Name: Juanita Tierney

Gender: Female, straight

Age/DOB: ~20/2015

Origin: Repurposed Earth Black Mesa Refugee City

Family: Mother Lynne, father James, half brothers Lazarus and Doyle, half sister Taina

Other: seems remarkably normal for a descendant of Alma, doesn't she?

Height: 5'8"

Weight: ~140, she is curvy and long-limbed, though tends toward her mother's penchant for gaining weight; this hasn't really impacted her as much, since life post-Events has always been a bit of a scrabble

Hair: dark brown with coppery highlights, thick, can be shaggy if cut short, usually at least to her waist, and kept up in braids, buns, or ponytails, rarely loose

Eyes: hazel, more brown than green, large and almond shaped, looks a bit surprised most of the time

Appearance: fair skin that tans very coppery and almost entirely changes how she looks; a tiny nose, full lips, and what look like very delicate hands and feet but don't let them fool you she will easily kick and scratch if needed; wears the Icarus under-armor and accessorizes, almost everything she wears 'goes with black'; also don't let that slender neck fool you she can shout like crazy

Genetic Abilities: Extremely good empathy, Vortal sight, telepathy, and minor emotion control. Her telepathic range is remarkable, over 100 miles, and she can spot individual Vortal minds at that distance as well, though usually 'human and Vort' and not other types. Her empathic power is exceptional on normal humans, but also strong with Pantheon or Vorts, and she can both sense and influence anyone within 20 meters, even to the point of a single person's meltdown melting away into calmness. She can't do this very often, it does exhaust her unlike any other form of her powers. If the individual is strongly Vortal, it becomes a competition, and she rarely loses, but she knows better than to challenge certain people. She is actively weak to those in her direct line (ie: Alma's), and cannot influence anyone she is blood-related to, however the weaker mixes and heavily engineered relatives do get a bit. On the flip side, they are the most likely to hear, sense, and interact with her telepathically, it's just the control that won't work on them.

Image Credits: Doll Divine Princess

Icarus Processing: No, as strong as her mother's Vortal powers are, they really didn't want to risk a reprise, as such she doesn't gain any particular physical benefits either, and her father hadn't been treated when she was conceived.
Skills or Profession: given skill downloads to avoid the hassle of trying to teach in a Combine-ridden world, she is able to evade detetction and slink around surprisingly well given she has no outright power for it. Since she is known to be quite empathic, however, she's concentrated her work on psychology and social engineering, making sure that certain people don't bump into each other in the halls, arranging schedules, and the like. When Silver is around, she takes direct instruction from her, and is a bit of an 'understudy' in that regard. Also, she's fond of the games that Silver and some others play, including ping (or beer) pong and racquetball. (Yes, there are still courts in Black Mesa and even at the EC.)
Personality: quite a bit more outgoing and calm overall than her mother, but don't get her too excited only to let her down - her mood will certainly spill into other people's minds. She definitely prefers to boost and aid moods, rather than sully them, after all.

Events or History: Since she was an infant when the Combine came, she's always known the risks and dangers of a ruined world. She was not aged artificially as some of her peers were, to allow her powers time to get used to how things worked. Though she played a role in monitoring things around the Mesa, she also helped calm her mother when Alma returned, more or less by sitting quietly with her rather than attempting futile Vortal tricks. As the world was saved and could begin to heal, she once more became quite important to her mother, when the Convocation arrived...

At this time, however, with a dragon by her side and a new world to work on, Juanita wants to play a bit more of an active role in helping out. She's taking her cues once more from Silver - and Argent - and is helping out logistics in Rapture. She finds the place to be fascinating, and makes sure that no one is lost in the rubble or in a distant part of the facility alone.


Name: Ocean Leaves
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (very broad wings) 8' s / 40' l / 90' ws
Colors: underbelly from chin to tail tip and behind limbs highly metallic and reflective minty green; face, main neck, body, wing arms, tail, medium green with heavy scales on tail and wings; face, dorsal, and limb armor highly metallic sky blue; face, neck, body, and limb armor otherwise metallic darker blues and grey; dorsal spines medim green mixed with dark blue in patterns with webbing; wingsails midnight blue metallic with lighter blue-grey reflectivity; neck gill scales grey-green with bright green spots; reflective patterns and spots on belly and tail generally pink and glowing; eyes aqua; claws and backs of horns dark green
Features: Leafwing Seawing hybrid, with a remarkably compact body and thick tail, but huge wings; Seawing dorsal webbing and chin lures, Leafwing limbs and claws
Powers: Winged Flight, Ocean is truly stunning when she flies above the sea, able to stretch her huge wings out and soar like a gull for very long periods without tiring. She is not really going to be speedy, nor very maneuverable with them, but she is definitely who you want to be fetching a stray on the ocean, able to land and float to retrieve someone, or pull with ropes if it's a boat filled with goods. She doesn't mind exerting herself in that regard, after all flapping is part and parcel of being under the sea as well as above it. On that note: Sea 'Flight', she can propel herself much more quickly in the water, with the tail and big wing beats, and can also use both of those to her advantage in agility there too. She is good for all-around work, both in and out of the sea.
Communication, though she has a subtle tie to her human friend, they aren't truly 'impressed' to one another like some might be. However, she can speak Draconic, use the Aquatic signs and signals, and speaks English with a smooth, tide-strong voice.
Water Adapted, obviously with gills and a build like hers, she's very well suited to life in the water, and does tend to dry out if she's in arid locations for too long. Anywhere there's a large body of water she's just fine, however. She suffers no ill effects from being deep below, pressure or chill don't seem to matter; she does prefer to be able to see better, and is frequently found above or at the shore collecting plants for her deep collection.
Ebb and Flow...ers, Ocean Leaves can influence plant matter that is in the ocean or watery environments, growing plants that can help disguise the facility, strengthen an exterior until it can be repaired, or even use it to break up existing plants that have clogged intake fans. This works best on plants that have some form of light-sensitivity, but she has practiced in the deep, sunless areas below and it still works, just takes longer or more effort to influence them. A small 'sprout' of seaweed can be grown into a 20 foot long frond within an hour, once she's boosted it, she doesn't have to continue to use her magic on it, once is enough, as long as she knows what she wants it to be when it's 'done'. She does have to be quite close, if not touching, these plants when working on them, so she takes frequent trips around the vents and valves around Rapture to make sure that there is nothing clogging the pipes or choking airways.
Parentage: Unknown, Seawing mother and Leafwing father, may be distantly related to some but it's unlikely
Origin: Adopted from GuildKnight on Deviantart; WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: She likes to create seaweed that can then be dried and used by the humans, either for food or supplies, ropes, and such. If needed, she can fashion harnesses and lines out of it immediately, on spotting someone who needs to be rescued.