Name: Delilah Munoz-Griffin

Gender: Female, dangerously Pan

Age/DOB: ~18, aged, 2020

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC

Family: Mother Constance, father Griffin, half-brother Drew, half-sister Chastity

Other: There are likely other siblings wandering around, and certainly she's on the prowl for the right guy(s) or gal(s) to mix it up with; it's extremely likely that Melissa will just mix her up with one of Tina and Paxton's kids. Also note: 6 clones called 'Strands'

Height: 5'7"

Weight: ~100*, muscular and well toned, Icarus treatments dropped her overall weight but improve her endurance, strength, and speed by modest amounts

Hair: Very dark brown with coppery red highlights in sun, thick and slightly wooly but kept long so it usually looks just wavy; often styled in fancy braids

Eyes: had been medium brown in color but after Icarus treatments and with age, they have turned a vivid red, large, somewhat accusatory brows, she does have resting bitch face, but that's fine because she is a resting bitch according to herself

Appearance: dark red-brown skin with moles and freckles in the sun, no scars; she's very shapely and hip-heavy, but don't be fooled, she will ruin you with those thighs and give headcrabs something to think about when she boots them into next week. She has a broad, flat nose, and full lips, and carries herself quite imposingly given she's not all that big overall; has a rich voice, and can sing very well

Icarus Processing: Yes, at age 3, this process reduced her weight, improved her strength about 2x, and her overall endurance 3x - she can run and keep running for hours, but also has no issues going up or down sheer walls or ruins, her hands are as strong as any other part of her, she can outrun antlions for bursts; this processing definitely affects her Vortal abilities strongly

Image Credits: Meiker / Doll Divine / Sukebancore

Genetic Abilities: like both her parents she is very good with Vortal sensing and emotion control over larger numbers than either of her parents. She has been cloned and is working with Paxton to use these 'Strands' as she calls them (everyone has to have their own name for the clones, don't they?) in combat as well as mundane tasks. Her personal power includes strong telepathy at 500 meters, and a connection to all genetically related people that is strongest at about 1 mile, but she can still ping anyone in her line at 15 or more miles. She can see Vortal auras on living things, though not with discerning power - she knows which color or texture belongs to someone, but cannot see whether a shaper has manipulated an item, or left a Vortal trail beyond being right next to it. She has extremely strong emotion control and empathy, it goes both ways - strong empaths affect her, but she's pretty stable and sensible, and uses her Strands to 'pad' her emotional output. (She learned that from Pax.) She can sway groups up to 6 easily, from any direction of the emotional spectrum into a neutral buzz, or a single person might experience a radical mood swing, at distances less than 50 meters. Her control over her cloned Strands is strong but best at close distances. She can command one of them up to 10 miles away, but adding others reduces the distance basically by half, so her 6 clones are a solid unit standing no farther than 50 meters away, but start to go inactive around 250 meters. She can daisy-chain them, a tactic learned from her father, and can dot between them for stronger perception, which lasts up to a minute before she needs to rest and return to her own brain.
Skills or Profession: Given strong downloaded skills with tactics, mapping and cartography, civil engineering for layout purposes, and weaponry because no one's going to stop her from being in the field. She has further gotten direct training as well as mind-to-mind assistance (thanks Tina you're a champ) with Paxton, Griffin himself, and anyone else who is used to multiple frames of reference in that cloned manner. She is very well organized, but sometimes loses her temper, and has to pick up where she's left off in a task.
Personality: She is a tough-girl with the muscle and aim to back her words up, she'd be a gang leader in a different world.
Events or History: Griffin managed to hook up with both 'tinas' in the Pantheon, Tina Saito and Constantina Munoz, and both of his kids live up to the hype. Since she was aged slightly she did participate in helping rid the Repurposed world of the Combine, though she had only one active Strand at that point, experimentally given to her. In the Rookery, she's been able to absolutely cut loose and blow a path through Combine blockades and checkpoints, not just with her Strands but with Dusky.


Name: Dusky Skies, 'Dusky'
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large 14' s / 60' l / 120' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip creamy goldenrod-brown; body, limbs, tail graded medium brown that is more charcoal at wing arms and brighter orange-goldenrod at tail and feet; dorsal and limb armor charcoal black outlined in medium brown; fringe strip medium brown; wingsails are graded from wingtip at dark charcoal-black-brown to brighter golden brown at body, but also heavily speckled with black, brown, and golden tiny spots on both sides; horns medium brown, dorsal ridges and claws slightly lighter brown, eyes vivid green
Features: Skywing with possible Sandwings in line
Powers: Winged Flight, this dragon is a monster in the air, fast and sure, but he also likes showing off to the ladies, and has actually gotten the attention of the Old World females in that way - he looks like a great brown to them! His aerial acrobatics are paired with a strength in limb, so he can fly below a bridge avoiding the struts and pick up the boat moving under it, to deposit that boat a mile away. So he has no trouble at all taking the entire group of Strands where they're needed!
Communication, he seems young, and because of that his presence on the Rookery is more Vortal than many of his breed. He is able to keep track of those Strands as well as his rider, and they do share a very strong Vortal connection overall, though he cannot speak to any other telepathically. Otherwise he speaks English, and knows enough Draconic to stay away from the stodgy old bloods that insist he's not learning enough from them. He has picked up a little Spanish and Korean from some of the other humans.
Fire and Ash, though he is not a Firescales dragon, Dusky's flames are very hot, if brief. He can however kick up any small particles in the area, from the heat that eminates from himself, and with those big wings, flash soot or grit into enemy eyes. There is usually a cloud of dust and ash following him around, this is on purpose. His flames are accurate to about 200 meters, and can melt a hole through Combine walls easily - though he has to shoot it a few times, as the bursts of his fire are small, barrel-sized they've been called. When he does try to do a longer or more sustained flame, he can still burn things closer up, 20 meters or less, and those things instantly turn to ash and soot, and are swept up in his heat field. He is popular on chilly nights, because he is just overall nice and warm to be up near. His warmth does not endanger anything flammable, for some reason, it has to be purposefully lit. Also, Dusky tolerates a tremendous amount of heat himself, though his rider cannot really go through explosions he certainly can, and he likes resting near bonfires or burning buildings alike.
Parentage: Unknown Skywings, but it's clear by his coloring and heat tolerance come from a Sandwing somewhere back in his line. He is unrelated to anyone in the Rookery, however as stated above, he is very intriguing to the Old World females. They will have to engineer any eggs, because he is a radically different breed of dragon from them.
Origin: adopted from GuildKnight with Biohazardia lines on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: He can tell which Strand is being used by his rider, and where to go if one of them is injured, they have a physical-sense bond as well as a Vortal one for emotional connectivity. He does like being relied upon for both transportation and fighting, and eagerly participates in Paxton's drills, though he obeys only Delilah.