Name: Javi Torrez [hah vee]

Gender: Male, straight

Age/DOB: ~15, aged, RY6 Post-Hallow

Origin: Rookery-born to Color Guard/Pantheon parents

Family: Mother Maroon, father Jamie, half-sister Mercy

Other: Considerably more outgoing than both of his parents and quite interested in the things going on around him, Javi is highly likely to have plenty of girlfriends

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 130, quite muscular and toned, though only marginally stronger than a normal person; extremely agile, and reasonably fast, clearly above a normal expectation on those counts even without any Icarus

Hair: dark brick-red with deeper undertones than shown, shaggy, kept back in a tail but is actually past shoulders, has facial hair and often stubble but keeps it shaved nicely in order to impress the ladies; quite thick and expressive eyebrows

Eyes: Orange-brown, much more unnaturally shaded than merely a bright brown color, large, observant, can go sexy-hooded

Appearance: medium fair skin that tends toward tanning deeply bronze, with a few small scars here and there from running around ruins and forests, and like his dad prefers sandals or bare feet to shoes because he 'likes to feel the ground with his toes'. His belt has pouches and trinkets on it, and he often has a satchel with him that has basically all his worldly goods; has a somewhat high voice, not boyish, but hardly manly menacing; notably he smells of freshly cut grass

Genetic Abilities: Like both of his parents, Javi is an animal-tuned lad, with strong telepathy and empathy with avians and animals overall. He does have human-based telepathy as well, but it is fairly close range (within 20 meters), though his human empathic power is reasonably strong at that distance, and he often uses it to make sure that people are enjoying their time at the Grounds' park. His job there relies on his stunning ability to command multiple dragons, if 'command' is what he does with the Swans. As most geese, ducks, and swans without any draconic influence are extremely strong willed, these dragons do his bidding somehow - no other can possibly command them, not even Paxton. A contest of wills with a dragon, even one with strong Vortal ability, will go in his favor virtually every time, even if they're mammalian or reptilian in nature. Normal birds simply do as he tells them, though they don't 'flock' to him, they never shy away from him either. He seems able to communicate with terrestrial avian species and understand 'bird talk', and that is something he's claimed is both blessing and curse for the obvious reasons. His range on communication with the dragons is over 2 miles, and command is within 50 meters, so he tends to remain near at least one of them at all times just in case... For normal, non-Vortal animals the range is doubled. There is no limit to the quantity of either, though when he's around the dragons and attempting to work with them specifically, birds will wander away on their own without commands.

Image Credits: Doll Divine / Azalea's Dolls Arabian Nights

Icarus Processing: none, both of his parents technicall have had it done, though Maroon's is by virtue of being entirely created in the lab. This does mean that his pyhsical properties are 'as is', but he's strong enough Vortally that it's clear he does not need - nor want - this processing done.
Skills or Profession: Afforded a toddler-hood, unlike quite a few of the kids of either the Pantheon or the Color Guard, since he was born after the Hallows event he wasn't aged until he was around 3 years and then only to a pre-teen. Even then his abilities were quite strong, and as such he was given downloads during aging that help with his biological sciences, animal handling, recognition, and care. Survival and wilderness training come quite easily, and he can live off the land indefinitely, though he vastly prefers not to. His skill with people is actually much stronger than either Maroon's or Jamie's, he likes acting as a go-between and can understand the weak points between dragon and human interaction.
Personality: Kind, eager to keep people happy, but not a pushover. He frequently uses his empathic power to make sure that people aren't just trying to get him to do their work for them, or to do something that is cruel. But he's adept at helping 'the right folks' hook up, 'accidentally' putting a girl on a swan with someone unexpected, or causing tweeting birds to make too much noise for someone to hear folks making out on the swan ahead of them... The Carnies think this is absolutely amazing, beyond the fact that his dragons are based on some of the most aggressive birds they'd ever seen in their own world. He doesn't make the mistake of thinking that his dragons will 'like everyone', just because he might like someone - they're picky, so he's no fool. Also they can literally bite your head off, so he makes certain they're in a good mood before he allows anyone near them.

