Essence of Vortessence Base

[Essence of Vortessence is a secondary group founded for the purpose of extending the Convocation's 'terrain'. Based specifically on the Half Life 2/episode 2 mod "The Mansion 4: Gman", the EoV contains two 'locales' - a large sprawling mansion, and a bayou with an attendant homestead. Both of these are considered canon for Repurposed. Click to expand the images, they're all reasonably large. To visit this map, please use the code REPURPOSED-462 ]

[Below is the full overhead, under-map and east view of the base plot. On the right is the actual mod's view of the same. I tried to keep as much to the general layout of the place as possible, most rooms can directly be equated but there were some second and third story locations that had to be compressed into one large room or several side by side. The Vance bayou and residence along with the exterior of the Mansion mod's locations are not seen (the bayou is not in that mod, the exterior of the Mansion is on a different map). Notably the Statuary location changed from the back end of the building to the front side.

Ignore the checkerboards, those are an effect of having to load the mod's contents in another game and not having access to the custom textures.]

When Keenan Lane realized that his family would be remaining in Paragon City for some extended period of time, he got it into his head to reprise some locations that would not directly interfere with the Convocation's floorplans. With Wilson's nightclub and Hoyle's hotel, along with all the other varied spots that the Convocation oversees, he knew that it would be appropriate to have some 'personal space'. Not just his Office With No Doors, and certainly away from Wilson's guest suite, Keenan set about deciding a course of action.

That action took the form of a meeting with a man named Jake Alabaster. A skilled mage and psionicist, Alabaster was already known in Paragon City for a short while, but tends to keep to himself, rather than jumping out into the 'heroic' action. His specific skill set was what inspired Lane to work with him on a complicated process.

On their original world, Lane owned a sprawling mansion with grounds, where he held dinner parties and gatherings in order to further his funding efforts and investments there. Originally built sometime in the 1850s, but with some spots in and under the mansion grounds dating much farther back, this mansion came into his possession in the late 1940s, and had clearly been empty for quite some time. Lane sold off much of the farmland and forest areas that surrounded the place, but kept certain outbuildings and the eerie but beautiful statuary and cemeteries.

In the years before the Synchronicity Events, numerous of those parties cemented firms financing, and gave Lane far more leeway among the bankers, lawyers and business owners he associated with. On the whole, though, the place was large and empty - he brought in experts for cooking, serving, organizing and cleanup. Only twice were there full-time staff, and that was before the 1970s. Lane lived there full time for several years early on, but as things got more complicated and his own health began to deteriorate, he spent more time simply walking the halls of the various businesses he helped administrate. Shortly before the Events, he'd arranged for one last gathering - but the time scale of events progressed quickly, and several people showed up quite literally as the world began to end.

At least one of them, Thomas Page remained there for the next several decades. When Lane, Wilson, and others arrived to 'clean the place up' and perhaps use it for a safe area to rebuild for the refugees, Thomas was there... He's since been relocated to Black Mesa.

But with the location reasonably renovated in their world, and still in use some two hundred years after it was originally built, Lane felt it was finally getting the attention it deserved, and wandered off to his own devices once more. However - that didn't mean it was forgotten in the slightest.

When it was clear that Mary would be an intimate part of his life, Keenan decided to reprise the location in a new way. He could have merely constructed it Vortally, as with his other locations, but that would require other people to either wait for him to bring them there, or have the specific ability to visit Vortally, with his permission. What he wanted was more or less a real place, a physical location.

While he was working with some of the interesting contacts in the township of Salamanca, Lane discovered that there were properties there which, aside from the occasional infestation of ghostly presences and Fir Bolg, almost matched his old home's landscape and bulk. Though the properties existing in Paragon's Earth are much farther east toward the coast than his old home, the setting and isolated location seemed to be a perfect fit. Let's not bother with the details about how he legally acquired those properties, but... he is the deed owner now.

Construction - or perhaps the term reconstruction is more appropriate - began shortly. Alabaster took specific memories from Lane's mind, and was given a steady stream of Vortal power from him as well. Using his own considerable talents, Alabaster was able to physically manifest the energy in the form of the mansion. Completely to spec and functional - connected to gas, electric, internet and water - the structure was 'built' in under two months. Some details aren't exactly as Lane recalled: perhaps other memories got mixed in, but either way the place is worth a fortune, and only Alabaster and Lane know how much it actually cost. Whenever 'money' is brought up, Alabaster simply grins - a similar smirk found on Lane's face - and no one learns a thing.

In addition to the mansion, however, there is a second 'plot' of land which has been fully transformed by Alabaster. With much more difficulty, a bayou and homestead was recreated physically. A building which for all intents and purposes was destroyed in the 1960s or '70s, from the endless progress of cities, and eventually even those overtaken by the natural forces of hurricanes, storms, and Portal events. The homestead belonged to Eli Vance's grandparents, and had been Vortally made as a sort of 'apology gift' to him shortly before Eli passed away. Vance had visited it only as a very young child, but it clearly left strong imprints on him. Strong enough to have been pulled out (with permission) and 'fixed' to an adult-sized proportion. These 'memories of someone else's childhood' were somewhat difficult to render, but Alabaster managed to make something truly spectacular out of them.

