* Character Info *
Name: Zoe Valentine
Age: 14
Birthday: August 11th
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Gender: female
Hails From (City/Country): Talon City California / USA

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 112 (lanky, long limbed)
Hair Type: afro, tight, styled/cut
Hair Color: dyed tan-red
Eye Color: light honey-yellow
Ethnic Background: black

Mother: Eldice Valentine (nee Gibbs) - voodoo practitioner? *stepmother*
Father: William Valentine - enchantments, runs a shop filled with wife's stuff
Siblings: step sister Anise (mother's daughter)
Cousins: not likely
Aunts/Uncles: not likely
Other Relatives: possibly

Likes: making fun of those she sees as less worthy, going to parties, fashion, superhero-wear and makeup, television, magic sports, competition
Dislikes: having to share, having to study, restrictions on where she can go or when she can go out
Hobbies: collecting sports items or memoribilia
Personality: Born before her stepsister, and endlessly proud of this fact. Zoe is proud, almost arrogant, she is good looking and knows it, can attract anyone she really puts her mind to.
Favorite Class: Charms/casting (love potions too?)

* School Info *
Wonder's Wonder's Year: 4th
Wand: sharp pale Ash wood with phoenix feather core, 10" long

* Pet Info *
Name: Millicent
Age: 6 years
Gender: female
Species: red-tailed boa constrictor (who would love to eat Jack)

* Other Info *

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