Events or History: Because his powers are quite concentrated on avian types, and there are actually rather fewer birds than expected on the Rookery, he was put into the Mansion's care, given that it's got a good amount of actual-nature around it. This was very shortly before the Grounds opened - and once they did, he actually grew up around the Hippie kids. He went in for aging right along side some of the youngest of that group, so he fits in with them much more than in any other area. No one really knows quite where these big swan-like dragons came from, but... after having heard the stories and seen the remnant props left over from the Carnies 'tunnel of love' ride, he knew exactly what his role on the Grounds would be. They have a very nice and somewhat-crafted stream meandering through the area, where these dragons reside, and he's been working with the Carnies as well as some of the Pantheon to get an actual 'ride' worked up. The dragons are reasonably amenable to being ridden, they don't have to do much work at all, so they're fine.

He works out of the Water Wheel house, on the stream just south of the Coffee mountain, and just north of the Carnie Hub. Notably, unlike many of is peers in that specific age group, he does not attend Carramba High at all, sticking with what's available on the Rookery itself for the most part, as needed, which is to say not a lot because of what he does for a living. He is very content to do this for the rest of his life, honestly.

Dragons / All

Features: Swan Dragons, avian-based dragons with four legs and two wings, very long necks and very short feathered tails; they greatly resemble swans, pelicans, ibis, flamingo, and other such long-necked birds, including their attitude and personality; their neck is at least half their full body length, including tail. They spend much time in and near the water, their feet are webbed, and their beaks are geared toward fishing rather than other pursuits. They can hold their breath for varying amounts of time, but require air, their beaks have nostril holes at the end for this purpose, to stick out while under water and breathe with ease.
Their plumage is colored genetically, rather than relying on any food to produce. (So, Mingo's pink coloration is the result of her red and white parents, rather than from eating lots and lots of shrimp...)
They are omniverous but tend toward fish and water-based animal life, and will eagerly eat fruits and breads if offered or discovered - these dragons must be kept away from the orchards, for that reason; they have a large gullet which they can store things before they get digested - their digestive tract is actually more draconic than bird-like, and for this reason anything that they swallow can still be retrieved if done soon enough.
They are able to fly, but also able to swim fully submerged, their bones are hollow, and while they are quite aggressive, they can be damaged easily by any non-hollow-boned dragon or creature. They are egg-layers, obviously, and could breed with any avian-based type of dragon.
They tend toward honking and screeching, hissing, and other such noises but are fully capable of understanding Draconic and English speech - they just don't respond to anyone but Javi. They do not have any discernable Vortal presense, and can be equated between a Whiptail dragon and Pernese Green in terms of intellect and comprehension, they're better than animals and they can learn commands with ease, but they're not remarkably smart outright.
They do not have any form of elemental or other Vortal power, nor a 'breath weapon'.
Highly territorial though their territory is rather small, this family of dragons absolutely owns the stream. They understand that there are other water-dragons in the area, but they will chase even massive Mudwings off of this part of their waterway.
Parentage: Ruddy and Peli are a mated pair, and Mingo is their offspring, they may have future nests, but it's not clear how many eggs come at a time. It's also not known whether any future offspring will be run off or need to find their own spot to live, but then again the stream's long and there's plenty of room to expand here.
Origin: Adopted from Monkfishlover on Deviantart