Entrance to the Mansion's grounds.

On the left, the Mansion in-game. On the right, two images of the front of the place as seen in the mod. [OMG that round structure was a PITA to make... That's why there's only ONE of them.]

The grounds of the Mansion

On the left are two images from the mod's map. On the right, the fountain as Alabaster was able to create it. Lighting plays a huge role in most of this base, both indoors and outdoor areas are heavily affected by mood lighting.

Mansion Doors

On the left are the doors as they are seen in the mod before entering. Eventually there may be wood works installed but at the moment the current version is good enough.

Main Entrance Hall

On the upper left is the original mod's rather silly main hall's vanity portrait... ;) Everything else is in the Mansion created by Alabaster. Lane would like to assure anyone who asks, that no, he did not in fact 'hunt the dead things' on the walls and in the display cases, they were there when he got the place.

Several corner nooks include comfortable seating and tables, lighting, and a nice view.

On the left is an example of one of two 'main corners' that wind the path through the mansion, on both east and west wings. On the upper right is a conversation nook. Lower right, the original. Both of these lead to the functional portions of the Mansion. Though Lane has discovered that "there should probably be archways or doors" installed in those middle walls.

Dining Hall

The complex glass-over-water system, Lane claims, was 'expensive and difficult to maintain, but well worth the effect'. On the right are two images from the mod - before and after - the hanging chandelier breaks the glass in order to find a key which is hidden in the water below the tables. Alabaster brought this beautifully into reality.

[I am *exceptionally* happy with how this room turned out. The only thing I didn't put there were stairs down, since we only have a limited amount of 'floor' height. It's actually because of this room specifically, that the entire mansion's floors are the height they are.]

Kitchen facilities on the other side of the large gryphon statue.

If anything was made 'much nicer' in the reimaging of this mansion, it would be this kitchen. Though nowhere near as well-stocked as Wilson's own or that in the Hoyle penthouse, Wilson enjoys cooking here and keeps the fridge packed with goodies. He knows some day he'll have to teach Lane how to actually cook... But until then, any visitors should happily swipe anything they find in the fridge, knowing it will be nutritious as well as delicious.

Laundry and Electric... who does that in one room?!

Actually a combination of two locations in the mod, however they worked beautifully together. Plus, the power room was flooded in the mod (seen on lower right). [If any room evokes Half Life, this one does. Half-fallen light fixture and all. The original power area was a small room the size of the one in the Mansion here, though three stories high with dangerous things on each landing.]

Teleport and Garden - this is an older section of the Mansion's interior, probably dating back at least 100 more years from the rest of the place. Though mostly bare and consisting of several mysterious brick walls and walkways, Lane has had it set up with the readily available teleporters allowing visitors to get to and from places around Paragon. Still, it does seem a bit sinister.

Theater and Lounge

While there was a small theater actually found inside the Mansion, what Alabaster appears to have recreated within the place now is a reasonable reproduction of a Chicago locale that Lane used to go to on business trips to that city. Included are a casual lounge, restroom facilities, and a 'snack bar' which is still somewhat in need of attendants and supplies. The film room is above the restrooms and actually has high-quality reels from numerous era-specific movies. Apparently the theater in reality was bulldozed in the 1980s as part of a neighborhood 'improvement' plan, so yet again Lane's memories serve as a preservation of things that only he actually saw first hand.

The theater itself has a cozy semi-secret lounge below the seating, and above it are very comfortable velvet cusioned rows. The screen is quite large and has a stage, though is not yet equipped for live performances.

Library - on the right side are three views of the mod's library room. [Ignore the pink checkerboard, that's an effect of not having all the textures properly installed.]

With a few modifications, Alabaster has managed to outdo himself here. While this library isn't nearly as complete as Paxton's Sanctuary, it does contain hundreds if not thousands of long-lost books. Many in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, even a few scrolls in Tibetan or Mandarin. Mostly non-fiction, some of these books were in the mansion when Lane bought it, while others he brought in himself.

He conducted business meetings here, the occasional dinner party wound up lounging around. It was also likely used as a school during its original inhabited days.

Main Quarters stairs and entry - directly behind the Library's far wall desk is a 'semi-secret' entrance to the master suite and servants quarters below.

On the right are views from the mod, on the left as made in the mansion. [Given the game's restrictions, only two stories were possible, so I used the space as best I could.]

Lower floor - guest and servant's quarters.

On the upper right are two different rooms from the mod, on the left their counterparts in the mansion. There is room for a good number of staff and on-site living space, including another full kitchen and shower/bathing area, and a storage and laundry area (shown below).

