Name: Evanell (EV4n-ELL)

Gender: Female, Straight, Ace

Age/DOB: ~10 at Events, not on site

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Icarus Lab, Fairport AL

Family: While the ELLs are certainly all her family, she seems to show little interest in their activities

Other: Shows little interest in families at all, actually

Height: 5'7", a little taller than a typical ELL

Weight: 100, still tiny though, all muscle, very sleek, and bears a striking resemblance to the body form of most of the Armacham assassin girls, of which she was supposed to be among the premier cloned variety

Hair: very dark brown, silky and a bit flyaway, and currently cut short, though grows quickly and often she just hacks it all off

Eyes: pale fog grey-blue, only a very slight tint of color, tends to stare, unblinking, at someone until they nervously look away, almond shaped, natural long lashes

Appearance: light skin which has no scarring visible, but she's definitely been injured on the job before. She is extremely slender but not bony, and has an incredibly pretty face, she doesn't seem to know how pretty she is. Has surprisingly long and well kept fingernails, it's one indulgence that she has gotten used to on this world that she wasn't allowed early in her life

Genetic Abilities: Evanell is 'silent, unseen, and deadly', she has a remarkable ability to cloak herself with or without the use of an Armacham Icarus outfit. Though there is still some small amount of distortion visually, even Vortally, electronically, or via other sensory devices, she simply cannot be easily seen or heard. Strong Vortal aura readers will detect her, but generally only after she's been lingering in one spot for a while, which isn't often. It's almost as though her aura dissipates while she's moving, and only catches up to her when she's motionless. However even then: she can remain completely still and only be seen Vortally, normal eyes or sensors will be completely unable to detect her if she just crouches into a corner and doesn't move. It's unclear how she makes so little sound, however, it may also be a mutation or physical aspect, as it doesn't fully show up on any of Melissa's notes about her DNA. It isn't that she is somehow masking the sounds, she's just... not making any. Though it is obvious she can detect Vortal people, they cannot 'reach' her mind, even Lane - or Alma - were unaware of her. Even other ELLs cannot truly link minds with her.

Image Credits: Rinmaru Action Heroine

Icarus Processing: Yes, during creation; as with most, this processing not only strengthened her body and bones but made them very light weight and flexible. She can contort in a variety of weird ways, often enough would cause herself damage, if not for her treatments. This processing definitely improved her Vortal potential (at that time called Telaesthetics by Armacham). She has exceptionally keen eyesight, and can easily focus on a distant target up to 1 mile away, though she can't read microprint or other such tricks with her vision, and she does require a decent amount of light on the target to see that far. She can be in complete darkness, however, and spot a brighter speck or movement if there is any light at all.
Skills or Profession: along with the Icarus processing, she was given extensive downloads and training, that which the other Armacham assassins get. So she is extremely talented in infiltration, climbing and rappeling, vent-crawling, tracking (mostly people), shadowing and crowd weaving, and observation techniques. She tends to keep her distance, as her favored weapon is that crossbow she's got, it has the range and she's never needed a scope. She is accurate with that, sniper rifles, and small guns, but also harpoon guns and grenade launchers, though she claims to dislike those quite a bit because they're loud and messy. Evanell is also deadly with hand held weapons such as knives, cat-claws, garottes, and heavy saps, preferring anything that doesn't get her messy. She can navigate tremendously well even in unexplored locations, and leaves absolutely no trace behind. She can recognize important paperwork or images, people, or buildings and landmarks at a glance. Notably she's among the only ELLs around that doesn't have nor know how to use a portal gun.
Personality: She's fastidiously clean for a reason - anything that's not hers, such as Your Blood or That Building's Ashes, will not vanish with her when she goes invisible. She is silent, also for a reason - she has a somewhat high and squeaky voice, shrill if she shouts, and doesn't like having to be loud. It isn't that she's unlikeable, but she is very anti-social, and just wants to be given a duty and let her have at it. She does have a penchant for swiping small items, particularly nail polish or ammunition, but she figures no one's going to miss them if it's in the ruins anyway.

