Name: Bluebell

Gender: Female, she/her, straight

Age/DOB: ~18, aged, RY12

Origin: Rookery Earth, Rapture facility, of Vault-Earth and Rookery-Repurposed lines; currently residing at the Coffee Grounds with center of operations at DT 14 but moving quite often around the whole area

Family: ELL base, with Fantell being her 'mother' and having carried her (to 4 months), and 'father' donor Dan of Wakefield Vault; half-sister among the BELLs is Snowbell

Other: as elegant as she is, she almost seems out of place, but anyone who loves to see beautiful flowers in a garden would eagerly enjoy watching her work

Height: just barely 5'6", petite and slender

Weight: can a flower this perfect have weight? For her size and appearance she's actually quite tough and strong

Hair: charcoal black with hints of brown in the sun, thick and straight, kept as shown

Eyes: medium to bright blue, quite large

Appearance: lightly tanned skin that bronzes in sunlight without blemishes; she looks sleek and pretty at basically all times, even when she's been physically digging in the dirt or transplanting or splicing trees. If she sweats, there's the hint of delightfully smelling flowers; she speaks rarely and quietly, with a bit of a deep burr

Icarus Processing: while being spliced, with the Plasmid-Icarus mixture in order to accentuate the unusual added genetics brought from another dimension's donor. This improved her Vortal abilities considerably and broadened their types. Her durability and strength are about twice as good as a normal human's, and her agility plus manual dexterity are much higher than normal as well. Physically she also has the ability to heal from minor injuries or surface issues such as burns or cuts almost instantly. Her senses of smell, taste, and touch are quite strong. Bluebell's memory is very hard to beat, almost photographic, her brain is significantly more complicated than a normal human's

Image Credits: Meiker roiworld Fallen Angel

Genetic Abilities: while she definitely has a strong empathic and telepathic connection to her ELL sisters and aunties, she is also able to extend her mental senses into both animals and plants to a very strong degree. Her human-based telepathy can reach Vortal minds up to about a mile, and non-Vortal ones within about 20 meters. Animals with complex brains she can sense and even influence their behaviors up to 100 meters away, that is anything from small lizards on up to horses and dogs, and she can influence Xenian or non-Earth creatures including dragons to an extent. Generally she doesn't try messing with dragons, but creatures such as Antlions or Headcrabs are open game for her. With plants she can detect them in great detail as long as there is a physical connection (including through dirt) by touch up to a mile, and by just standing and 'listening' up to 500 meters. She can discern health, mood of animals and people, physical state such as breeding or hunger, and closer than 20 meters away can actively command an animal to move or behave differently. With touch, she can cause a plant to grow, take root, and even alter its inherent structure with concentration. So she might be able to grow a fern to its largest size, have it spore, and also alter those spores so that it can thrive in different conditions. This has proven immeasurably good for the coffee and vanilla-bean plants found in the Grounds, so they can withstand the very different climate here, as these changes are deep, permanent, and pass to new generations of that plant. Her lesser known but extremely useful ability to "pause time" was aided not just by Fantell but by Lane, since he wants to keep track of the folks scattered around who have similar powers to the Convocation. She can slow time to a crawl, not really stopped, but to about 1/100 of normal, more than enough to get plenty of things done in a markedly short time frame, since she can move or act as normal (aside from anything that requires connection or communication to another being). What she uses that power for, is her business.
Skills or Profession: That business is making sure that plants are sustainable in any climate available to them. She has a small hot-house in the Mansion itself, which she uses to test out new strains of fruits or berries, beans, virtually anything that people will be trying to grow in other settings. When she needs to check up on all their measurements or progress, she often goes into a time-pause and is 'done' within moments of starting an hours-long task. She never seems out of breath! She has extensive downloaded knowledge of plant life, soils, organic as well as inorganic chemistry, and is also gifted with an artistic eye thanks to Fantell. So if she wants you to plant that seedling just exactly there and water it only so many times, guaranteed you will have a tasty, beautiful addition to your local garden in no time.
Personality: quiet, reserved, and something of a loner, she likes having her private space, and her quiet me-time. Bluebell prefers a small group of close friends, rather than the boisterous Carnies doing their tricks, but she definitely will attend big events and enjoy herself just fine. She loves having people do a double take - is that lady really wearing such a beautiful dress or fancy gloves to do yard work? Well yes, she is. She's not the only one who can get away with it, but she does so with an inner grin.
Events or History: Created with her sisters in the B-ELL group, and carried by her donor mother Fantell, which has definitely had a profound effect on her Vortal presence. Mainly due to genes, but also because Fantell can create her own pocket dimension outside of spacetime, and she absolutely did spend a lot of time in hers doing work on her looms and crafting clothing, while pregnant. Truth be told she could probably have carried both her spliced offspring among this group but Fantell didn't really want the responsibility. Bluebell enjoys her own responsbilities at the Grounds, and has even started working on making the exterior of the Mansion itself much prettier thanks to climbing creepers and accent boxes around windows filled with flowers that in turn attract butterflies and birds. As below, she has helped put large, sturdy, dragon-housing trees around the guard towers of the area, allowing them to be unnoticed or more difficult to detect from above, as well as housing numerous smaller or avian-like dragons.


