Name: Ardell

Gender: Female, bi

Age/DOB: ~17, aged, RY 10

Origin: Repurposed Earth, sent to Rookery

Family: as an ELL all are her sisters or aunties, but she also has splices from Clay, making her the relative of any given stone shaper...

Other: She's a bit hard to get along with, but she still has her eye on some offworlders...

Height: 5'6" short even for an ELL

Weight: ~100 and almost all of that is muscle

Hair: Dusty dark brown, though quite fine it isn't nearly as frizzy or flyaway as Clay's; kept straight and usually with a bit of a bun, not always remaining where it's supposed to be

Eyes: aqua blue-green, very intense and usually with a squint

Appearance: lightly tanned skin showing her ELL side strongly, with thin lips and a little nose. She wears the orange and white Aperture gear as shown but it's hardly standard, as it's got lots of pockets and places to put dirt samples, tools, and the like. She wears no shoes but she has never needed them. She's got a husky voice, a loud laugh, and can shout across quite a large area

Genetic Abilities: She has a minor connection to the ELLs and any of the telepaths among the Pantheon, and can hear and understand Vortigese though she rarely tries speaking it. Mainly her powers are a version of Clay's: she has an intense connection to earth, stone, ore, crystal, and the like. She truly shines in finding even tiny amounts of useful ores and winnowing them through the rock they're stuck in, and can lay her hands on piles of seemingly random rocks only to create a pile of pure silver, gold, or even find diamonds among the rubble. Her power is reasonably close range, working best with her hands physically touching a rock wall or mine shaft, and can detect any particular substance within about 100 meters of her hand. She can do this without touch, but is limited to about 20 meters at most. Also it works far better in its natural state, but she can detect different elements and ores among refined metal shavings in a workshop, and on gathering them up can re-form a solid block of it within a few minutes. She can reshape metal that has been worked either by Vortal power or by a forge, but prefers to leave that to the artisans and workers. Her job is to find the good stuff, get it more pure, and send it up to the Rookery for processing!

Image Credits: Pastelkatto Space Western

Icarus Processing: Yes, while being put together, and with reinforcement when she was artificially aged around 2 years old. These dramatically strengthened her body and muscularity, while keeping her weight quite stable. She is at least three times stronger than a normal person, and can tolerate extreme temperatures, and resists damage particularly from naturally occurring things like 'walking on sharp stones', though she can still get hurt or sick. She has remarkable endurance, and can continue hauling mine carts in and out of the local Ranch mine shafts for the entire day
Skills or Profession: as above, she tends the old mines around the Ranch - sometimes a very dangerous job. Usually attended by some Vorts or a scout or even a dragon, provided they're small and can walk safely in the rickety mines. She has a very strong set of downloaded information regarding ores, mining, elements, metal work, and tools, but also she's studied old maps of the area around the Ranch and Rookery making sure of where the old shafts are, versus where the newer antlion Nectarium and thus extreme dangers are...
Personality: a very hard worker, but she enjoys this job and yes you might even catch her whistling while she works. Ardell does like to drink and is a regular at Barney's Barn Bar, though she doesn't necessarily 'carrouse' she's also quite fond of the more casual group at the Ranch's Rowdy Saloon.
Events or History: She sometimes consults with Clay but she's also heard there are people in that other world or two .. two-earth? that are literal superheroes, and she wants to ask some of those 'benders' about elements and martial arts. Not that she wants to karate-chop the mines apart!


Name: Silver and Gold
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium 11'6" s / 52' l / 90' ws
Colors: Body white-silver from chin to tail tip grades to brilliant shiny silver metallic scales on legs and sides; limbs, face, back bright gold with red and copper on neck; wingsails sunset red-gold lighter at edges and with bright metallic white and silver streaks; back fin metallic gold to red-copper highly reflective; horns and claws shiny silver that looks grey or white depending; eyes aqua
Features: Pure Sandwing, young looking with large head and eyes, paw feet, otherwise standard
Powers: Winged Flight, when Silver and Gold takes wing, you know it, because his silvery scales throw reflected light everywhere! He can fly quick like an arrow, and prefers to know just where he is going before hand, so he doesn't waste energy getting lost. But he can read the lay of the land very easily from above, and he's rarely wrong when he's plotting a course to another of the mine entrances, even though he's hundreds of feet up in the air. He can carry a large amount of weight, and has specially designed carry straps for such a thing, however he prefers doing this only once a day or even every other day, doesn't want to wear his lovely scales out...
Verbal Speech, he has a clear and strong voice, it seems to chime like bells, but he can also rumble in a subsonic tone that brings many antlions to the surface. In this manner, while his rider is down in one mine, he can distract them if they start coming close. He knows a lot of technical terms and can hold a conversation with any given weaponsmith, and that's good because he also can help shape their weapons!
Heat and Fire Breath, his mastery over fire is quite strong, and Silver and Gold is able to make either a carefully aimed cloud of superheated air - usually for melting scattered shavings or things that have been brought in and just need to be melted down - or blast an incredibly hot flame of white tipped with gold, accurate up to 100 meters but it burns through almost anything if he keeps it going. If he starts burning stuff, he tries to keep it to 'enemies and walls you don't need any more'. He can crisp-fry an entire hatching batch of headcrabs, and ... honestly? That's one hell of a barbeque feast right there!
Ore Affinity, his ability to notice rock formations, strata, the quality of soil, sand, dirt, or stone all around him is more magical than an education. He can Vortally glance around and know whether there is a good solid vein of ore, or merely scattered bits here and there, but he can't really do more than dig it out with his claws, not like his rider!
Desert Survival, as a Sandwing he is capable of tolerating the blistering heat and low-moisture realm of a dune desert, and since Black Mesa is situated more in a scrub land, he's quite comfortable. The chill nights, biting sand storms, and even some number of venomous creatures bites, have no effect on him
Poison Stinger, that two-foot long spike on his tail isn't just for show, but he only really uses it as a threat and posture beyond fighting any Combine large enough to get hit by it. He doesn't hunt using this because it tends to 'make the meat bad' - real bad. Do not eat.
Parentage: None known in the Rookery
Origin: adopted from FrigidBanshee on Scalez lines on deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: He is an incredibly handsome lad, a young dragon but not hatchling. He's ready to find a mate, but they need to be quite pretty too!