Convocation Base
Armacham Technology Company

In their home world, Armacham technologies company bought out Aperture Science in the mid-70s, putting many of the unusual experiments done at Apture either to good use, or to an end. It is at Armacham that Harlan Wade's daughter Alma was kept, under strict supervision and isolated due to her extraordinary and violent abilities. Most of the students found in the Enrichment Center were genetically engineered, the result of the Origin program. Those students and some of the staff later became the Pantheon, and as the Events progressed past the destruction of Ulathoi, also became the foundation of the future Human race. Armacham itself was a huge contributor to the arms race, communication networks, medical and biotech resarch, and many more unusual projects. They very classically had their fingers in just about every government's pies.

The daughter of the founder of Armacham, Genevieve Aristide, after reaching the CEO position in that company, also was tapped as one of the 'shadow government' behind the scenes during and after the first Event (the Resonance Cascade). She then was put into a position of power interfacing between the leadership of Ulathoi and the Human government. Before all of that, she resided in a very posh and exclusive penthouse in Atlanta, Georgia. After all that... Not so much.

The Hub - Central to the Armacham-Aperture Enrichment Center is a lovely meeting room that branches into a variety of the locations available in the Convocation base. A clever waterfall and fountain along with a distinctive meeting table arrangement are found here. [I tried to capture the feel of a specific location in one of the Fear games with this room.]

The Armacham-Aperture Enrichment Center - this large room is split into two stories. The bottom floor is a cafeteria and lunch area, and above are offices, waiting rooms and observation areas overlooking the classrooms nearby. An elevator as well as stairs are available.

The Enrichment Center itself was partnered in the early days by Aperture Science, and after ATC took over that company, the branding was hyphenated in order to preserve some form of 'distance' from the admittedly shocking experimentation done there. A very wide variety of experiments had gone on in times past at that location (near Fairport Alabama, somewhat south-west of Atlanta in Georgia) including robotics, computer and artificial intelligence work, deep-earth geothermal power, and later genetic engineering and the creation of clones.

Enrichment Center Classrooms - Each of the three classrooms found in the base are two-story arrangements with room for students and their instructor, as well as specific observation or clinical uses for the staff.

Classroom 1 - With a black and white theme, this room mainly houses a standard classroom below with several of GLADOS's camera and interface installments. Above is a meeting room and staff office suite.

Classroom 2 - With a blue-and-gold theme, this is one of the computer workshops. The class is situated upstairs, while machinery and computer systems are housed below.

Classroom 3 - With a red-and-grey theme, this social studies class below seems blissfully unaware of the medical experiments and scientific research going on above. This area is well guarded, with a laser grid and receptionist protected by a turret.

Enrichment Center Dorms - At its peak, the EC housed over 60 children, along with both permanent and temporary housing for up to 120 staff. Some of the dorm rooms had specific-needs addressed such as an isolated and heavily insulated chamber for the electrical-based power users, ones with soothing lighting for problem children, and the like. Each dorm was a 15 by 15 foot chamber with enough room for a bed, desk and shelving, small entertainment system, and personal touches. Not all the students were either able or allowed to decorate as they wished, but almost all the rooms had items such as bookshelves, posters, or assorted games and toys.

The children ranged in age from toddlers to young teens at the time of the Resonance Cascade (or in their case, the Synchronicity Event, which took place directly next to their classrooms, and only moments before the Resonance Cascade at Black Mesa nearly 1500 miles west). While sadly, many of the toddlers didn't live, most of those who were 5 to 13 did, and they became the core of the Pantheon later. Some of them still resided in their old dorms, even for years after they had the opportunity to leave.

The dorms themselves were heavily monitored, watched over by ATC staff and security. However, they also had air vents which some of the kids used to visit their friends while they believed security wasn't watching.

Enrichment Center Student Observation - Upstairs in an unassuming area as seen from outside, Armacham had an extensive path of offices and rooms which were geared to one thing: watching the kids as they learned. Since the entirety of the Origin program would be netting the company a huge profit as they either sold or leased the children off to various parties (literally some parties would be made or broken by their light-manipulating entertainment talents, while war zones might be dominated by completely invisible and highly skilled warriors), ATC was interested in making sure that those children did exactly as they were expected. Skill sets were in use, copied from talented experts in fields such as infiltration, cooking or even acrobatics - these were then downloaded into the young brains of these kids, and those skills put into use during their physical and psychic powers training sessions. Failure or disobedience usually meant a trip into the medical center for 'reprogramming', which most kids forgot as they were given memory suppressive drugs. All the children had 'eerie feelings' when passing by certain hallways, because of course those were the chambers where they were taken apart and put back together - mentally speaking...

Below the higher area is a simple seeming alley way. Small indicators that something 'isn't quite right' include somewhat exotic plant life growing wild due to the 'stuff in the water', and the whole place is pervaded by a very strong Vortal glow - produced not just by the children's powers, but by Alma Wade herself.

ATC Alley Storage - this is basically a warehouse. [This location bears a striking similarity to some of the spots in the FEAR games.]

ATC Medical Observation - While on the surface, Armacham ran a good number of actually-useful companies such as medical research and funded education efforts everywhere, they also were prone to experimentation. This three-level chamber houses a rather standard hospital (bottom), unusual medical equipment primed for use in the Icarus process (middle), and a variety of clone storage and creation systems (top). It would be shocking for the public to have seen any of those things above their heads, but ATC managed to get away with it for over 20 years, without anyone the wiser.

Aristide's Home (entrance only) - Genevieve Aristide loved to live well. She prided herself on having a wide variety of interesting things going on around her, and loved to show off that she was wealthy enough to do that. Hosting art exhibits, musical ensembles, and having expensive dinners with heads of state - all of those things happened in her extremely nice penthouse suite.

A good number of 'overlap' locations exist that can be considered 'joint ventures'. The most important of those would be Alma's Vault, but that is detailed on the Aperture page. It would appear here, but for GLADOS being her guardian. That specific location, however, Alma's Vault, appeared only in FEAR. Alma's Back Door is detailed on the Sanctuary page.

The other Armacham-Aperture locations are found here, those of the Enrichment Center.

The Icarus Medical Plaza and Hoyle's Enclave are detailed on the Pantheon page.