Name: Kallie Wolfe

Gender: Female, Straight

Age/DOB: ~16, 2014

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Enrichment Center, Fairport Alabama

Family: Mother Kitty, father Don, brother Dwight; other siblings and relatives in Pantheon including the unusual spliced Matilda

Other: unknown, though it's very likely she'll be a great mother just like her own mom

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 120*, with Icarus treatment her curves are quite deceptive, and she does have very nice curves

Hair: Light brown, curly / thick, kept back in a loose tail, tends to frizz

Eyes: Hazel blue, wide, always looking for something fun to do

Appearance: medium tanned skin with no blemishes, but turns richly bronze in sunlight; rarely wears shoes, just like mom, because pffff. why? Loud, raucous laughter, and a generous smile.

Icarus Processing: Yes age 4, with both parents already processed it was a decision made more to reinforce the existing strengths than to wonder what else might blossom - her weight and limb strength were enhanced with this, little else.

Image Credits: Doll Divine Polynesian Princess maker

Genetic Abilities: Effectively invulnerable to damage of any kind, including crushing, piercing, disease, or illness. She is only 'nearly' invulnerable to temperature or radiation, but heals very quickly after any minor damage taken. Also, extremely strong - up to 6 times normal Human strength, possibly stronger than her mother, though they do compete to decide this...
Skills or Profession: Like her mother, Kallie is prone to be the one asked to clear out rubble or move heavy machinery. Between the two of them, they have probably moved some 3/4 of the Rookery's spare parts and fallen rocks. When something needs punching, ripping in half, or improbably lifted, Kallie's the one you want to find among the Little Gods. Though given a basic education, Kallie is much more the physical type in all ways - she doesn't give a rat's ass what the machinery is for, just where do you want it put and does it have to be functional and without finger holes afterward.
Personality: Extremely gregarious and loud mouthed, just like her mother, Kallie is not just following in Kitty's footsteps, she's matching them toe for toe. This absolutely includes flirting with pretty much any guy that can keep up with her and isn't outright intimidated by her strength... and some that are.
Events or History: While she's a year older than her brother, Kallie lets him be the 'mature' one of the siblings. She prefers to show off and be seen. She was actually in the Icarus process during the same event where her brother and others were playing around Wilson and the rest, at Black Mesa.


Name: Glitterflake
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Large 13' shoulder / 55' l / 65' ws
Colors: belly, face, limbs including wings, under tail pail beige-white; armor on sides, back, front of legs, and top of tail is rust orange mottled with lighter copper, fading to bright yellow-copper on forelimbs, and darker red-rust on back and tail, all scales outlined heavily in black with black triangle shapes inside neck; wingsails, all webbing fade from edge in brilliant red through muted violet into blue-violet, speckled with large pale-white splatter markings; all claws, horns, tongue, and head horns are black; eyes bright copper-yellow
Features: Hybrid Sand- Sea- Sky- wing, mainly sand and skywing; four tough and muscular legs with very sharp claws, 5 on fore, 4 with heel claw on hind; leathery wings with 4 visible fingers, elbow strut, and prominent wrist thumb, all bearing very long heavy claws; hide is soft tiny scales on entire underbelly from neck to tail tip, with heavy armor plating on sides, neck, back, and limbs; head is blunt snouted with forked tongue, nubby nose horn, high nubs in front of external ears, and two short backswept horns; entire body from nose to mid-tail has long spikes connected with thick webbing; tail is tipped with venom delivering stinger
Powers: Winged Flight, Glitterflake is a remarkably strong flier, and enjoys challenging herself to flying in dust storms, where she has almost no trouble seeing thanks to her seawing side. She can obviously lift quite a bit of weight, keeping up with her human companion in that regard, though she is still slightly less tough than some Sandwing purebreds. She can stay aloft for hours, preferring to fly in the early evening and dusk hours, because her coloration matches the skies.
Verbal Communication, she can speak clearly in English and Draconic, but hasn't learned much else, and doesn't have all that great a vocabulary. Enough to inform people of issues, locations, and do obvious tasks, but she's not the brightest flake on the desert...
Color Communication, thanks to her 'drop of Seawing' grandparent, her wingsails and larger scales can be flaked off in different colors, meaning she does have a bit of control over those colorations, not nearly as much as a Rainwing might though. This has led to her name.
ColorShift, the smaller markings on her sails and webbing does change value, generally from white-tinted 'whatever color that is', into a much deeper version that is nearly black. So the spots on the 'red' portion of her wings might go from pale pink into a matching shade of red, then down into crimson. Those flake off and regrow constantly, and have been the source of both gleeful discovery for those wanting to use them to decorate things, and frustration because they flake off everywhere she goes.
Flame Production, because the bulk of her parentage is Sand and Skywing, her ability to produce quite hot flames is clear. She does not have a good distance on this flame, however, but what she can reach with it within around 20 meters, is going to melt or burn clean away from it.
Venomous Stinger, that stinger on her tail is not just for decoration. She uses this to hunt for herself only - the venom within will linger in flesh, and cause damage if a human or other animal eats it later. She has had to warn people to stay clear of her food, woe to those who ignore it.
Parentage: dam was a Sand-Skywing, sire a Sky-Sandwing whose mother was a Sand-Sea hybrid herself. None of these are known to be residents, but that coloration is faintly like some of the brilliantly marked Skywings around.
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Glitter is perky, bright and sunny, rarely lapsing into super-serious modes unless the mood around is quite sour. But far from being an absolute idiot or ditz, she does have a clue that her size and strength are her best assets, but she doesn't need to use them 'all the time'. She takes orders very well, mainly listening to Kallie, and takes her duties as a guard and heavy lifter seriously enough that she'll bark orders at anyone she sees as goofing off 'on the job'. She does however absolutely love being around kids and folks who want to see her 'shed all the glitter', and obliges them by shaking herself ... raining tiny reflective flakes.