Name: Axell

Gender: Female, She/Her, bi

Age/DOB: ~17 / spliced prior to RY0

Origin: Repurposed Earth, sent to Rookery

Family: Though mostly ELL, Alyx's DNA was spliced into the mix, producing an amazing result; 'grandfather' Eli, several 'siblings' and many 'cousins'

Other: There will definitely be new generations of the Vance line from her...

Height: 5'7"

Weight: Icarus-altered lightweight and quite strong, subdued curves

Hair: very dark brown but with a visible tint; very heavy and slightly wooly, kept in a waist-length braid or in tighter braids gathered in a tail, her hair is very long and if not gathered up tends to poof out incredibly

Eyes: dark blue-green, more blue and much darker than most ELLs; even, and with dark lashes, under expressive and solid brows

Appearance: darkly tanned to light brown skin without scars, but she does have a few moles not visible, and freckles in sunlight; even under hours worth of sun she won't burn, instead tanning into an amazingly deep copper shade. She has a handsome face with a strong chin and jaw line, a flat and broad nose, and her lips are almost always smirking just a little. She wears black and white, a very fashionable mix of Armacham and Aperture gear with added fancy bits, none of which ever seem to get dirty. Her voice is somewhat low and a bit nasal; she's not afraid to use the big technical words

Icarus Processing: yes, during creation and splicing, boosted after 'toddlerhood' as she was not grown to direct adult stage. This processing reduced her adult weight quite a bit, and she is known to be around 2.5 times stronger than a typical person, able to manipulate and sense very tiny details using her fingers; her sense of balance and ability to judge distances, weights, and mass just by holding on to something is quite impressive and is largely due to this process as it is not a direct 'power' (so she can tell how long an unbroken cable runs even if it's 'miles', as well as being able to sense that a gear is 1 micron too large...)

Image Credits: Meiker/Mia's Closet

Genetic Abilities: As most of the newer created ELLs, she has a boosted empathy and modest telepathy with her 'sisters', but also can sense and communicate with those in the Vance bloodline as well. This is only a nearby effect, within 50 meters for communication, and 100 for sensing. Her ELL-like abilities of direction sense and mechanical prowess were boosted strongly by Alyx's, and she exploits those things with an impressively vast intellect. While many other ELLs work with larger scale items, she's good with detailed work as well as precision tuning for unusual items. She can feel the difference between metals, this is an active power that she can ignore but it's generally 'always on', her fingers will be fiddling with any given tool or tiny gadget and she'll know whether it's an alloy or pure metal composing the pieces. This also extends to a more concentrated psychometry which only works on metals, though the subject of this doesn't have to be entirely metal. Rubber, wood, cloth, or plastics won't interfere with her examination. She can sense weaknesses in a piece, but also the history of it including who has recently (within about 2 months) touched it or parts of it. This works more smoothly the more often she does it to a single piece, so she has taken to 'asking door panels' who's been nearby, or 'were there fish in this trap recently'. Since she lives on Aerie Island above the Rapture facility, she does sense a lot of interesting things going on down there through the long metal wiring, structural pilons, and tubes linking the facility to the surface. She can actively shape small pieces of metal, generally ones which have been tooled but then need cleanup, such as screws and tiny gears, and can work with Vortally imprinted 'templates' for very, very small work indeed. Not quite to the atomic size, but to the molecular level, she has begun working with nanobots and incredibly tiny machinery. This work can and does function well on Combine metals and alloys, so she has been used frequently to try and figure ways to unhook brains and bodies from their invasive technology without injuring the subject.
Skills or Profession: At her toddler-hood Icarus treatment, she was given packets of skill downloads which, as she grew, slowly became integrated into her mind. Most of these were language and essential survival skills and knowledge about locations, mechanical engineering came later but was definitely included as it just seemed right to do so. (After all, her dna donor Alyx was working on complex machinery by the time she was 4 years old, and any ELL at that age would be considered 'experienced' as they're all clones...) As her powers began to grow, it was clear that any of the Pantheon with metal or psychometric ability would be best to tutor her, and she eagerly soaked up information about metallurgy, gadgetry, and civil engineering. She also learned about the Combine, and not too much later, about the Rookery. This gave her skill set a focal point: learning how to disassemble the Combine attachments to people's bodies, and undo the damage they'd done to the human race on the Rookery. Since this was already either in progress or finished up on the Repurposed world, she's learned more about the alternate dimension's Earth such as locations and routes to and from safe areas among the Rookery.
Personality: Focused and friendly, Axell reminds most non-ELLs of Alyx as a child: brighter than you think, easier to get along with than you'd expect, and oh so talented with her hands and body when she's working on something big. However, like a lot of ELLs she does benefit from having a task assigned to her, and while she does enjoy her alone-time, she's apt to hang out with whoever is nearby as long as they don't mind
Events or History: She traveled with her group of 'fresh-made' ELLs to the Rookery proper, and a while later was brought to Tris'Hath. The drak that bonded to her wasn't born on Icarus, but that's never bothered her. They decided that the Aerie is a good place for a drak that cannot stop flying!


