Name: Trouble

Gender: Female, Aggressive

Age/DOB: ~16, aged, 2029?

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC lab

Family: Spliced Mother+Carried by Shyell, Fathers Leigh and Corey; extended ELL family, and other spliced relatives

Other: Named aptly, there's nothing Trouble won't get into, including other people

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 110* Icarus treatment strongly affected her build, she looks quite slender and wiry, is rather strong, well toned, leggy

Hair: dark brown with coppery highlights, thick and wavy, kept to shoulders and often quite wild

Eyes: Brilliant aqua-green, wide, expertly applied liner, under quirky and mobile eyebrows

Appearance: lightly tanned skin, not able to darken much more than shown, always smiling but you should never under any circumstance trust that smile if she's brewing up a plan; pert, bouncy, always in motion, with big feet and long fingers, and no she does not wear shoes; prefers to wear the distinct white and orange Aperture styled outfits, but Wilson has tailored up a bunch of things for the ELLs (he gets all moody and fretful whenever anyone brings up 'why did you make them stuff') so there's a lot of options for her; she likes collecting bangles and decorations, but when she's out and about, and not in a relaxed social setting, she will not wear any of those because she doesn't want to lose them, or get them caught on things; is louder and bolder than her dads and a bit less focused than mom

Icarus Processing: Yes, as spliced up, so she was basically Vortal from the start; the processing clearly affected her physical growth, she won't be in any way chunky or burly like Corey, but is at least as strong as two adult men. Her reflexes are remarkable, she's up to 4x faster than normal, and highly dexterous. While she can hold a pose for an hour or more, she has hardly ever been seen standing still, and her sense of balance is extraordinary. She is quite indestructable, able to withstand falls, crushing, or other physical injury with ease, and healing up to 3x faster than normal. Other forms of damage, such as fire, radiation, or illness are still able to harm her. The processing obviously boosted her Vortal potential as well, and since she came from not one but three already-treated sources, the effects have been quite strong.

Image Credits: Doll Divine Urban Chic

Genetic Abilities: while she has a moderate short-range telepathy and a good ability to detect Vortal minds within 200 meters, Trouble's main focus is matter manipulation to say the least. Between her dads' abilities to crush or float items between their powersets, and her mom's 'stick to things' molecular power, she is able to telekinetically abuse basically everything from a single molecule up to a skyscraper. She can 'fly', but only to the way that her mom does: right up close to a large enough surface to put her feet on, she can effectively hover over it indefinitely, regardless of its composition. While she can't sense composition or properties of any given chunk of landscape, she can 'feel around' in it: structural damage, gaps, overall density and stability are all things she instantly understands. This works best while in physical contact, but can be done at a range of about 20 meters at most: that's all she needs, if she's on duty to tear down a building. All that needs to come down is this part here, that beam there, and... boom - imploded building. She can loosen or strengthen molecular bonds, which can create explosions, or contain them, though her power is over the matter, and not the energy of those gobooms. She ideally knows how to set off triggers at range, and can do that at around 50 meters. A favorite tactic is to set up trigger pockets in key locations, and as Combine troops move through a spot, blow them all to bury the entire squad. Because she can sense through her skin, she rarely wears shoes, and can concentrate on feedback from her feet as easily as from her fingers. (She's a regular Earthbender!)(actually she is an Earthbender...) With a little practice, she has been able to play tricks like 'I know kung fu' kicking at the air, and some distance away the top of a telephone pole blows off... She can also put things back together, reinforce structures that have basically all their parts even if scattered around, but she hardly ever does that. She'd have to go back for more training and downloads to understand all the ins and outs of structures, and that's boring...
Skills or Profession: Demolition and deconstruction are her absolute favorite things. Oh and ruining Combine days. If a place needs to be leveled and flattened, she is absolutely your girl. In fact, she could repave highways, and it's the only 'construction' that she enjoys doing, because then folks can travel to demolition sites! Whee! She did get a rather standard download set for basic language, math, and sciences, and some amount of history. She's delved more into architecture for its appearance sake, and inorganic chemistry because its fun! She and Mars have teamed up to figure out how to flatten and resurface places around the EC back on Repurposed Earth, but out here it's mostly demolition.
Personality: As above: she's trouble. She is fun loving, but unless you're Icarus treated and have a good insurance plan, don't go jaunting with her, as things will start crumbling and falling. She's well aware of her surroundings, perceptive, but tries to hang with people that can keep up with her rather than holding back and being 'a softie'. She doesn't like coddling others, though she won't purposefully put anyone in danger (anyone but herself). She does enjoy fashion and will rescue magazines and trendy clothing when she finds it in the field.

