Character Dossier: Isabella Wong |
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The first born of the official "Origin Program" children, Isabella Wong always tries to keep up with the image of "first is best". She, like most of the Origin children, never met her parents. Her genetics are unique among them as well, in that for whatever reason, until Melissa got to the samples much later, no others appear to be her direct relatives. Because she was the oldest, some members of the group would always look to her for guidance, but she rarely wanted to take a leadership role. She had been raised with her potential skillsets being downloaded into her brain and reinforced through daily physical and mental training, and her role was that of "infiltration/extraction" - a spy in other words. As such, she often displays traits one might associate with a 'femme fatale' type: aloof, observant, seductive, occasionally paranoid. Just on the arrogant side, Isabella has every reason to be. She knows how to impress people not only with her appearance and bearing, but her words and carefully chosen subject matter during conversation. Isabella enjoyed her position at the Enrichment Center, and knew that she was being groomed to be an assassin. She does not have an innately violent temperament but shows no fear or remorse about the tasks she’d been assigned. Isabella rarely ‘cuts loose’ in social settings, preferring to watch with lidded eyes and drop comments when needed. However when she is out in the field doing exercises to refine her powers, she is positively a hellion. She dislikes loud noises including raucous music, but tolerates a certain amount of it for her training and events. Isabella and Melissa have a strong bond, but also are extremely competitive with one another – what Melissa may lack is the seeming air of culture and calm that Isabella has, particularly around men. Isabella however is a bit of a mystery in so far as her loyalty to the other students is concerned. She can be trusted, even digging deeply into her mind reveals that she has no malice toward her peers. But she was also sufficiently stand-offish because of the age difference she had to the youngest of them, that they were unlikely to enjoy or even ask her to participate in things with them. She stubbornly referred to playing hide and seek with the Fettels as 'a baby game' though it was designed to allow each of the students to use their Vortal abilities to their utmost. (She could have flown out of reach of the boys when they went to tag her out - she chose to allow herself to get tagged first to not have to play.) She excels in language skills and psychology, and while she maintains a strong effort in history and literature it is clear those are not subjects she really wants to bother with for long. A smart enough student to get better than average marks in sciences and abstract math, Isabella clearly prefers social arts instead. She speaks English, French, and Spanish with great fluency, but also has challenged herself to learn Korean, Urdu and Russian. She correctly assumes that she will eventually need these in her professional activities working for Armacham or whoever they are here. Isabella is a telekinetic that has practiced her art to the point that she can levitate herself as well as very heavy objects. Since she is inherently light weight due to the Icarus process, this makes her flight that much more graceful. She can pick up and move objects weighing up to half a ton without effort, and more than one ton with some exertion. She can also propel lighter weight objects through the air, to deadly precision. Because of her willingness to work with administration, she has the potential to become an infiltrator and assassin, using nearby small objects – or items carried with her innocuously such as hair pins and nail files – to neutralize targets. Small objects weighing less than one pound can be moved with frightening speeds – up to 120 miles per hour for sleek items such as pens or hairpins. Isabella can carefully manipulate these items, rotating them in mid-air, or even take loose parts off of devices. However, she lacks the ability to truly ‘feel’ through this power, try as she might. Thus she must actually be able to view the object in question, in order to manipulate or raise it. If she knows the layout of an area, and has access to video feed, that can be enough for her to lift objects without direct eye contact. Some form of feedback is required. Though she has been trained in their use, Isabella will not voluntarily wear the armor shells common to Icarus subjects. They do not weigh her down, in any way, but she probably feels they impede her appearance and dexterity too much to be of use to her. She does not require invisibility to infiltrate an area, she simply walks in and owns the place. Back at the Enrichment Center she used to live with the other girls in a small narrow dorm. Now that she has access to her own apartment and can decorate it as she sees fit, her place is immaculate, artistic, and very, very red. Her style of dress is accordingly red, and as she was designed to be impressively pretty, she shows off her curves and petite form under cutaway dresses, high heels, and hip-hugging slacks. Her voice is slightly deeper than one might expect of a small young woman, but that may be because she's practiced her sexy infiltration voice. When the Events occurred (in 2006) Bella was 13 to the typical 8 to 10 year olds of the Origin program. Thus, as things progressed, she matured first, and was the first among the group to decide to leave when the opportunity arose. Thus she was not present in the Enrichment Center when many other events happened. However, she was there when they needed her most, in shutting down their insane AI captor, GLADOS [which does not in fact stand for 'genetic lifeform and disk operating system - in their world it is 'Genetic Latency Aggression Deterrance / Observation System', so you know.] and ushering in a new era for the children living there. The attack on GLADOS nearly killed her, Bella wound up being rather too impatient and flung herself into harm's way, accelerating into the dangerous area near Alma's Vault, and eventually causing that Vault to be effectively blown up. Though she was healed by another of the children, Sandy, Bella remained a bit stand-offish for quite some time afterwards. During that time, too, she was involved with Geoff - though he still had a few years to go before he really let her go. As the children had to welcome their Armacham instructors and scientists back into the facility for a token gesture of 'continuing their education', Bella established that she needed to leave, get into the field, or at least no longer be contained. When she helped deposit a massive big-rig trailer into the opening to the facility (containing many of Paxton's clones) she remained long enough to say her final farewells, and vanished off their radar for years. Though she will hardly speak of the years she spent after Ulathoi arrived to Earth, she does seem quite fond of the prior few years working for Armacham and doing her job as she was originally trained. As the Portal Storms and weird alien wildlife began to change the face of the planet, Bella was sent from one City to another. The process of renaming big urban centers into Cities with Numbers attached happened during this time, under orders by the United Governments and Genevieve Aristide, who was also the daughter of Armacham's founder. Of all the children in the Origin project, only Bella has a positive attitude - or perhaps a "less negative" one - of Aristide. However, if she'd known back then what she later learned on being brought back into the Pantheon's fold? That attitude may have changed significantly. Bella traveled the world: Hong Kong, Cairo, London, Paris, Vienna. And it was while she was there, in City 14 that her friends finally caught up with her. London was where she had been when Ulathoi arrived, where she lost contact with Aristide and had to resort to putting herself on short-lists for safe travel and good food in those rapidly declining cities. She is resourceful and very clever, being able to work around issues as she was trained. However, Bella prefers not to have to be clever and resourceful. She truly enjoys being pampered, being in civilization, and having actual amenities like running water and casual television shows. Because of her penchant for luxury, Bella had felt quite out of place while she was shuffling around the Cities, and even less so when she became lost and less coherent due to lack of food and proper resources. When Geoff and Alyx found her in City 14 she was just about on her way out, heading toward City 17 and certain doom. As everything began coming together and she was being re-educated as to the nature of the entire invasion, effectively, all of that changed once more. Bella had a bit of a breakdown, and was subsequently placed into an Armacham stasis unit in order to recuperate. Since she is still Vortally quite strong and mentally active, it was not hard to continue giving her slumbering mind 'updates' about the world around her, as she recovered. Though she might have been of use during the first stages of reconstruction - her powers of telekinesis still being among the strongest ever recorded by Armacham - everyone felt it was better to let her dream and emerge into a newer, fresher world. This was a good call - Bella now seems thrilled to be moving around different Earths with some of her old friends and many new ones. Though she's not 'friendly' to strangers she's rarely unwilling to give things a try. It is known that she's had dealings with a number of what can be called 'villains' in the brief time she's been in Paragon, so it is possible that she's working angles that the others won't approve of, or shouldn't know about. |