Name: Mizzelth
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small 8' s / 48' l / 70' and 30' ws
Colors: white opal, body is pale pearl white with a dance of rainbow speckling that seem to change every time he moves; wingsails are oily-pastel opal in a medium silvery shade; mane is more solidly colored warm silver-grey with steamy bits; claws silvery; eyes pale blue
Features: Steam Opal Drak; hybrid with four wings, two of them being much smaller than his main flight wings; four legs with pawed, 3-long-clawed feet; head is narrow and angular, with small horn-like headknobs and external ears; mane on neck only, body is very long with an equally long fork-ended tail; main wings have 3 visible fingers and one very hefty wrist claw, small wings are 2 fingered without claw; ** note that this drak has steam coming from his main and head/eyes, but also is gently steaming most of the time from everywhere else, and this can be seen in early morning light without shadows similarly to the way steam rises from dew-covered wood as it warms up with the sunrise; this drak-hybrid has velvety hide with reflective scales (I'm not sure about the rest of the clutch)
Powers: Winged Flight, Mizzelth is a phenominal flier, eagerly extending his massive wings to the winds over the Aerie, and using his hindwings to maneuver with precision. He's not so big as to be unable to enter the Rapture facility below, but much prefers to fly on actual ocean breezes rather than the stale dome-held air below the waves; he is essentially the size of a typical Pernese blue, and as such he can certainly lift and carry his rider plus her gear at any time, in any conditions
Portal Creation, as he takes greatly after the Icarian side in this regard, he can create portals which open to specific locations, and while concentrating on them can even leave them open though they will always close directly after he goes through. He has a set of known locations - the Rookery, Rapture, North Aperture's parking lot, the Bayou to name a few - and he can instantly convey himself and whatever he is carrying to those spots
Telepathy, though weak, Mizzelth has a bond that is reasonably strong with his equally telepathic partner Axell, perhaps she boosts his communication with his mind. He relies more on Verbal Speech with a hissing accent, though he understands quite a few technical terms and is learning a few of the local words (Finnish, Spanish, Pyrrhan Draconic, Vortigese)
Acid Spit, a very potent and thick acid produced in the throat, this stuff can definitely melt straight through Strider carapaces or even Combine armor in moments; he has rarely been in actual cobat situations but it's clear that his aim is good though not great, and his range is short compared to the fire-breathers, at under 50 meters without wind to interfere
Parentage: dam Kaurynel (Miihen water Zaythiel+desert Sirebwyn), sire Androth (Lantessama 28 Orange (Amber) Lhyanpith x Spectrum Ileancureth )
Origin: Trishath Rainbow Glitz by Kin
Other Info: Mature, Focused and Dependent; Mizzelth knows that the world he's gone to live at is quite dangerous, and handles this with ease. He knows better than to goof off, but he's not a terrible stick in the mud. He'd be the 'teenage babysitter' type, able to organize younger dragons and make sure they don't run off and get into trouble, and teach them a little here and there to boot. However he absolutely does want to be near his bond, he's more worried about her than himself, particularly if they're sent on recon or retrieval missions to get more supplies or items that Axell needs to shape or work on