Name: Estell

Gender: Female, bisexual

Age/DOB: ~6, aged to appear mid-teens, 203x, RY 3

Origin: Repurposed Earth, sent directly to Rookery

Family: As an ELL ... but a new one, she's seen as a bit of an oddity even to her sisters. Shares their DNA but also has added from other sources (... Rhea? Raven?) so they know there's something more to her than any normal ELL

Other: Keenan had no idea how amazing the ELLs could really be, until their Vortal blossoming. He has confidence that this one will use his inherited Vortessence - yes, that's Raven's DNA - very well indeed

Height: 5'5", looks taller than she is, but she's quite petite

Weight: maybe 90* Icarus lightens considerably, smooth but very strong, curvy in the right places, athletic

Hair: charcoal blackish brown, very fluffy and full, not quite wooly but it does frizz up in humidity, straightened, and styled, kept short but cute, people love styling it

Eyes: brilliant aqua teal, shiny and gem-like, large, under perfect thin brows

Appearance: light brown skin with no scars or markings, not even a barcode; thick pert lips, a little nose, and has virtually-unbreakable fingernails for whatever reason; loves the 'new brand' of Aperture outfits that they've discovered from bins coming from Aperturth, so she wears the pale-blue-white and black outfits with style

Icarus Processing: yes, while being aged. Estell was actually born, rather than 'merely made', though she's genetically an ELL. Melissa thought perhaps even that amount of change might help, she wasn't wrong; but then she'd already committed to putting in Raven's dash of human-Convocation. The Icarus processing reinforced the gestation-based abilities, but also strongly improved her physical makeup. Her bones and joints are tremendously durable, she can take crushing weights and blunt impact without any effect, falling simply gives her opportunity to do flips in the air before landing perfectly without Long Fall boots. She does take damage from other sources, but heals very rapidly; she's about 2.5x stronger than a normal human, but around 6x faster, equitable to Wilson and Geoff. Also she seems to be completley impervious to temperature changes, as long as the air isn't solidly frozen or too wet she can walk and breathe, even speak and see just fine in near-absolute-zero, or 'four thousand kelvin'. Her outfits... not so much.

Image Credits: Doll Divine Keeper Elements

Genetic Abilities: As an ELL she has the expected amount of 'engineering savantism' - but her mixed-in Mystery line adds to that in unique ways. She can affect electronics and machinery that is powered with electricity, like a poltergeist, it's not her strongest ability to say the least but when she gets agitated things start flickering. Best save your work when she shows up. She uses her speed both for distance travel and manual work, if she's got the work space and all the components, she can assemble devices in minutes rather than hours or days. While speedy like that she is inexhaustable, and can keep up even running for hours on end. Yes, she can run up walls, and leap giant chasms with her speed and a little boost of that strength at the edge. Plus, if she misses, and hits the wall... she won't be damaged, and will get to explore somewhere new below! Most of this is only semi-Vortal, her true powers begin with communication and command over those devices she makes. Each of them can be tracked Vortally, so she'll assemble a bunch of small scanners (usually scavenged from parts from Combine manhacks or scanners, but equally from the wrecked camera units in the EC or Rapture) and then leap into a cavern to explore with them as her eyes and ears. She has a range of over 10 miles with each, and can control about 4 of them with ease, up to 8 with serious uninterrupted concentration. She can also command them specifically to destruct or even speak through them but only around 2 miles at most. She can speak through virtually any electronic equipment at that range, it's easier with stuff she's built. Vortally however, she can sense and communicate with anyone in her various DNA lines: the ELLs of course, but also all the Lane family, at any distance including off-world. Normally this is a gentle little fuzzy white buzzing, but she can disrupt or interrupt even Lane with it if she's very insistant. She has strong but localized empathy with living things and aura sight which works primarily on any Vortally-crafted matter (...including flesh, but mostly mechanical). She does have the ability to teleport, but it is exhausting and is based on knowing a location beforehand, she cannot just fling into the aether and hope - but then she's been shown a good number of spots where it's 'safe to land', including Xen, Rapture dorms, her place in North Aperture, and inside the Borealis, as well as the Rookery, and even a crash room in the Mansion - on the Rookery, Repurposed, and Paragon... Since she can make it to Xen, technically she can genrehop, but she knows better than to just up and try that. Her first accidental teleport left her nearly comatose, and it was Wilson who helped tend to her, because he knew that feeling all too well.
Skills or Profession: she was aged, so given the standard insertion of mechanical engineering, electronics, repair, navigation, and tool use skills. But since she's a product of several dimensions worth of work and DNA, she also has specific information from those who skip around in the multiverse, and a good amount of the history behind why she is where she is to boot. Since she's been relied upon to explore and endure extremes, Estell also has been taught how to take notes in weird conditions, and has a good memory for places, landmarks, and conditions overall. She can fix broken machinery, from a wind-up watch to a fusion generator, with her focus on small communication devices and exploration tools. While she does know how to code manually, it's much easier for her to just Vortally imprint her programming on a chip, which makes it ... well, impossible to 'read' by any other source - Martin can do it, Thomas can, and maybe Cave too, but generally speaking her work is hers alone. Unlike Raven and Rhea, she isn't particularly musical, which is a bit of a disappointment even to herself, she can hum and carry a tune, but isn't really good at the improvisation that her family is. But she can make instruments that cater to their use! Also since she's a very recent addition, she has been expected to know how to care for and identify dragons of all types, and knows how to respond to Paxton's summons should she be needed in a pinch. After all, Snazzy is a pretty big and impressive dragon, it's best to know how to help him in battles.
Personality: Perky, but not aggressively cheerful, Estell is a fun loving girl, who understands that not everyone can keep up with her. If she were in a 'superhero' universe (like say, Paragon) she would be a very typical 'Speedster' - always on the move but not nervously twitchy, usually 'up in your grill' with things she's curious about, and definitely willing to help out where she's needed at any time. It's not really clear whether she sleeps. She'll put together toys and goods for the refugee kids, while delivering weapons to the depot, and on the way back take some photos of a broken and lovely landscape she accidentally fell into halfway across the territory. This is not saying she doesn't like her down time. She does enjoy just sitting and watching, 'resting her eyes' at most, and listening to her 'mom's music.

