Name: Angus Fornier

Gender: Male, straight and horny

Age/DOB: born in 2019 some time

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC

Family: Mother Melissa, father Don, has many extended relatives and is also horny as hell so he'll definitely leave a trail of strong, hardy kids...

Other: He's more than attractive enough to just have a following around anywhere he goes, and he loves it

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 160* though Icarus has lightened his build, he is quite muscular though well padded if he lets his eating get away with him; broad shouldered build, good overall torso strength, will get away with having a dad bod should he grow old...

Hair: bright blond with honey undertones, curly and full, frizzes in wet weather, styles nicely, keeps a tail

Eyes: started brown, but like Melissa's have turned into a golden orange shade, though he certainly carries his father's blue; cheery, under bushy brows

Appearance: fair skin with freckles that show up brightly, if he hadn't been Icarus treated he would likely be a bit on the hefty side but he stands tall and proud, and does love to pose for the ladies, always smiling, and has perfect teeth; he can dress in nearly anything from shabby hobo gear to a full Icarus suit or a black tie and tails, and looks stunning; he has a cheery and full voice that matches his smile

Icarus Processing: Yes, at age 3, though both his parents did have this treatment Melissa knew something would be 'better' for it, and she wasn't wrong; his build was strongly altered, and his endurance, strength, and to an extent his speed and balance were improved, though none by more than 2x except strength, which is around 4 times normal. Vortally however, this has refined his parents shared resistances to a degree that is almost unheard of in the Pantheon: he's as immortal as Melissa, can't be sickened, and very likely can just choose not to age (something like Wilson has). He does have a remarkably active sex drive, but has been absolutely trained to not just fuck people who don't want him to...

Image Credits: Doll Divine Hipster

Genetic Abilities: though his primary physical traits have been shored up, they're all also quite Vortal, and he can adjust himself to 'accept' damage. This is difficult, because he does heal incredibly rapidly if in the extremely unlikely event he is damaged. So with concentration someone can break a bone on him, and with continued effort on his part, he can 'not' heal. It's so much easier to just let it resist, though, because he can withstand crushing, drowning, acid and fire, radiation, and pretty much anything else the world can offer. He may be harmed by multiple different damage types if they're set up quickly enough, so his body doesn't have time to 'adjust' to it, but again the damage done is minimal and the healing back from it is instant. You can literally watch a burn barely blister his skin and then vanish before you blink. He does have a strong Vortal suite of empathy at close range (usually with 5 or fewer people around 10 meters distance), good telepathy (to 2 miles clearly), and a very large dose of aura sight. He uses this to do his mom's trick of adjusting his own DNA to suit local ... recipients, and 'sees' DNA in each person or creature around him. He's less adept at the details and cannot really grasp those of non-humans, but that's fine: he's not fucking goats here. Any offspring he sires will be 'catered', though uniformly strong and durable.
Skills or Profession: given both a standard education as well as downloaded skills, Angus can fit right in with the genetic science crew, or with the heavy lifters and rescue teams. He was aged a few years during his Icarus processing, though not out of childhood fully, because with Wilson's example, he should 'grow into' his strength. He does prefer the physical side of things, however, and would eagerly join a scouting squad rather than a donation drive for refugee cells any day. Quite active, so he knows climbing and navigation, but also recognizes that others can't always follow him through a place. He can on sight recognize weaponry and substances (also by smell, thanks mom's perception) and can read but not necessarily speak a number of languages. This does include code and scientific jargon, he can read labels like a pro.
Personality: open and outgoing, but not pushy or an attention whore. If the crowd gathers, he'll show off for them, but he doesn't just walk into a room expecting that treatment. He does enjoy the attention he gets, however, and particularly from the ladies. Melissa did give him downloaded training sets in sexy time play, because if he's gonna be that horny, he might as well be good at it. Does like collecting clothing and trinkets, but equally likes giving those things away to people who seem to want or need them. He does sometimes 'accidentally' lift things that 'belong' to other people, as he's a little oblivious to the whole 'sometimes people do want to keep their own stuff to themselves' thing.

