exposed places are quite wild and more prone to use natural predators to frighten humans. Some have even been seen to ride huge spiders - but that is speculation brought only through the screaming of young children forced to 'look up in the Attic for it'.

If a LintSmith dies, it is a very sad occasion. Sometimes this occurs with a complete reconstruction of the Territory: moving day it is called, and every territory's inhabitants dread this moment. If one fails to escape through the magical portals in time, there is very little recourse to learn what fate befalls the missing Smiths.

Skills or Profession: Lintsmith is exactly as his name implies. He may have started as a mere dust-bunny, pushing lint and glitter and the occasional nut and bolt around under the kitchen cabinet. But at some point in his past, the little doodads started getting very fun: small marbles, bearings, jacks and beads, childhood toys and items that small chubby hands couldn't exactly keep a hold on. Otherwise as above, he's a magical being capable of animating anything from a pipe cleaner with googly eyes to a full GI Joe platoon of action figures.
Personality: He will never outright take something from a child, but he will make note of where he's last seen those little beads or the shiny roll of star stickers, and the moment that kid looks away, it's gone for good. He's more of a builder and maker, not a thief, but he definitely lives up to the dust-bunny creed and does a good bit of scaring wherever he resides.

Events or History: Lintsmith is a loner but not alone. It seems to be his goal to find as many different nooks and crannies as he can fill with his gear, oh and speaking of gears if you lose one from a play set or even a fine wristwatch, he's got it, no problem.

Pet: Not so much a pet as a small friend who has begun hanging on branches near the homes where Kialtani and Lintsmith haunt, this little Batty Squirrel just showed up one night, around midnight... maybe even the same night that Kialtani met Lintsmith? He doesn't remember, but he does know that for all their potential disasters, this flighted creature can also pack a bunch of food (or... other stuff) in its mouth-pockets, right? HOLD THIS PLEASE! WE GOTTA GO!
Name: Rusted Nail (Rusty, or Nail); Male, around the same size as Lintsmith (maybe longer from nose to tail tip than he is in fact); By Trix, Lantessama for Autumn Giveaway 2024


Name: Kialtani, 'scream'
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: generally if you see him from head to foot he's around 7' tall, or at least he looks about that, it might be just the angle, always trying to make a child look up, or an adult look over their shoulder...
Colors: Brown-Orange-Yellow
Features: apparently bipedal with 6-fingered bat-like skeletal wings, having what looks like thin threadbare burlap netting in place of wingsails; taloned toes and fingers including very very long ones on wings; medium tail, all very slender and gangly, with straw 'fur' at tail and spine, lower legs, wrists and elbows, and around base of neck. Frightful muzzle with glowing eyes and mouth, two back-pointing horns
Species Info: Possessing no true identification of their own but borrowing such terms as "scarecrow", "bubak", or "boogeyman", these creatures are not a species so much as manifestations of dark energy that sustain themselves on the fear of others. They are nocturnal predators, never seen in full light, and are not averse to forming small groups of 2 to 4 with like-minded entities
Powers: Whatever is needed. In fact he waits for dreams and nightmares and wild stories to be passed around before deciding the best course of action to shake up those kids, or startle their parents just enough to get a treat for himself... Flight, sure, with those wings... well, yeah that strange whistling noise combined with a bit of fabric flapping in the wind, that's him. Or maybe just the curtain by the open window, right? Right? Doesn't do well with being in the light, so all you will ever see is a shadow, a form, part of a claw, those glowing eyes. In the mirror, looking through the peep-hole in the front door at 1 AM, rustling through the rose bushes beside the gate. He knows just where to be, and for how long. With the combination of his efforts and the little Batty Squirrel, and Lintsmith's work, they can find all the discarded junk from a group of kids when they've left the playground at dusk, oh did you need that hotwheels car? too bad, it's his now.
Parentage: none known, have no biology so they just kinda exist
Origin: drawn by Phoenix for Autumn 2024 giveaway
Other Info: When Lintsmith needs a quick escape from the vacuum cleaner, if there's even a little bit of an open window somewhere in the house he can tap on the glass three times and Kialtani is right there. Kialtani lurks outside the second- or higher stories of a home, sometimes slowly brushing the roof shingles with his rasping talons, others just getting right up close to the glass and staring intently inside.