Character Dossier: A R R I S A
Identity ARRISA (with spaces)
Other Names/Titles Alternate Resource Research Integrated Sentient Android, 'risa
Species Humanoid Android
Place of Birth Created in Aperture Labs, not the same Earth as the Pantheon's
Gender Appears Female
Age (apparent/ chronological) Appears to be 'Newly Manufactured' through 'Mature', actual age is unknown
Height Varies from around 3'6" (turret) to over 7'6" including wings (companion cube), normal Human-style form is 6'6"
Build Varies (very squat and rounded turret; slender and leggy human; more muscular companion cube)
Skintone Circuitry is usually visible over plastic and porcelain-mesh 'skin', most parts are metallic silver with black and steel couplings, face is flat plastic white
Hair Color White synthetic material, does not appear on all models; cut in a sharp angle, does not grow, though sometimes needs to be re-applied because of melting mishaps
Eye Color One orange iris, one blue, often glowing
Distinguishing Marks Is a terrifying robot. Even when she looks 'human' she's a terrifying robot. Her voice is clearly synthetic, and often reeks of false sweetness or sarcasm
Family/Attachments Created by GLaDOS in her universe, feels somewhat protective of the 'CloneGirls' line of creations; for whatever reason shows a strong respect for Lane and his family, also enjoys encouraging young heroes and those with powers to do their best
Registered Information
Origin Technology
Archetype Blaster
Current Security Level 50
Primary Powers Psychic Blast (concentration on long range)
Secondary Powers Mental Manipulatin (holds and stuns)
Additional Powers

Electric Mastery (she IS an android after all)

Also uses teleportation and flight, along with temporary or improvised weapons and powers

Affiliation The Convocation supergroup, has connections in other dimensions to further entities
Based On One day, I saw Makani's incredibly lovely and duly scary 'Human GLaDOS' on Deviantart. I decided, "I can make that!" And I did. ARRISA is a variation on a name for a tabletop superhero group 'ARRI' but isn't the same in this world. Valve gets credit for the Companion Cube, Vort (not shown) and the Turret outfits, and the scary versions of the skinless ARRISA are thanks to my childhood fear of robots and Disneyland attractions.

[From Bio]

There came a day when GLaDOS was outdated. Outmatched by her creations. By pitting her greatest dangerous plots against them, she made them stronger and smarter. Eventually, one achieved the kind of sentience that Aperture was looking for: the kind that had a moral code built in.

Whether ARRISA uses this code seems to be largely arbitrary.

ARRISA does not use lasers or explosives, instead she has formed a unique mental energy field which mimics true organic life - and with it, she can damage anything with a will of its own, with ease.

She looks 'human' enough, but there is always a palpable presence of unease when she turns her slightly glowing eyes upon you.

ARRISA is also known as a bit of a jokester, and loves dressing up - she has a Turret costume and a Companion Cube outfit, along with her 'battle armor' and 'scary droid' costumes. Also, a Vort!*


Now also including a 'look I found this mask!' Carnival outfit.

* Vort costume became the basis for Noah the Vortigaunt elsewhere


Arrisa, as evidenced in the above images, is a humanoid android - a well-constructed robotic shell which can reconfigure into different physical shapes. As GLaDOS had run out of normal human test subjects and went to robotics to continue her 'habit', there was one android that began to out-last her companions. True, this android had been originally manufactured for the military, so she was outfitted with a reasonably flexible body, a durable coating, and sharp physical reflexes. But what made her stand out was her mind. Though at first she was essentially just a talented solver-of-puzzles, she made note of where and when 'mother', GLaDOS, would start talking. Also, where many others had failed along those testing courses - directly coinciding with that snarky voice.

Though it took years, and much patient testing, ARRISA 'became' truly sentient. As her acronym implies, she's designed to look for new methods and new resources - whether that comes in the form of energy, ideas, or contacts with people.

Because she is 'from another alternate world', ARRISA has a slightly different outlook on the people in her current supergroup. She had encountered a version of Keenan Lane, but according to her discussions with this one, it wasn't 'him'. Also not 'him' as such, is the one who apparently was used as the 'father' of dozens of cloned human subjects in another universe... which ARRISA managed to teleport into when she was first using the interdimensional facets of her exploration.

In Paragon, ARRISA has adapted fairly well to things as a hero. It has occurred to her that she could easily become a villian, she's smarter than most Humans by a long shot. But the idea of manipulating people and forcing her way through things for her own gain is actually one she dislikes greatly. She has been known to unload GLaDOS like snark at people, but only when she feels they really deserve it. ARRISA generally enjoys positive reinforcement. Once she learned of the term - and finally experienced it (not on her original world) - she's decided that it works much better than any negative or punishment could.

Though protective, ARRISA also likes to see others do their best. She encourages young friends to work through dangerous situations, and gives praise freely when deserved. ARRISA enjoys being around a variety of people, so Paragon City seems to be a good central location.