Events or History: As the ELLs started really coming into their own once Chell and Rayell and Zoell paved the way, each branched out and did their own thing - and Shyell's was to latch on to Leigh and Corey. Their powers were so complementary that this was a done deal the moment they realized what they could all do together. Trouble was hardly unusual in the EC labs, after all both of her dads had more than just two parents, themselves! Only the mundanes around the Refugee City seem a bit put off if they find out who she is, and she just tends to stay away from them, focusing her energy on Pantheon duties instead.

While she is centered at the Rookery, she has visited the Mojave Conglomerate on numerous occasions, because it's the most likely to need her distinctive touch: refitting the freeways and broken overpasses, getting rid of all the useless broken ruins, and putting up strong walls in their place. She does have a temporary homestead there, in the Sloan Quarry.


Name: Mosaic
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (bulky) 13' s / 55' l / 90' ws
Colors: face, neck, body, behind limbs, under tail to tip, head frill spines, light speckled granite grey, slightly darker / sootier at limbs; face armor, mid neck scales, limbs, wing arms, dorsal body, tail, generally orange with lighter buttery yellow on feet and face, stronger red-rust on wing fingers; head armor, neck and limb armor strong rust red; trim on eyes, under neck spine, tail fringe alternates with butter yellow and rust red, and orange and cyan; wingsails darker khaki granite speckled with lighter and darker warm greys, but bearing patterns in white, orange, cyan; dorsal spines, side spots, and tail ridge cyan, horns and claws orange, eyes bright cyan * certain colors subject to shifting
Features: Nightwing Rainwing Hybrid, remarkably well blended features, with a mixture across all parts from head to tail
Powers: Winged Flight, Mosaic is strong for short bursts and heavy lifting, and can rise into the sky with virtually no space to take off or land. Her incredibly sharp hind claws and prehensile tail help keep her stable on vertical surfaces, which then she can spring from and leave a very wobbly wall or beam behind. She likes the bigger and more metal-oriented buildings of the Rookery areas and Cities a bit more than the crumbling adobe, brick, and concrete of MoCon, but New Vegas' overall coloration matches her way better don't you think? It's been said that she occasionally hefts a block from the Quarry and blends in with it so well as she's soaring overhead, that you never even know why a goddamn 2-ton brick just fell out of the sky on you... She likes giving rides, though, and will swing through narrow corridors and ruins with a deft balance, though everyone should probably be wearing hard hats.
Communication, with her Nightwing side, Mosaic has a strong and constant Vortal bond with her human friend, and can sense and easily commune with any Vortal mind within about 2 miles. She speaks fluent English and a good amount of Vort spread in there too, and will default to a broken Draconic sprinkled with both when in the company of dragons. She was young when she arrived to the Rookery, and hardly had time to really learn much more than the basics of Draconic. She knows older dragons don't care for that, but hey, bahh karr dzin, the more words the better to speak.
*Color Shifting, particularly on wingsails, but all granite shaded areas shown can be altered into a spinning, geometric-based pattern. Generally with broad shapes, and usually among the colors shown (white, off-white, granite, warm greys, soot, graphite, butter, orange, rust, darker red, and brilliant cyan) Mosaic can create 'blueprints' on her scales, shapes and abstractions like letters or numbers, and then swirl them around or flash them to disorient viewers. She loves standing in a lobby at one of the casinos and blending in with the carpet.
Potent Hallucinogenic Venom, while she can't breathe fire, her Rainwing bite is known to produce a strong and long lasting hallucinogen. It won't kill a creature itself (though her bite certainly does), and she is often found 'donating' her venom to researchers on both the Rookery and MoCon. ... I mean, selling it at MoCon, because that stuff can send a raider flying higher than a kite, and they pay hefty caps for that! It works on creatures with a brain, has little effect on anything that doesn't 'think', but responds most in mammals and higher animals. The effects can last for a day or more, after which the victim collapses exhausted, and must sleep it off for at least another day. There are no known long-term side effects, yet, but it's pretty obvious that repeated use of this will be quite harmful more due to the exhaustion and inability to make good decisions than its actual visual and emotional components. Shooting this stuff into Combine sends them into absolute chaos and Trouble loves that.
Parentage: Unknown Nightwing mother who likely had another Rainwing in her line, and a full blooded Rainwing father. Not likely related to anyone on the Rookery.
Origin: Adopted from MooncrestNecrozma on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Mosaic enjoys traipsing around the wilderness and ruins with Trouble, while the human takes care of the scenery, Mosaic can certainly 'entertain' the living things. In fact... they may kinda sorta have developed 'hallucinogen traps' which Trouble triggers at a distance, shooting laced shrapnel into people who just do NOT know what hit them, and then they can just move freely about the place without issue. For whatever reason, the venom, or perhaps some Vortal component (she is Nightwing-bred after all) causes victims of this stuff to ignore or act passively toward Mosaic.