Name: L'kut-len dara'ree, together she gathers fruit and protects the trees
Gender: Female, lays 2-4 eggs (slow to mature)
Size/Shoulder/Length: 11' s / 60' l / 66' ws
Colors: bdy denim blue on forelimbs and hind body from ribs to tail, faded at tail tip, belly from neck to under tail dusty sky blue, back of neck to mid-body pearlescent pale white-blue, feet light blue-grey; wing edge dark denim blue, primaries dark grey, head feathers dark grey with white eye rings, pink beak and small horns on face, eyes black, claws grey
Features: Ahgohris Species Info
Powers: Winged Flight, exceptionally quick to reach the skies, and equally so in dives and switching direction. However, she chooses a more leisurely flight path when she knows there is no direct danger in the area. She enjoys flitting from one large treetop or outcropping to the next, in short (quarter mile... that's short, right?) bursts. Shorter than that she sometimes just walks around, carefully, instead of flying. She can carry a decent amount of weight but prefers the freedom of solo flight
Verbal Speech and Telepathic/Empathic Exchange, she speaks her own language but also she seems remarkably apt with Vortigese, and with her species being telepathic she is easily understood by any telepath be they dragon or biped. She knows how to emulate English but prefers to chitter away with the Vorts, seeming to share in-jokes with them. She can sense moods of nearby dragons and if the person is strong, humans and vorts alike, but she's more easily read by their minds than heard if she tries to communicate herself
Exceptional Sight and Hearing, her species has a tremendous visual spectrum, which includes magnetic lines and polarized light; she uses this more frequently to determine if anything is interrupting the area's wildlife, since bees and other insects are responsible for the flowering of food plants and rely on it for their travel. She can hear individual pips of static sounds and 'reads' the sound made by data bursts, though she doesn't really understand them she's been trained to filter what she might be hearing for any contextually important bits, is this a Combine broadcast or is it friendly, in other words
Venom bite, neurotoxin delivered from the gums and coating the teeth, created at will during hunts or perhaps during protective moments, holding down on flesh will activate it naturally; this toxin is dangerous to living creatures, though this dragon's version is somewhat dilute and she would be hard pressed to deliver enough of it in passing or accidentally to harm humans or other friendly life forms
Parentage: none known, unrelated to Nishaa
Origin: Aireona giveaway on nexus forum
Other Info: L'kut enjoys her job of monitoring the health and activities of the gardens and crop fields in the Grounds and surrounding farmsteads, and as time goes by this duty is praised by those who have to do the actual work, they love having her chittering song pass overhead, and have learned to recognize her warning call as well. She helps distribute the beehives and other insect drops that help keep pests to a minimum and pollinate the gardens. Her bond human Bluebell has created sturdier and broad trunked trees for some of the smaller dragons and those like L'kut to roost in, companion pieces to the guard towers and even making those blend in better with the surroundings from prying Combine eyes.