Name: Kyell (Expendable Labor Lifeform/KY)

Gender: Female, bisexual

Age/DOB: Unknown / Created 2000?

Origin: Armacham-Aperture Genetic Labs / ELL series

Family: Any of the ELLs are her sisters by virtue of their genetic mixture; when the Rookery is established, she and Gene Lange have been spliced together and their daughter is Desiderata

Other: Plays chess often with Zoell and Paxton; may be tapped for further DNA mixing

Height: 5'7

Weight: 150, healthy, muscular, curvy in nice places, but not flabby in any way

Hair: Dark brown, longish (kept in braids to stay out of machinery)

Eyes: Pale grey-blue

Appearance: Tan skinned / bronzes in sun (rarely in sun), loves fancy dresses like the one shown, but rarely would be seen working in one - has dyed many of the previously orange clothing the ELLs wear to her favored green; notably she has basically 'matured into an adult' and stopped aging, like many ELLs. She looks like a 25 year old if she's busy, but can actually seem like a teenager if she's just romping around

Genetic Abilities: None obvious, but like many ELLs she has a strong latency which gives her a bit of an edge around machinery

Icarus Processing: none, though should she decide to have it, she would become actively Vortal and able to use more machine type powers

Image Credits: Doll Divine Sari Maker / elouai-tektek
Senshi Maker (below)

Skills or Profession: as an ELL she was expected to perform maintenance on the Enrichment Center. She is able to manipulate tools and use both large and small devices with ease. Navigation in complex areas is easy for her and she isn't afraid to think outside the box. She has been known to play long chess games and enjoys the challenge of rules which don't really allow for cheats.
Personality: As the ELLs grew more like people after the Events, Kyell was among those who started showing preferences. Colors, activities, socialization. She enjoys hanging out with 'girly' types, though her skill set is hardly ladylike. She is neither bold nor shy, but she would never be content to allow anyone else to tell her orders unless she's sure they're capable of giving fair commands.

Events or History: As all ELLs she was made by mixing specific donor DNA to create an 'almost the same as' every other expendable labor girl in the facility. She is neither the eldest nor youngest among the ELLs but definitely enjoyed working with the kids as they were appreciative of her skills in helping them defeat GLADOS and make their environment safer.

Currently at the Rookery, she remains on hand at the Mesa and performs regular maintenance and upkeep on most of the integral systems: plumbing, ducts, and power supply for the most part, and helped arrange the placement of the underground power lines from the dam nearby. Also she has worked on parts of other facilities, but vastly prefers Black Mesa to the Aperture site.


Name: Oshubiuith (oh SHOO bee OO ith)
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small 7's / 22' l / 35' ws
Colors: Green body, marked red wings, graphite horns
Features: four legs, Clawed paws with 4 digits (thumb fore), covered leather 3 fingered wings with wrist thumb claw; hide is thick and durable, requires maintenance; split tail tip, short curved horns, visible ears, slight winter theme marks; offspring will inherit -TH naming and wintery theme
Powers: Telepathy (bond, dragons, whoever), Teleportation (between), Unassisted Firebreath*, Cheer
Parentage: Green red-winged Ananth / Red cream-winged Fuburroth (Black-ruby Thahaeth+Flamingo Pink Chyririnth/ Cream Vertuok+ Red Haisith Teruth)
Origin: Healing Den Red and Green / Shintaru Old Blood / Vella Crean
Other Info: Oshu is definitely all kinds of cheery. She's happy to have found herself the right bond, and enjoys being among the smallest of the dragons at the Rookery. Mostly, because she can slink around even in the normal biped sections! She can use her fire breath to aid her bond's mechanic shop, able to warm up metal to make it more pliable. *Normally she should not be able to produce fire without coal, but in her case this seems to be an innate ability, like her cheer power. Notably, she has a high and pleasant 'roar' - her voice is more chime like than bellowing.