Events or History: Evanell had been reworked several times before the Events, and was in processing as they occurred. Melissa discovered this line of ELLs, three of which were 'in the wild' and hadn't been recovered, but Evanell was right there in a vat on hold. When she was recreating some of the Pantheon, and working on those new ELLs, she reactivated Evanell and boy did that girl have some choice words about how things went wrong. Melissa, Renee, and Geoff are really the only people that she has ever bothered to get close to. Melissa, because she does feel she ows her her life; Geoff because, well, he's got guns and silence and is 'Vortally impenetrable' like she is; and Renee because she's the last of the assassins, and they did have one mission together that they've never forgotten. She has decided to pick up the Aperture-branded version of the Icarus suit, because she likes the contrast, and maybe the challenge to keep it completely clean and nice in this new world. Before everything was settled, she took it upon herself to patrol the Outlands, usually with one of Paxton's Replicas.

Once at the Rookery, as they established different locations around the world, she decided that the Borealis would suit her best, because she kind of likes the chill air, and that white suit definitely works with all the ice and snow, making it considerably easier for her to huddle down and hide while looking out for Combine movement.


Name: Curtains
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (bulky) 12' s / 50' l / 80' ws
*Colors: Neck, belly, backs of legs, to tail tip medium concrete grey with lighter and darker speckling; face, middle neck armor, forepaws (only), hind legs, back, tail grey with hints of orange and blue (portal colors), (^)spots in bright orange; Forelimbs and wing arms medium graphite grey; face, neck, limb armor deeply black; wingsails and neck fins teal and orange nebula over black, with bright white star spatter; horns, dorsal and neck spikes, tail ridge, claws brilliant white; eyes yellow with green
Features: Nightwing Rainwing hybrid, foreparts mainly Night, hind parts and neck frill Rain-based, and *color from rain
Powers: Winged Flight, Curtains is certainly able to emulate her human friend's silence and stealth. She can fly really slowly, without raising any dust, but also remain perfectly still even in an uncomfortable looking posture, to let her own coloration to its thing. She prefers walking, but will never hesitate to take to the sky with her rider and anyone else in need, for a swift escape. Though strong, she doesn't care for lifting large objects unless it's to suddenly drop them on something.
Communication, as several Nightwings with the distinctive 'teardrop shaped' markings indicate, she is strongly Vortal and tends to use her mind to communicate much more than her voice. It too is quite the whisper, she can hiss or bellow but prefers a quiet and even tone about as loud as a Human 'inside voice'. She speaks Draconic and English but also understands and can claim to speak Vortigese quite well too.
*Color Shifting, her Rainwing side allows her wingsails and side scales (anything with that blue and orange scheme) to shift and shimmer, and move between a very rich teal and a vibrant copper color, to an incredibly pale nearly-aqua and faint orange. Patterns and swirling can hypnotize anything with a brain, and she can also use this to cover parts of herself that can't shift, and blend in with most concrete, Combine blue metal, and rubble.
Flame Venom, a caustic acid that catches fire quite easily, this gooey substance can be spit or sprayed out almost like a squirt bottle, very Rainwing style, and then ignited with a spark, that she herself can provide. A 20x20 room can be filled with painful flames that linger as napalm might. She has very little range on this ability, no farther than 20 meters or so, but within that she can selectively spit on individuals even quite close together, or spray over everything in her way. The flames may go out quickly enough, but the acid will continue to burrow into anything soft including metals, for over ten minutes, which is definitely long enough to kill most animals or Combine.
Claws For Days, those Rainwing claws of hers are incredibly sharp and can pierce metals, she maintains footing on slick surfaces like ice or oil even without them, and can grip with her tail if needed. Up in the Borealis area this is of tremendous use, as she can climb straight up an ice wall or down into a Combine fortress easily.
Parentage: unknown Nightwing mother and Rainwing father, may have Icewing in her Night-side somewhere with that paler coloration.
Origin: Adopted from MooncrestNecrozma, with lines by LunaTheNightwing modified by GuildKnight on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Curtains thinks her name is perfect. Not only because it's curtains for those Combine if she gets a hold on them, but she uses her wings as drapes, and Aperture used to sell curtains! See! It works! She's actually more excitable and social than her human friend is, but they make an exceptional team in the field.