Character Dossier: Nach lih Kallah-vahh
Identity Nach'lih Kallah-vahh (in game without ')
Other Names/Titles Keenan Lane, 'spirit's path of shrouded flesh', Embodyment of the Mystery, "The Mystery"
Species Convocation / Alien, currently Human
Place of Birth Current body created approximately 4 months ago and molded to suit uses, based on modified existing Keenan Lane 'template' (assisted by Melissa Larrabie, but created out of matter/energy conversion and not cloned or grown)
Gender Male
Age (apparent / chronological) Current body appears in the 25-45 range of age, while not 'youthful' is considerably younger looking than his other forms overall
Height 6'1 1/2
Build Slender, lean; though not strong, his legs and torso are well-muscled from walking
Skintone Fair
Hair Color Black-brown, strong widows peak, this body's hair tends to be thicker and longer than typical for his others
Eye Color Turquoise / teal-white
Distinguishing Marks Aura is turquoise/teal and tends to 'bleed out' at eyes and with power use, seems to enjoy this new visible form of showing power off

See Keenan Lane's profile

Additional Forms This is not his first try at a new body and powerset. Keenan Lane is registered as a single-form Human Warshade, while another seems to be practicing its tentacles.
Registered Information
Origin Magic, though he will stress that his version of the term is not the same as Paragon's standard
Archetype Blaster
Current Security Level 50
Primary Powers Registered: Psionic Blast with emphasis on quick, direct and long-range hits
Secondary Powers Registered: Temporal Manipulation, which he uses to channel healing as well as his 'trademarked time-freeze'
Additional Powers

This form continues to use Teleportation as the primary transportation ability. However, as a 'blaster', Kallah-vahh has been working with a Stealth power similar to that which Wilson often used (and he himself, though had been out of practice for years) for protection.

He also has mastered Electrical Manipulation to a point where he can assault or hold / impair enemies shocking them but not completely destroying their systems. This works exceptionally well on robotics and electronics.

As seen in Keenan's dossier there are plenty of other abilities he has access to.


Convocation supergroup, also sub-group called Essential Vortessence (is the base builder for extra rooms considered 'addons' to Convocation's)


Stephen McHattie

Assorted Images / Costumes

With his abilities as a 'Warshade' peaked out, Keenan's next move was to challenge himself to learn other uses for his powers. As a powerful telepath, and seeing how others have used their minds or manipulative efforts, he's 're-registered' as a Blaster for the duration.

In order to distinguish himself from his 'other' self... he's got a new body on that he keeps in similar storage with his others. This one was made in what he calls 'traditional matter transformation', in the same way that he'd originally concocted his first body back in the 40s of his original Earth.

If there's one thing that Paragon's universe has going for it, it's the ability to move matter around with ease. Though he still was quite careful about where and how he assembled this new younger body, Keenan still soaked up a volume of matter somewhere off of Talos Island and in a rather bright energy explosion (implosion?) remade it into a living, breathing Human shape.

Tightly connected to Melissa Larrabie's mental commands when he assembled it, this new form is younger, healthier, and slightly more durable than his prior tries.