Name: Dydell (Expendable Labor Lifeform DYD001)

Gender: Female, hetero

Age/DOB: 2003

Origin: Armacham-Aperture Genetic Labs/last batch

Family: All ELLs can be considered her sisters. Dydell has had a boyfriend among one of the refugees from time to time, though she knows she'd probably be best off paired up with a Pantheon type. Eventually she does hook up with James, their son is Doyle.

Other: As an ELL she would never normally have been considered 'mother' material but she is extremely protective of any children she's been put in charge of, and feels good about becoming one herself some day (a mother, that is, not a child)

Height: 5'7

Weight: 125, slender and muscular, more athletic than curvy

Hair: brightly orange, obnoxiously matching her jumpsuit, quite kinked and curly, though not afro-style

Eyes: Pale blue, wide

Appearance: fair skinned (lighter than many of the ELLs in general), with numerous scars from work and survival in the EC. Tends to continue wearing orange and the Aperture jumpsuits, and has knee replacement fittings for removable long-fall joints.

Genetic Abilities: She possibly has a stronger empathy with humans than most ELLs, though her mechanical expertise is still the power which would show up in genetic testing.

Icarus Processing: None, though she may yet have it done.

Image Credits: Doll Divine Sari (above) Inkscribble Dragonrider (below) / TekTek

Skills or Profession: As all ELLs she was given downloaded skill sets including maintenance and repair, tool use, and navigation skills for the Enrichment Center specifically. Her skill in navigation is unerring, and she is a self-starter in terms of clearing a place out for habitation or exploration. She is well trained with the use of the Portal Guns, though not as quick to use them as she likes physically exploring and finding ways around objects or obstacles than to 'cheat' through a portal. Has no trouble with darkness or confusing tunnel systems and is able not only to put to memory those locations, but to physically design maps for others to follow as well.
Personality: A bit skittish still around large moving machinery, and still utterly unconviced that GLaDOS over in the Rookery universe is 'okay' to be around. Protective, stable, and generally patient with children from infants through teenagers. Not afraid to explore, but sometimes won't go back to a place if she feels it to be uncomfortable.

Events or History: among the last of the ELLs brought out before the Events, Dydell has always felt 'young' but at the same time her protective streak makes her an ideal babysitter. She helped explore the facility before GLADOS was put down, and updated many of the maps which are still in use there once the place was made more or less functional again.

She participated in the attack on GLADOS along with a couple others, led by Rayell, closing down Diversity Vent intake devices. When the Pantheon exited the facility she remained, and is still more than happy to keep the place fixed up or take young visitors on safe tours.


Name: Tvalth
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small, 5'2 shoulder / 23' l / 50' ws
Colors: Green, mottled/sooty bluish green slightly fading toward wingtips and tail, speckled with green-blue everywhere; wingsails white-green with sooty mottling of green and blue-green, darker and more vibrant color underwing; faceted eyes shift with mood, generally dark blue
Features: Pernese for the most part, four legs, two wings, very thick legs with heavy claws, 3 on all feet; heavy body, oversized head for body, long headknobs, faceted eyes; hide that requires moisture and oiling, sheds regularly; very large flat, leathery single-fingered wings with partial finger strut at wrist, no claws; featureless tail; offspring will have names ending in TH if given the right mate.
Powers: Winged Flight, very strong considering how much surface area is on her massive wings, they're proportioned for swimming rather than air, but she is more than strong enough to glide and soar like the best fliers, hardly tires.
Teleportation, can head between with unerring precision, particularly when she knows where she's going, and she takes direction very well.
Telepathic Communication, she is open to most riders who can hear dragons, and enjoys listening in on other conversations. Her bond with Dydell is strong, and she can sense the ELL at any distance, even off-world. Tvalth is a reasonably intelligent dragon, and likes being around the Rookery because she feels the people there are much more interesting than any in a Weyr.
Assisted Firebreath, Tvalth will not be chewing firestone, she is not going to be in a job where she must use fire breath. Also this means she is generally fertile.
Other Info: Tvalth is as protective of the children that Dydell watches over, as she is Dydell herself, as well as her brother. Since she's the bigger of the twins she feels it's always fallen to her to be the 'responsible' one.

Name: Spalteth
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Tiny, 4'10" shoulder / 26' l / 40' ws
Colors: Blue, very deep and intense blue on body that is almost entirely unblemished, and lighter mottled pale cornflower blue wingsails; faceted eyes change color with mood and are often a greyish-green
Features: Pernese sport-sized, four legs, two wings, long featureless tail; hide that requires moisture and oil, sheds regularly; heavy body and hind limbs, three-clawed feet on all four; very short head knobs that resemble ears but aren't; wings have four internal fingers and only the main 'arm' can be seen underside; offspring will inherit TH name ending, if given the correct mate
Powers: Winged Flight, Spalteth is decent enough at flight, but does not have much aerial endurance, though his precision in the air is well known.
Teleportation, where he lacks strength in the air, he is absolutely perfect when teleporting either with his inherent betweening or by going through time or even dimensional flight. He doesn't have to be in flight to do this, but must be careful when he teleports on the ground, to make sure that spare items or bits of things don't come with him. He has a bit of precognition or perhaps he's just very well-tuned to the Void, in that he can detect exactly where he needs to be in order to land or fight. This used to be for fighting Thread, now it serves for defending and rescuing any children in the Outlands.
Telepathic Communication, like most Pernese dragons he has an intense and comfortable bond with Dydell his rider, having experience what it's like to be with someone who didn't actually 'feel it'. He is somewhat 'quiet' to other dragons and people, but rather chatty with his bellowing voice.
Firebreath, like some from the Healing Den, his time there - and probably his experiences teleporting around in the Void - have changed him so that his fire doesn't require the chewing of coal or other substances, he can just 'do it'. His fire is not quite as hot as most, and doesn't reach very far, he's a tiny little guy after all. But what he can do is fire off a short, broad burst that fills an area, and becomes ignited at the slightest spark. He can lay traps with this, and he's quite proud of this.
Other Info: he is considered more of a Stunt dragon than most of the frenzy clutch, and that's saying a lot.

Parentage: Gold-Green Yilanith (HD frenzy 1[GreenRedWhite Ajandeykth+White Surrith]) + Slate Blue Nazibith (HD Frenzy 1[Holly-marked Holarith+Black Faloritoth]) ** note that their sizes have in fact shrunk since the old Weyr days, they used to be measured in meters, this is just a transfer of matter issue... we think.

Origin: hatched at the Healing Den Frenzy 2, Tvalth and Spalteth are twins from the same egg - they grew separately within a largish egg that had been divided only on the inside, with the much larger green in the much smaller space! They were both abandoned and had returned to the Healing Den for many years, before deciding on trying again for the Rookery's benefit. Even if they had not found Dydell to be a perfectly good new bond, they would have remained on, if nothing else for the change of pace.