Character Dossier: Son of the Mystery |
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Like most children of the Pantheon, this boy was named a few days after his birth. Unlike most of the Pantheon, though a growing trend, he inherited the Vahh namesake - that would make sense, after all. He is the Mystery's son. He didn't get that name that Paxton bears, 'inheritor' of the Mystery, because he isn't. No, the functional part of his name is Nohaa'chackt, for those keeping track: bullets in flight. Nohaa Walsh makes his mother proud. Very, very proud. Nohaa knows that he's the result of flirtations that finally 'went somewhere' between Mars and the Mystery. He also knows that his 'uncle Wilson' doesn't actually resent him nearly as much as he says he does. Their family dynamic is amusing to say the least, though sometimes might appear a bit antagonistic. Would he have been the same if Wilson had been his father? Unlikely at best. But there was never any doubt that it was because Wilson wasn't his father, that Nohaa exists at all. It's unwise to keep Mars Walsh frustrated for very long. She's the type of woman that will go out and get what she needs, wants or can grasp. In this case, she knew that the newly-reborn and 'younger, hotter, full-lung-capacity' Kallah-vahh would be fine with her (in her words) jumping him. In the interests of the 'future of the Human race', Mars made sure that this child of hers was going to be healthy, strong, and Vortal. Some (including the Mystery) were rather surprised at how big he was at birth. Well - compared to Mars herself. Nohaa is not bulky, nor remarkably tall - but neither is he remarkably small or petite like his mother. Though the Mystery guides him still in matters of actual Vortal importance, it is his mother Mars that taught him everything he really 'knows'. As over-active as she was at a young age, Nohaa explored places which hadn't been found by people for years - and got himself out by teleporting, just like his father. Tactics and observational skills come very easily for him, as does a smooth kind of mental communication. As much as he uses his eyes, Nohaa also uses his Vortal senses to determine all manner of information about his surroundings: including information about the people he's teamed with. Because the world he grew up in was still difficult and dangerous, Nohaa is already quite skilled at many of his chosen 'archetype' attacks and defenses. He spent a long time out in the ruined Cities near Black Mesa and the Enrichment Center (82, Alburquerque, and 47, Atlanta) but also among those in Europe reached fairly easily through Wilson's Norway home. Also because he grew up after Ulathoi had been defeated, he has always felt that he's part of a very superior group and family. The fact that he can back up his casually arrogant remarks with extremely powerful Vortal efforts tends to lend all manner of credence to his words. Though the Mystery tends to be quietly aloof about the same things, he is clearly very proud of his son. As far as his parents are concerned, Nohaa is a stunning example of how to 'get it right'. He is much more social than the Mystery, and just as capable of enjoying big groups as his mother. He delights in blowing things up, so when he's teamed up with people in Paragon, they can rely on him as long as there are explosions to be had. More personally, Nohaa is still experimenting with his own form. He doesn't really want to go non-Human, but when he was told of why his father 'had' to get a new body on, and how Kallah-vahh had kept his own original one from dying (refreshing it Vortally, but unable to re-form it completely), it struck him as 'fun' to try and modify his appearance Vortally. The first few attempts were a bit scary: not so much hair as to look more like a gorilla, not so little as to become see-through (whoops, gotta keep melanin in the skin!). But with patience (which he doesn't display often) and diligence (which he does), Nohaa has essentially mastered his body and can update his look with a thought. He prefers the sharp elegance of a goatee to being 'baby faced' with no hair, and likes how most women (and a goodly number of men) look at him. When he forgets how to tie shoes, he'll re-learn... eventually. |