Name: Chell (ELL:ch005)

Gender: Female, bisexual but mainly hetero

Age/DOB: 25/2000 inception

Origin: Armacham ELL labs at Enrichment Center

Family: All ELL clones are considered her 'sisters', and possibly some Pantheon children were also related to the lines which make up her genes.

Other: Has expressed interest in Gordon Freeman, as they travelled to Europe together and took down Ulathoi. They work very well together, in fact, and have a silent kind of bond. They do eventually have Carl Freeman, a son; she helped him raise Angel, his spliced daughter with Melissa, and trains her with the use of the Portal guns.

Height: 5'8

Weight: 125, muscular and fit - contrary to whatever version of GLA(a)DOS says, all the ELLs are virtually impossible to make fat

Hair: Black, dark brown tints, currently rather long and usually kept in a ponytail as shown

Eyes: Pale blue-grey

Appearance: Tan skinned with numerous scars, like most ELL clones Chell has been fitted with knee joint replacements that allow her to land safely (if not necessarily comfortably) from falling great distances. Usually keeps her orange outfit, though has been known to wear gorgeous dresses in orange and white. She often has a bit of a haunted look.

Genetic Abilities: Unknown, but all ELLs including Chell exhibit a strong mechanical and tactical aptitude. Chell doesn't hide the fact that she can outsmart most computer AI, though she keeps quiet about that around any form of computer that might listen in. Chell has the ability to detect the frequencies of portals created by technology, and to a small extent those made by beings such as the Mystery.

Icarus Processing: None at the start of her life, but shortly before going to Europe she was given the process. This has very strongly increased her durability - which was already considerable. It's also very likely to have improved her reflexes by a factor of 3 or more, she is certainly on par with many highly trained Pantheon.

Image Credits: Made in Icon / City of Heroes, using online render of portal gun
Doll Divine Sari / Tektek

Skills or Profession: As all ELLs working in the Enrichment Center, Chell was given enough downloaded skill sets and information to allow her to navigate the facility, repair electronic and mechanical devices, repair the building itself, as well as interact with computers and people. All of those things were put into use immediately, and since she didn't outright die when going up against GLADOS she feels those skills - while gotten from a source she'd rather forget - are very valuable. Chell herself enjoys acrobatic workouts and challenges to her perception. She's got a very strong sense of depth perception and range, speed, trajectory and angles. When they headed to Europe, she familiarized herself with Combine technology as well as more local weapons and devices, to infiltrate their Citadels unhindered.
Personality: Chell is quiet, though silent she isn't necessarily sullen as some of her sisters can be. She's observant and a bit jumpy, but around the right people has managed to maintain that eerie calmness that they display around each other. She hesitates to speak but when she does it's usually with wise or sensible alternatives to the discussion around her. Once she decides on a course of action she'll experiment to get good results, and then put it into play. She's the kind who 'measures twice, cuts once'.

Events or History: Like the rest of the ELLs she was created as a maintenance drone to work in the Enrichment Center or other locations, and when her body gives our or her usefulness stops, she would have likely been thrown at Wilson Carver to sate his needs. However, with the Synchronicity Event and the Resonance Cascade creating the chaos that erupted, and killed all of her possible superiors, Chell thrived. She helped the children in the Paragon program live, hunted down food and clean water, kept her head down when the Armacham scientists came back, and thumbed her nose at them when they left again. She was able to assist in creating and maintaining not only the hand-held portal devices used in many of their facilities, but the Xen relay that allows travel between distant locations as well as alternate worlds. She is a tinkerer at heart, but loves to actually use the devices created by Alyx or Martin more than making them heself.

Chell went with others to the European Cities and with Gordon Freeman's guidance they took down Citadels in order to ruin the Combine once and for all. Upon getting the news that another universe needed help, Chell jumped at the chance. And found... Not one, but two dragons in the Rookery. Of the pair, Yol is considerably more intelligent and much bigger (though not to scale individually they are in the group shot).

She spends approximately half her time at the North Aperture site, and the rest at Borealis, with regular travel to most other locations as well. Notably she is sometimes found in Paragon fighting off Rikti invaders, beating up street thugs, and propelling herself across rooftops in the scenic Founders Falls neighborhood.


Name: Keik (pron. cake)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: small 6'6 s / 35' l / 60' ws
Colors: Pale blue marked with darker blue and white in marbling on hide, under wingsails, tail spade, and crest stronger contrast slate blue, sky, and white; eyes shift with mood, claws white
Features: Mostly standard Pernese appearance, four clawed feet, thumbs; wings are distinctly single-fingered visibly but have 3 digits plus clawed wrist; hide requiring care and sheds; spaded tail, head knobs, tall fin/crest on head and neck, faceted eyes
Powers: Telepathy (strong with bond, strong with dragons, appears to easily intercept Vortal communication), Winged Flight (very strong wings), Assisted Firebreath (needs coal, doesn't like doing this), Teleportation (strong local, weak dimensional, can home in on specific times or places but becomes exhausted when timing it), Verbal Speech (only after Healing Den stay)
Parentage: White-Gold Creesath (Sapphire) + Brown-Blue Minicioth (Istabitha)
Origin: Healing Den Frenzy 3 (Bicolor)
Other Info: A pale colored dragon with a strong curious streak. He is well adjusted to life without a bond, but he does have vaguely haunted moods, and doesn't like it when someone comments about his prior solo status. He is both sturdy and pretty, something his bond has said to bolster his confidence.
His newly found human bond and draconic partner suit him very well, he likes getting into places that other larger dragons cannot.
Name: Yolkongang (yol KON gang)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium-small 8' s / 35' l / 40' ws
Colors: Gold base, gold fur and feathers, snowy trim, black markings, pale gold and white wing feathers and skin
Features: Deer-dragon, 4 legs having long feathering, forepaws with thumbs, hind hooves; two feathered wings with leather sails 3 fingered; split tail (spaded and fur plus fox-like), upper body, head, neck feathered while hind body and tail are velvet furry; head deer-like with external ears, awesome antlers with bling, bells and tinsel
Powers: Winged Flight, Verbal Speech, Telepathy (strong with bond and other dragons, can detect very distant communications), Genrehopping/Teleportation (full anywhere), Speed (is a blur, this dragon is after Keenan's heart), Order Magic (can restore calm and reduce chaos, also aids predicting), Healing (generally of bond or dragons but anyone in deep need), Fire Magic (keeps warm and can dry wetness instantly, but not produce flames openly)
Parentage: S'onmul + Liaxeri
Origin: Healing Den Winter Clutch
Other Info: Yolkongang means 'healing heart', and while his was broken as his first bond abandoned him, he knows Chell and Keik will never betray his trust. He has in fact discussed his powers and their use with Keenan, as he's accidentally (?) wound up on Xen once or twice.