Name: Darell [ELL series DAR]

Gender: Male, possibly sterile, ace

Age/DOB: 16, aged, created 2025

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC

Family: The ELLS are his sisters, and he their lone brother

Other: Created by Melissa at the EC while messing with creating new ELLs; the xy was a fluke, but she decided to roll with it, and he's quite a nice result

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 110* Icarus dramatically lightens weight, he is lean and long, though shorter than he looks, he might be considered 'petite'

Hair: dark brown with charcoal undertones, absolutely straight, kept long in a pony tail and remarkably clean and shiny

Eyes: medium dusty blue, epicanthal fold prominent, large and happy looking

Appearance: tan skinned like most of the ELLs, with high cheekbones and the same broad nose and full lips that they usually have; normally in the white Aperture branded style of clothing, but also has added fur lined gear because he works up in the Borealis; unlike most other earlier ELLs, he does not have any implanted joint replacements, but that doesn't seem to matter, since he's been Icarus treated

Genetic Abilities: As expected, with Icarus comes a stronger Vortal presence than the untreated ELLs, and Darell seems to exhibit a 'touch' with animals and computers alike. He claims to be able to sense the presence of his sisters, but also can read data on local disks without the need to actually use a computer, and can sense both local and invasive wildlife. He can't manipulate data Vortally, but his programming and typing skills are absurdly good. And while he's not as clearly able to command animals as Jaime is, they have worked together to make sure that the facilities have the right guard animals in addition to dragons.

Icarus Processing: Yes, at inception; this process created a lighter, more flexible, and durable ... boy child. Unexpectedly mutated with that odd XY combination, it's unclear whether Darell understands the implications of his 'birth'. He's about 2x stronger than normal, can fit into surprisingly small vents with ease, and has never sustained an injury from falling or blunt force.

Image Credits: Doll Divine / Niobe Arctic Couple

Skills or Profession: Since he was created specifically to help replenish the very dwindling ELL population, he was given the standard educational and skill training downloads that all ELLs did in the past, but also was afforded some more specific and modern information such as locations, civil engineering, and weapon proficiency. So far, he has not used a weapon, and doesn't really care to - he is more about animal handling and monitor duty, and people leave him to it, as he's good with those things. He can clear out a location of rats and mice, gathering them up (and allowing either a bigger animal to eat them, or handing them off while live to a Vort for cooking), but also shoo headcrabs and other invasive beasts, though he does have to be within clear view of these creatures to do that (or, proximity: works within a sphere of influence about 5 feet radius). His coding skills are what brought him on board the Borealis, and he uses the ship's monitor system with ease, to make sure that no Combine get too close, securing data lines and catching Combine chatter in the process.
Personality: a touch on the oblivious and distracted-by-shiny side, but given at task he'll do it like any ELL normally would. He doesn't have the baggage of life before the Combine, and honestly has no idea what the whole 'deal' is with Armacham creating his sisters in the first place.
Events or History: Since the number of ELLs had dropped to what Melissa considered 'dangerously low' quantity, she conferred with a few of them (Chell, Zoell, and Rayell particularly) to produce a batch of new ones to give the Icarus treatment to. At first unsure whether it was a good plan, the ELLs were pleasantly surprised with the results. He and his 'batch sisters' (there are actually 6 total, only 2 came to the Rookery) were trained and exhibit the natural talent and Vortal skills needed to help the world recover. With the Rookery, he jumped at the chance to see even more exotic creatures than they had on the Repurposed Earth, though he is personally a bit shocked at the dreadful state of their world. While he came from one that has since started recovering, obviously the Rookery is in a dire state. He intends to help clean that up.
Currently resides in the Borealis.


Name: Moonpale
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small 8'3" s / 40' l / 92' ws
Colors: shockingly white on most of body, neck, limbs, wing arms, tail, and face; dorsal scales and limb armor is medium blue, with patterned neck, body, tail, and leg armor in medium to sky blue, and white with sky blue; wingsails and dorsal fin grade from a bluish-khaki white to a creamy white, all faintly greenish but not actually 'green'; horns, stinger, claws, all bright white, eyes dark blue
Features: Sandwing - though with these colors it's possible he has Icewing somewhere in his line?
Powers: Winged Flight, steady and surprisingly able to fly in very cold conditions, Moonpale is at home in the blustery frozen north as much as he is in the warmer desert climates. He can see through snow as well as sand storms, though he doesn't care for flying in rain or sleet. His big wings help him slowly but surely make his way through an area, and he can keep cargo or passengers smoothly travelling without a lot of bobbing or lurching in his gait. He is equally careful on the ground, and can wade through deep snow just as though it was sand.
Communication, Moonpale has a deep friendly sounding voice, and speaks Draconic, Vortigese, English, and apparently is learning Finnish and Swedish given that the few refugees in this area have been holding out for nearly a decade without being relocated by the Combine. He can sense his human friends and the Vorts, but cannot actively communicate mentally.
Fire Breath and Warmth, though his flames are quite hot, Moonpale doesn't generally use them to fight or to hunt. Rather, he can set up 'traps' using the existing weather conditions, so a sudden mini-tornado occurs when he blows this superheated air around. It's clear that his internal warmth keeps him from being as icy as his appearance - also reinforcing the possibility that he has Icewing somewhere in his line, as he has suffered absolutely no ill effects in the icy conditions here at Borealis. He can melt light snowfall just by walking around in it, though the effects of his warmth on deeper snow or heavier pack ice is that it just gets a little slicker - he can create 'black ice' patches, though, and uses them to help clear an area of Combine.
Stinger, like all Sandwings he has a dreadfully strong tail that can smash a 2 foot long stinger through nearly anything. He does use this to fight Combine, preferably larger creatures such as Airships, Gunships, and Striders. It does contain poison but it's not a very potent one, and can't really help do more than irritate those creatures, however it would cause incredible pain (aside from that 2 foot stinger itself) if it hits a human-sized creature.
Parentage: Unknown Sandwings, unrelated to any current Rookery residents
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, lines by LunaTheNightwing, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Moonpale really does love the weird looks that others give him when he shows up. He knows he's 'supposed to be' where it's warm and dry, but he's having a ball out here in the frozen wastes. Plus: unless someone cleans up those formerly-beautiful white sand beaches around the world, he won't have any place to look like a tropical paradise!