In the prior Earth's real-world mansion, these spaces are well used today. Lane has heard it said that there are upwards of fifty refugees living in the mansion and working its grounds - he's rather happy with the fact that someone is getting proper use out of the huge space. Here in Paragon's version, overnight stays and large parties will certainly be hosted in this area.

I like to think that not having a dead body or headcrab zombie in the bathtub is a vast improvement. Also in the lower image is a view of the servant's side entrance - which connects to the Theater area. The guest rooms are on the right of those stairs, laundry on the left, and beyond those is the servant's common area.

Master suite

On the left is the original room as seen in the mod. Surrounding it, the reproductions in the Mansion. With vaulted ceilings and a large hearth, comfortable gathering places and a very nice bathroom and sleeping arrangement, Keenan and Mary might enjoy many pleasant evenings chatting by the fireside.

Oh look, there they are.

Ancient Church - it's possible that this area just outside the dining and power hallway on the east side of the structure used to be a church of some kind. No one is exactly sure to what gods services might have been devoted, but now it is an interesting... if slightly weird... outdoor gathering place. Since it has a major hearth, it is actually a nice spot for night-time parties. As the gods watch from their strange statues...

In the mod there are numerous statues and scary nooks which don't seem to serve any purpose other than to be weird. Nailed it. :)

Servant's Quarters - outbuilding

It's very likely that in the early days of this structure, it had been a large scale plantation or farming community. Though the farm house and other buildings (barn, stable, etc) had been sold off and the land itself used for other purposes (sometime in the late 60s Lane discovered a commune of hippies living in one area) there were still a few remnants of the people's lives that used to reside there. A cozy, if slightly ramshackle shack sits near the oldest portion of the property. This was likely used by the groundskeeper or even the overseer of slaves if not the servants themselves.

The outbuilding leads to an exterior portion of the mansion which is used to store firewood and other equipment. Much of that was cleared away (mentally) and a more park-like atmosphere can be found now. This room leads directly to the 'Church'.

On left and upper right are views of the Mansion, on the lower right, the area as seen in the mod. Thankfully, no zombies and headcrab monsters appear in the Salamanca version of the place!

Cemetery and Statuary

On the west side of the entrance grounds is a long, narrow strip of beautiful landscaping. It includes several ancient headstones and statues marking graves of long-unknown personages. Given that the place was likely thriving as a community 200 years ago, having such a thing (and a church nearby) seems appropriate. On the lower right are two areas in the mod which evoke this specific location. Though it was indoors, this area in Salamanca deserved the exterior treatment.

The nighttime version of this location is both tremendously spooky, and extraordinarily beautiful. The statues themselves seem to glow.

Waterway leading to the Bayou

Just past the cemetery is an amazing transition point. Alabaster manifested a water table, flooded the area, and created something straight out of a young boy's heart: a bayou complete with fireflies and the moist, warm air of a deep South summer night.

Turning on the river..

It was clear to Lane that Eli Vance spent a reasonable amount of time fishing from this long, low willow tree. Just beyond it, however, rests the masterpiece that he's been aching to show off.

The Vance Residence docks

Hidden on a somewhat dry spot of this bayou was a lovely hand-crafted homestead. It belonged to Eli Vance's grandparents; unfortunately their names are lost to time, Eli himself was quite young and likely never even knew their first names. However, Lane suspects that Eli's grandfather was the son of a slave, who had somehow inherited his master's old equipment and perhaps even the property.

Two dogs rest comfortably in the evening shade, while there is a porch lounge on the other side. Several graves mark other ancestors or family members. It is one of those which Lane uses to specifically mark Eli's own.

The main fireplace within the Vance residence had several comfortable seats and numerous stacks of books resting nearby. The maps, microscope and other such equipment most certainly led to Eli's love of science. Both his grandparents, he claimed, were eager to encourage him to learn as much as he could. Their collection of scientific works formed the entire dining room's wall (below).

The Pantry served as a focal point for the young Eli. Lane believes his grandmother had him peeling potatoes and helping her prepare for meals, this area was extremely detailed in his memory. However... the lack of things on the top shelves might indicate he was simply too small to see what was there!

Eli's grandparents had a cozy bedroom upstairs. Again, the bookshelves themselves often formed walls, and there was constant evidence of their pursuits of knowledge in the form of open books, well-penned notes, and the like.

Next to the bedroom on the upper floor was the area where Eli and perhaps several other children would sleep, learn, and play indoors. He spent a lot of time at the desk near, with an area overlooking the bayou beyond. The stairs can be seen on the right beyond the books. On the left, a lovely outdoor balcony which apparently the adults would use for late-night conversations.

View of the bayou from the balcony upstairs; is it any wonder why Eli's childhood felt so full of amazement at the world around him?

Why those adults would continue to chat until the late hour - a spectacular view of the night sky.