Character Dossier: Virva Novak
Identity Virva Novak
Other Names/Titles Her human name means 'new will of the wisp'
Species Currently Human, is Convocation by origin
Place of Birth Human form Black Mesa Refugee City, alternate Earth; prior existence cannot be said to be 'born', and is most certainly 'another dimension'
Gender Identifies Female
Age (apparent/ chronological) Appears to be a well-preserved middle-aged woman, her actual physical body age is around 8 years; has existed for around 1 billion earth years otherwise
Height 5'7"
Build A bit on the chunky side, pleasantly filled out, if she hadn't come to this dimension's Earth, she probably would be a bit ... soft?
Skintone Fair, quite even and unblemished
Hair Color Brown, medium in tone with a little bit of grey streaking; usually kept in a dowdy bun, but will likely let it down now and again
Eye Color Green, a spring or fairly strong light shade; also reflected in her aura
Distinguishing Marks Usually has green energy sort of bleeding out around her, this is completely unconscious so far, but she'll get the hang of keeping it inside. Maybe.
Family/Attachments Is one of Keenan's kin the Convocation [race], but as a Human is unrelated to anyone around as her body was physically engineered.
Registered Information
Origin Magic
Archetype Sentinel
Current Security Level 42
Primary Powers Radiation Blast
Secondary Powers Fiery Aura
Additional Powers

Typical of Convocation entities, Virva is fully capable of all forms of telepathic communication, including highly invasive memory gathering, however she has been warned away from doing this by Lane. She could have created her own Human body, but the process was much easier with Melissa's help, however that ability to manipulate matter is common to the Convocation.

Will likely develop powers for moving around town, more than likely flight because she thinks that's absolutely marvelous. Currently this takes the form of 'Sorcery'.

Fire Mastery, having come a long way from accidentally letting off powers, Virva's control over heat and flames has become quite strong.


Powers That Be Supergroup, as an envoy from Convocation

Frads, because she can, she does hang out on a very regular basis with those other heroes that use radiation and fire abilities. From them she's learned a lot and has progressed well enough that she is far more confident than she used to be.


Virva is newly Human, but her origins among the Convocation mark her as being at least a billion earthly-years old. Curious and willing to entertain new ideas, she and only two others chose to follow Keenan Lane's example and remain on Earth in order to learn more about 'life'.

With Melissa's help she was given a Human body, custom made to suit her personality and self-image. She is, however, still apt to trip if she's talking or doing more than one thing at a time... And her sense of aim is a bit off now and then.

She has not yet gained a Vortigese title, though when Noah decides she's 'done enough real things' to warrant one, he will bestow it.

She has powers over radiation and heat, which she is just now learning to focus and work with. Most of her radiation is harmless to Humans... mostly.


Virva was nameless for almost all of her existence, and only just a few years before this point did she ever need one. On the "young" side for Convocation, and certainly on the quieter personality type, Virva participated in many Convocation journeys and events - observing and documenting, but never actually getting involved.

She'd seen how kallah-vahh had been treated. Perhaps it was because their kind had always treated him with disdain or outright mistrust, but never told her why, that she decided to side 'with' him in the long run. Though she's been told by Lane what had been going on in the last 45 thousand years, what he'd been doing, and why he had to be secretive, she knew from the other side what their people thought about it all.

They'd known for most of that time, that he was 'up to something', and one or two times, she actually thought there were others among them that were actively trying to subvert his efforts to stop Ulathoi. That was never proven, even when he brought it up at his "judgement", not very long ago. But some things, she figured, just didn't add up. Why some of his plans fell through, how sometimes the enemy would seem to know things they ought not, and when one or two events went sour... She suspected, but since the events are now over and done, it would be improper to really bring them up.

Virva also believes that was on the minds of others when that judgement was being made. Given that some of the Convocation who were most vocal against kallah-vahh had effectively already made up their minds - and were forcing that decision on the rest - if she and a few select friends hadn't finally spoken up... he would have been ... what was the word? Redacted.

But Virva was not alone. She felt - they all did - not one, but two presences among them that were resoundingly on his side. One, they learned, was his 'heir', Paxton. He was a powerful spirit, and it seemed was immeasurably annoyed that they would be coming to try and destroy his ancestor. It was never spoken, he was not vocal, but everyone knew that if things went sour, his intervention on behalf of kallah-vahh would have resulted in much more than one 'redaction'.

The other, Virva had not fully comprehended until becoming Human thanks to Melissa Larrabie's scientific efforts. Bahh'chackt gallum vahh and nach'lih kallah-vahh's first child - a girl, with rich red-gold hair and glimmering beryl-green eyes - would never bear those features. Her inert, living, form still sits in a stasis container the size of a coffee maker, in the Medusa facility's storage room along side dozens of other such unborn offspring.

But she exists. The overwhelming sadness that kallah-vahh shows when the subject is gently brought up tends to equally gently shut the conversation down. Because they are both Convocation, he and Virva have an unspoken understanding about this matter: until Melissa can hold that child in her arms, the lih melded with the kallah, she should not be mentioned as such.

But Virva knew that this spirit with the yellow-green tint to her energy, belonged to kallah-vahh. Perhaps she didn't realize it herself? Well - either way, knowing that he had produced a new Convocation with a human... Probably would have been an outrage if it wasn't true. She was right there. And equally unspoken - Virva and the two others that remained on Earth with Lane and his Human friends gently reminded the Convocation's eldest of this. He probably already knew, but still. That others had noticed, and even Virva herself - quiet and unassuming and usually dragged around by other more dominant Convocation - had mentioned it? If it could bring her to say something, that must mean more.

So, happy that things didn't go terribly wrong, Virva and her companions (one female, and one male, both of whom have also been given new Human forms) remained behind, as the rest of the Convocation drifted away. Even Paxton left for a short time, but he eventually returned - human - again. Virva was always sure that she'd enjoy this "living in matter", she was not prepared for the full impact of it.

Sometimes, even now several years after her initial creation and insertion into an inert but fully functional Human form, Virva will pause and remember: "I'm hearing sounds! With sensory apparatus! Sounds come through the air, that compresses!"

At times like that, it's best to just let her look around with that wonderfully innocent and amazed look on her face, until it passes, and she can go back to chatting about how best to build a new bunk bed or pick a feature. Though she is quite innocent in ways, she's also still well aware that she is not fully Human, and sometimes her body surprises her. She is fully fertile and capable of bearing young, but she's nowhere near ready to do so in many ways. She doesn't quite "get" the whole 'choosing a partner' thing, and is reasonably sure that she doesn't want to start her own 'legacy' as Lane has done with his family.

Virva is quite happy to participate in Paragon City as well as life in Black Mesa, enjoying the pure physical rush of exertion, and understanding that she's not even breaking the rules of the Convocation in doing so! She can certainly understand why Lane has gotten such a thrill from it, being able to almost literally bleed lih and do some good with it.

As an envoy from the group The Convocation, Virva enjoys hanging out at the Powers campus and will do many things with them, she's treating it as a learning experience like no other. Also, she wants to see what kallah-vahh's fuss is about: Mary certainly does seem to be of great interest to Lane, and with good reason. It's possible that Virva has given a few secrets away to Mary, but in general knows when to shut up.


Virva's trips through the City with the 'Frads' the fire-rad teams that helped teach her how to master her powers, have been both enlightening and confidence-building for her. Though she is still extremely gullible, she does, for instance, know that she won't grow hair on her chest when she defeats difficult enemies.