Events or History: With a steady stream of refugees coming through both facilities, and Melissa in full 'baby' mode, she indulged herself with Don 'as an experiment', and it worked very well indeed. He grew up during the height of the Combine war, and because he was strong even as a child, and resistant to pretty much everything under the sun, quickly became relied upon along with his half-siblings for search and rescue missions. It was quite disconcerting to see a child along with teenagers in some cases, worming his way into a ruined building and calling his elders in, and then just ... walking out through the gas line fire.

With the Rookery now, Angus is on call for numerous different locations, particularly dangerous ones. As such he spends time with dorm spots in the Rookery, North Aperture, Borealis, and Rapture almost equally. Unlike some others, he can 'breathe' under water though he does need weights to keep him from just floating up into the ocean. He is the ultimate hazard duty guy.


Name: Muskmelon
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-large (bulky) 11' s / 52' l / 60' and 30' ws
Colors: overall orange-buff through gold, with grades between those shades on all parts that have them, and lilac to light purple at darkest areas of wingsails and dorsal fins/armor; some white trim along wingsails, normally black scale markings are white, bright yellow accents on some areas; claws, horns white; eyes dark red-violet
Features: Sandwing Silkwing hybrid, with very well blended features, head, neck, limbs and chest clearly Sandwing, with wing pairs and tail mostly Silk styled
Powers: Winged Flight, though not a strong flier under any circmstance, Musk is decent enough in the air that he can break a fall, or corner on the ground with ease. He flies with difficulty but determination, though he cannot keep up with most Silkwings due to his bulk. He remains on the ground or climbs to gliding spots, at best.
Ground Speed and Agility, on the other hand, once he gets rolling (like a melon down a hill) Musk is tremendous in most ground races and for both endurance runs and high agility tests. He isn't afraid to either burst through thin structures, or skip around them, or even climb straight over them with a remarkable deftness. For his size, he doesn't leave much of a damage trail unless he really wants to, he will put his head down and absolutely demolish ruins if asked, but he can just as easily pick his way through them - at full speed - without toppling a brick anywhere. He can reach a ground speed of over 100 miles an hour once he gets his legs into it, and can maintain 50 mph for around six hours just to say he's done it. Thus he is often relied upon as a ground-level delivery system, and has pride in doing that.
Communication, Muskmelon is quite literate, and communicates in Draconic and English equally well, and though he doesn't speak it easily he has tried to pronounce some Vort. He lacks the power of telepathy, however, so his bond with Angus is all he has to go on for context in Vortigese. He is precise with his words, not to be cutting with them, but to be clear. He has a slightly airier voice than you'd expect a Sandwing to have.
Silk Production and Structural Creation, though he doesn't have heat- or fire-breath, Muskmelon is adept with silk production from his forelimbs as well as neck glands - they seem to have replaced what should be fire production, and he enjoys confusing the hell out of both people and dragons when he winds up spitting out a metric ton of webbing. The stuff coming from his wrists is precice lines, usually sticky or with such tensile strength as to become hardened into rebar, and the webs he belches out of his mouth can easily be considered 'structurally sound steel'. It can be stretched and manipulated while it's still fresh, into webbing that greatly resembles chickenwire, or fencing, and that's exactly what they use it for. Though it doesn't get damaged by pressure or hits for about a month, after that point weathering may start wearing away at it, and if it's not reinforced or redone, it will dissolve into goo over time. So his 'structures' are temporary, but usually are there long enough to provide shelter when needed, and vanish when people are gone from them. He's been thinking about working on trapped items, to entice Combine soldiers and Hunters into them upon which they'd collapse. All of these things are close range, it's more the texture and type, and volume, that counts for this webbing. He cannot create 'soft' stuff, and leaves that to more artistically inclined Silkwings.
Heat Tolerance, as a Sandwing, he does still prefer and enjoy warm areas more than colder ones, and with a bond like Angus they've visited a number of spots he kinda disliked. But he doesn't require it, just enjoys it more.
Parentage: Unknown Sandwing mother and Silkwing sire, unrelated to any in the Rookery
Origin: Adopted from FurryGamer2003 with lines by MooncrestNecrozma on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: He really loves being of use around the rescue teams, able to put up impromptu camo webbing that's more than strong enough to withstand Combine shelling or even a building coming down. Between him and Angus, they really do know how to make their way around the Rookery's ruins!