Name: Questell

Gender: Female, straight

Age/DOB: ~16, aged, RY9

Origin: Repurposed Earth directly to Rookery, AAEC; Resides in North Aperture, but trips to Borealis frequently

Family: All ELLs are her siblings, she is a pretty solid ELL from original stock

Other: She has taken to following Caroline around, because she truly admires the work that went into Aperture

Height: 5'3, small even for ELLs

Weight: around 90*, curvy and pleasant, petite build thanks to Icarus treatment

Hair: medium brown, silky and straight, kept long and usually in a tail as shown

Eyes: medium blue, large, under happy brows

Appearance: tan skinned with no markings or signs of damage, with a pleasant smile and dainty features; likes wearing Aperture White outfits, and looks good in them; does not have any implanted protection or gear, like some of the older ELLs; husky voice

Genetic Abilities: strong technological sense, with a minor ability to command computer systems without touching them, read data off live disks (only while plugged in and running), and interpret data and code on the fly. However, what she likes to use more is her electrical sense - this works for living things as well as technology, but also in natural settings, such as above those storms. She knows when there's a storm coming, or if there is an item pulling power, or even if there's any living thing bigger than a mouse - at 10 miles, 100 meters, and 20 meters respectively. While she cannot command raw electricity she takes no damage from it at all.

Icarus Processing: yes, while being created in the lab and aged to a mid-teen. This process gave her a decent amount of strength though not truly super-human, around 3x healing speed, and very strong resistances to environmental damage such as heat, cold, wind, and the like - she's ideal to sit on Oha'lyk's back when he's flying over those storm fronts... She can handle it. She tries not to actually fall or get hit by things, though she can heal quickly she doesn't like getting her outfit bloodied. She has extremely good senses, 4x sight and hearing, and 2x touch, which she uses to spot trouble at that long distance her dragon's known to achieve. Also she seems to have a good sense of altitude and pressure sensitivity, this is not a power but an inherent body-based sense.

Image Credits: meiker / Amazing Mia Bride

Skills or Profession: weather and communication technology are her main focus, she has been able to actually grab satellites as they pass by, thanks to Oha'lyk teleporting up to meet them, so they've been able to retrieve numerous pieces of tech that were thought long lost on the Rookery. Getting them back up speedy enough to remain in orbit, that's someone else's problem. They remain quite high up but nowhere near the distance that those satellites actually operate at, however she is very good with spotting them from his back, reporting in a potential find, and waiting to see whether the Rookery scientists need them. Once they get the go-ahead, they teleport quickly up and back, usually then soaring to the nearest Rookery safe house. The Combine does not expect this behavior at all, and frankly doesn't monitor that altitude any more. Too bad for them. She can help fix these units up, gather information from their sensors or recorings they've made even if the unit is unable to properly display them. If there's power to the unit, she can get it. She works closely with anyone involved with coding and communications, making sure that their lines of communication are always free from Combine interference or spying. She doesn't do repair work on grungy things, there are much better folks for that. Otherwise she is also quite fun to be around, though a bit on the daredevil side, so if she starts getting excited about doing stunts, be prepared to lose bets... Much of what she knows technically is from downloads, but practical applications of it all are learned more recently.
Personality: happy, enjoyable, and overall pretty high-energy. She does like to decompress and relax in Hoyle's hotel, but equally spends time on the Borealis just listening in to their communications and power lines. Since she was created specifically for the Rookery, she has little direct memory of Repurposed Earth, however she knows of their situation, and prefers it here on the Rookery. Because Caroline's here, right? Even if she's a cloned or somehow reproduced entity, all the records in the Aperture facilities lead her to believe that she was always the brains of the operation (she's not wrong at all). She does stay clear of GLaDOS's location, there, though she's not outright afraid of her, the big device is... still a little unnerving.

Events or History: Made for Aperture's location in the same year that Haniell, Midell, and Tawnell were created. She is 'young' therefore, even if she's a fully functional adult in mind and body, she's still new enough that sometimes she forgets to blink or mixes up locations in her mind - this has caused them to get a little lost here and there, but not so much that she and her dragon can't then extract themselves out of danger.

Oha'lyk did not have to 'wait' for the ELL to arrive to his nest - everyone was taken through times, cleverly avoiding themselves, or in her case she wasn't even created for another 3 years...

Resides usually in North Aperture shaft 4, Sphere 11, in the Electronics Storage facility.


Name: Oha'lyk, Long Distance
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small 7'4" s / 34' l / 54' ws
Colors: graded silver from nose to tail, whitish at nose and forelimbs, darkest at tail; wingsails transparent highly reflective silver; claws white, eyes vary
Features: Pernese/Alskyran Blackstone variety, very long and lean, 4 legs with large claws, thumbs fore heel claw hind, 2 leather wings with 3 visible fingers, prominent wrist finger, and double-clawed first finger; narrow ridged face with horns swept back; long neck, body, and tail ridges; hide, egg layer, names end in -K or -TH depending on partner; must bond, carries full Alskyran colors
Powers: Winged Flight, Oha'lyk really does love being high up, and is remarkably good with strong winds as well as low-pressure, he flies above storms ... usually not with a rider or passenger! He is quick like mercury, moving through the air at incredible speed. Agile, however he is quite small comparitively and tires out from a lot of weird antics. He can fly in a more steady pace for hours, however, and can hover above big windy spots as if in still air.
Teleportation, this is where Oha'lyk absolutely shines, even more than his impressive flight. He has the ability to tap into the Xenian/Void and move between spaces that are markedly distant on the same world, up to 2 thousand miles in a leap, this ability requires both concentration and a clear knowledge of the landing area, but costs virtually no energy, he can only do it once every day though (he does not arrive exhausted, but the power seems to need to recharge). Also he's very good with near-by teleportation, though he can only manage a few quick 1-mile jaunts in a row before he must rest. He can travel through both time and other dimensions, however these things are quite difficult and unreliable at best, so he will stick with what he knows. Riding him while he's teleporting is smooth and almost seamless, though sometimes he smells a little like Xen on the way out.
Communication, able to speak vocally as well as telepathically, he's actually better at speaking aloud than with his mind. He has a very tight conection to Questell, as well as all his genetic line - which is considerable, he can speak with his draconic family as long as they're on the same planet. He has mastered both English and Vortigese, and lapses into Vort with the nudges of those around him, mentally casting the 'context' at minds that can receive it.
Unassisted Firebreath, due to his parents being Healing Den-based and having crossed dimensional lines frequently, he does not need any chemicals or help to create a super-heated flame. Accurate at both short and sniping-distance, he can let loose a fan of it under 30 meters that will roast anything human-sized in moments, and a sniper blast that can pierce tempered metal and melt through almost any armor, accurate up to 500 meters away. He tends not to be a fighting dragon, but if worse comes to worst, he's there to help and is pretty good at it too.
Parentage: Mother silver Alskyran/Blackstone Tork, father black Nexus Pernese Denhadarrvahth; has siblings in the Rookery including Ell'daa-veth and Xkah'lih-beth
Origin: Hallowed Silk, Healing Den and Rookery project, RY5
Other Info: Quite smart, and surprisingly sneaky, can slip through virtually any hallway or human-sized area somehow. More than likely this is due to teleporting there, and having to walk out...