Events or History: Created as more or less a whim, but with the eye for placement in specific locations around the Rookery. She knows that she wasn't really a product of 'love' so much as 'need', but that's never stopped her from being part of Lane's family as well as the ELLs'. She is likely to be referred to by the older ELLs as 'kids these days'. She spent her first two years as an actual infant, being cared for by not only Raven, but several ELLs, so she has a wide recognition among both sides of the family. She was aged starting at 2, into a tween, and then has grown into her powers and early adulthood more normally. She'd spent much of that time in Rapture, and it was there that she met Snazzy. When the North Aperture facility was declared 'fit for fixing', she knew she was the right girl for the job, and has been fully moved over there since then.

She and Snazzy reside and work from Testing Shaft 4, Sphere 10, quite far down, but they also head upwards to help clear the other shafts, and work on the broken and in-progress mechanical needs of the entire facility.


Name: Snazzy
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-large (broad/bulky) 12'6" s
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip, behind limbs medium dusty blue; face, neck, body, limbs, and tail medium teal green; leg and wing armor darker teal; markings rich dark green-teal that *change; dorsal armor and strip sky blue; wingsails and webbing brighter sky blue; all claws, horns, spikes snowy white; eyes coppery red
Features: Seawing - Icewing hybrid, strongly Sea dominant, with dorsal spikes and webbing the only physical evidence of Ice, however strongly Ice powered
Powers: Winged Flight, Seaborn Power, while Snazzy can fly in the air pretty well, given those big wide wings, he's strongest near water, and in very large open spaces - so over the ocean, where he can easily drop into the water when tired. He doesn't do a lot of acrobatics in the air, but he can maintain a strong and steady pace for long distances, for instance flying just over a ship for miles at a time as it travels over the sea. However, once you get him under the waves it's an entirely different story. He has a remarkably powerful body and tail, which he uses for maneuverability rather than speed - his wings provide that! He does not tend to go very quickly for long distances under the sea, rather he'll propell himself from one vantage point to another, weaving around things expertly, and bursting once more. He certainly could just glide at a modest speed for days, though, while in clear ocean. From the water, as long as he's got the room to do so, he can pull a literal ocean liner along if needed. Of course, he can also torpedo into it...
Communication, Snazzy and Estell are very strongly Vortally connected, though he lacks other methods of mental communication. He is adept with Draconic and the undersea sign-light language of Aquatic, but can also understand the verbal components of Vortigese, and whalesong equally. He can speak to whales, though he claims to be a bit on the bumbling side, because they do speak very slowly, and like Estell he prefers to get to the point.
*Color / Bioluminescence, as most Seawings have inset patches on their body to use for communication, he does add these to daily life, and sometimes even provides a bit of a light show to the folks in the Pearl restaurant.
Sea and Ice adaptations, because they're reasonably connected already, Snazzy's abilities to tolerate the extremes of the ocean lend well to also the icy surface near the Borealis, or anywhere there's a deep ice or cold water. Like his companion, he suffers absolutely no ill-effects from cold, pressure, the crushing depths of the sea floor are his playground after all. But he can also tolerate hard ice storms, blizzards, and deep darkness, sensing his way through using a unique sonar.
Icy Breath Weapon, while this can really only be used while surrounded by water or in very, very wet conditions, Snazzy has the power to freeze a cone of water or turn very deep and difficult to freeze (due to pressure) water into a slow-moving super-cold slush. This can kill any living thing in moments, even creatures suited to life deep in the ocean. The cone is accurate to around 100 meters, and truly effective at 50. He can use this above water, in a blizzard or heavy rain, causing either a slick sheet of ice from rain to form as it hits the ground, or a massive block of connected particles in a snowstorm. So he can basically turn ice and snow or rain into two-ton blocks of ice or slush. That dampens anyone's day. Particularly Combine that are in the path of it.
Parentage: unknown Seawing mother and Icewing sire, though may be Ice-Sea himself; not related to any in the Rookery
Origin: Adopted from Tropicat212 with lines by LunarSolstice981 on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Among the younger arrived dragons, Snazzy narrowly escaped DeepTrench's clutches, though he doesn't even know it. Whatever portal it was that drew him toward the Rookery is situated mid-ocean, so he barely even noticed the change between realms until he spotted Rapture itself. He does prefer the open ocean to the Testing Shafts, but he works down in the water and power stations as well as the deepest areas of the Shafts themselves, picking through rubble as it falls into the waters below.