Convocation Base

Part of life as an Origin student includes the intensely intimate mental contact that comes with a group being primarily telepathic. Almost all the Pantheon display these skills, and because of that they have a unique 'world view'. This world often includes "Vortal locations" that are created by powerful entities such as Keenan Lane or Paxton Fettel, but also may include places which exist in the real world - with a layer of psychic energy, lih as it's known in Vortigese, over and through it. The color yellow is largely associated with this section because Melissa Larrabie's lih is a humming, always-moving shade of honey-yellow, and many of these locations are considered 'her playground'.

The Medusa Safe House, the Arbor Walk, and Wilson Carver's home - these are all covered in the Pantheon section, but overlap in many ways with Sanctuary.

The Medusa in its real-world form had been the site of Paxton's clones (as well as Armacham's other clone housing and storage for their world-wide military supply needs) but has been transformed into a sprawling - if odd - homestead for Melissa and some of her family. Her stored items would genuinely creep anyone out, so she doesn't tend to show them off. However, a quick Vortal look through the place will show a brightly glowing area: that's where the unborn children are being stored.

The Arbor Walk, since it leads into Melissa's Vortal home, can be considered part of Sanctuary purely because Melissa likes it there.

Wilson's home was not the first taste that Melissa had of Vortal locations (that would be Lane's office) but it was the first time she realized that Wilson was more detail-oriented than his prime. Where Lane's office and other locations are reasonably stark, somewhat impersonal places, Wilson's home, even Vortally, looks lived in and comfortable. It would not be unreasonable to discover Melissa asleep on the couch by the fireplace.

Melissa's Vortal Home - Though this place does not technically exist anywhere physically, it is a construct that Melissa has access to Vortally. Created by 'her men': powered by Lane's raw energy, designed by Wilson, and detailed by Paxton. This locale rests at the end of the Arbor Walk, a smooth transition from the greenery there into [what should be] a snowy hillside apparently in Japan, with cherry blossoms on the wind. A simple, traditional looking wood and paper Japanese style house surrounded by a few cherry trees, a calming garden, and the like are what this room is meant to represent. [no snow yet...]

Memories Of Everything - Because Melissa's brain, like the rest of her body, regenerates at an incredible pace, it is nearly impossible to wipe her mind of memories, either good or bad, and thus essentially everything she's been exposed to can in some way be 'stored' here. It is why Paxton chose her mind to build his Sanctuary, Vortally. With her memory and his exploration, there are an incredible number of 'books' detailing life, experiences, emotions and thoughts. Effectively, this is a Vortally powered version of Armacham's computer-aided skill download system, which supplied many of the Origin children their 'real world' skills before the Events.

Marble Hall - While Melissa's 'temple', her elegant mental exterior is certainly not 'broken' into bits like this, Paxton's side of things is not in nearly as good condition due to the very many things he had to endure while looking for his mother, Alma. But even among the rubble, the function of it: keeping what is important safe, is still obvious. Mentally picking one's way through this area can be dangerous and difficult, and weaker minds might be daunted enough to give up.

Paxton's Sanctuary - After his brother Geoff had to leave off protecting Paxton's mind from their mother Alma, Paxton took up refuge Vortally utilizing Melissa's instead. Though bodily they can remain quite distant, Paxton leaves "bits" of himself, core elements of his mind, within both his brother and Melissa. Adept at accessing other people's memories, even commanding people to his will, Paxton realized the potential of having access to Melissa's regenerative brain. Without her even noticing, Paxton began building this very real Sanctuary - with her permission, of course; she only knew that she could protect her friend from the harm that might come from his mother's abuse. With Paxton's final acceptance of Lane's offer to teach him to become Convocation, it was quickly understood that he'd already completed numerous tasks. Learning to control his powers of teleportation was one, but Wilson and Lane had no idea that 'creating Vortal spaces' such as their own rooms had already been done for years by the young man.

The entrance appears to be from a shaded marble hallway to an outdoors area. This in particular stunned both Lane and Wilson for the obvious reason: the plants are actually alive there. Trees line a pleasant hill, and there is a gazebo under which a stair twists to the area below-ground.


Every book that Paxton has ever read is stored here. He uses them to reference information, sometimes appearing 'multiply' in the space for quicker access. Effectively, Paxton can 'cheat' at almost anything, given that he's already read quite a bit.

Melissa didn't know any of this was in her head. As long as she lives - which will be a very, very long time - all of this stored information will be available to those she allows inside it.

Alma's Back Door - The problem with Paxton and his mother is that though he knows quite literally nothing but abuse from her, he is still very apt to allow her to tromp through his mind. Perhaps this is because she did so from the moment he was implanted into her, or simply because he - like her - has always wanted a family even if it's what causes him the most pain. The 'back door' to her son's mind is walled up from the inside of Melissa's brain, but unfortunately since it's also connected to Paxton, his mind still is transparent to the frightening entity known as Alma Wade. She can see right into this Sanctuary of his, but can't quite enter it. This portion is also overlapping with the Vault and other Armacham locations.