Name: Ruddy
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small, 6' s / 25' l / 30' ws
Colors: Crimson red overall; wingtips, wing pattern, face and beak, lower legs graphite; beak tip and wattle bright red; eyes black, claws red
Powers: Winged Flight, Water Born Travel, As with his partner and offspring, Ruddy is rarely seen in the air, preferring to swim in the slow stream and occasionally root around in the deeper parts of the nearby lake. He can fly for short distances with great speed, but requires a long run-up to it, so... yeah, nah, just stay on the water it's easier. On the water, he can be very fast and much more agile than you'd expect a dragon to be on the surface, he can chase and catch ducks (and yes, eat them, he's not picky) even without stretching out his long neck. In deeper water, he can remain submerged for quite some time, up to an hour, though this would be ridiculously difficult, as he will also just bob to the surface with his hollow-ass bones and fluffy feathers keeping air by his skin.
Communication, though as above these dragons are less likely to 'speak', Ruddy is quite vocal with his honks and calls. He has been known to eat roosters: what are they, attempting to horn in on his territory? At this hour?
Other Info: He is absolutely the prettiest thing in the world, is he not? He thinks so. He thinks you should think so too. Of the three, he enjoys allowing families and children in particular on his back. And as long as there are no other obvious dragons in the area, he will never even imagine scooting off or doing tricks with them there.

Name: Peli
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small, 5'8" s / 24' l / 28' ws
Colors: overall white; wingtips and markings, lower legs and wattle medium and darker grey; face, beak brilliant yellow-orange, eyes black, claws white
Powers: Winged Flight, Aquatic Adaptation, Peli is quicker into the air than her mate, and can take off from a standing start, but still prefers a good long run- or swim-up to it. She's surprisingly good with pulling things in the water, and is reliable enough with this task that she's the one who brings out any props or items from the Wheel House when they start their performance day. She likes to survey an area overhead before landing, so she's often the last of the trio to land as they make any move toward the lake or other waterways. On the water, she is stately and somewhat slow, sedate, and confident with where she puts her webbed feet. On the other hand, if something actively threatens her and her family, she will rise onto her hind legs, and do a remarkably fierce wing snap and forelimb slash combo that utterly terrifies most Mudwings. She can dive for about half an hour, and somehow manages to remain submerged without much difficulty. She can scoot around on the surface of a large lake with grace and style.
Communication, Peli honks and squawks, but mostly she is quiet unless it's time to call in the family and roost. She appears to like hearing Javi's voice, as well as laughter and clapping from humans nearby.
Other Info: She's built a nest near the Water House, so... yeah, there's that. Come near it at your own risk. That tunnel of love is one thing, but her nest is positively off limits.

Name: Mingo
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small 5'6" s / 25' l / 28' ws
Colors: overall medium carnation pink, wings brighter paler pink; wingtips and pattern, face white; lower legs pale red; claws, wattle and mid-beak red, beak tip and eyes black
Powers: Winged Flight, Aquatic, a hesitant flier, Mingo prefers to walk, however should she need to, she can spring high into the air and gain flight with the right conditions, if not given a good runway for it. In the air she is graceful, and can glide short distances without any effort, up higher however she can soar on stiff breezes with ease. On the water, she is adept and prefers shallows where she can reach the streambed and claw around for food. Of the trio, she also will walk the most often, striding around in the tall grasses and ferns near their stream, surprisingly well hidden even with her brilliant plumage. She likes picking around in the forest, as well, but will come to the Tunnel quickly when called. She doesn't mind remaining very still while on those 'of Love' trips, with a pair on her back. She won't allow them to topple into the water, promise. That's kind of why she likes the shallows, it offers her exceptional balance. She can swim under the surface very rapidly, but not for long durations, perhaps 5 minutes at a time, but then she often just sticks her beak up and breathes while entirely submerged. For whatever reason, she doesn't care for deeper water, even the center of the lake.
Communication, you'd think such a cute pink girl would be petite and tittery. Nope. She has the loudest honk and makes the weirdest noises, rivaling those found on Xen. Echoing, booming, chuffing, barks, calls, cries, you name it. She is very much the noisiest of the three. She responds to the birds as well as the humans and Vorts around, and it is clear she's trying to speak.
Other Info: She may be a lot smarter than her parents, and that might be because she was just a little one when they arrived to the Rookery. Perhaps something changed in her, when they came, maybe it's the Xenian water flowing through the place, ... or her exploration of said Xenian territory while mom and dad aren't watching...