Name: Tariell

Gender: Female, bisexual

Age/DOB: ~10 / 2023

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC, Alabama

Family: All ELLs are her sisters by virtue of splicing, but notably, she is Damon's spliced sister and shares a decent amount of his appearance as well as genetic disposition

Other: The way Tariell flirts, there's no doubt she's likely to start a family, or at least contribute to the gene pool herself

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 140*, Icarus has changed her weight and density, so she looks more curvy and 'soft' than she is, and she is not soft - that's all muscle.

Hair: Rich black, heavy, straight, usually longer than shoulderblades and kept back in a tail or styled with braids

Eyes: Extremely dark, whether they're brown, black, violet, or indigo no one can really tell, they're just dark, intelligent and a touch snarky

Appearance: medium brown skin that goes copper in sunlight, when you can actually see her at all, and even in that outfit you can't. Has a very Hindi look to her features, which is where her relation to Damon is strongest (along with the powers below), she looks pleasantly curvy and is quite tall and statuesque, but that will just mean that she can take you by surprise, because she'll absolutely punch you into next week if you look at her the wrong way; she speaks in a low, almost menacing voice, but can sound genial and gives a good 'ho ho' laugh when she's truly relaxed; Wears the yellow and orange outfit as shown, and you'd think that would make her show up, but no, you'd be wrong again

Icarus Processing: Yes, at the time she was spliced up and aged, Tariell and her sisters all had the processing done to open up their Vortal potential and add to their physical abilities. This process succeeded wildly with her, normally she'd weigh half again as much, and be considerably less muscular - she's around 2.5x stronger than normal, and takes very little damage from crushing or scrapes and dings; it also strengthened her Vortal abilities and she is adept into the mainstream of Pantheon values.

Image Credits: Valve Portal 2 concept art PotatoFools Arg

Genetic Abilities: Tariell shares a strong Vortal connection to all of the ELLs, and has always been able to communicate with them at virtually any distance save multi-dimensionally. She has a good amount of Empathy but uses it mainly to feel around for problem people, and passes any information that she gathers while invisible (see below) to one or another of the Pantheon to deal with. And yes, Invisibility. Given that she's wearing a bright yellow and orange Icarus undersuit, you'd think that would be quite the feat, but she does it with ease, and it is outright invisibility not just 'camouflage' - Damon helped train her in its use, this 'little sister' of his, and he's equal measures of proud and envious of her ability in it. However, her ability is entirely internal and self-related, rather than his own light-bending and 'darkness-control'; Tariell's power virtually erases her from visual light, electronics cannot detect her, even weight-based or pressure sensors can't detect her when she's moving through a place unseen. The only creatures that can detect her at all are ones with Vortal sight, and the Vorts claim that all they really see is a wavering echo of a shape. While she can do this at will, it is still Vortally powered, and the more types of detection that are actively seeking her - be they eyes in heads, camera installments, or Vortal pings - the more energy she expends to stay this way. When slinking around a place normally, she just vanishes when moving and then pauses after a check around to see if anything is observing, and that seems to be a Vortal skill as well, perhaps she senses tiny fluctuations in power use. She could perhaps enter a room that has surveillance on it, and know exactly where each bug or camera is just by wandering around a little. Obviously this has its uses in Cities and Combine locations.
Skills or Profession: It's something of a shame that there's no great need for spies in the Rookery, because she would have made the best one ever. Come to think of it, Armacham didn't realize this potential with the ELLs in the first place - their loss. She did have the typical mechanical engineering and maintenance downloads that all ELLs get, but hardly uses those save to figure out a good place to slink through a building. In addition to her skill in going dark, she does indeed 'think with Portals', and is good with placing them in unusual spots to peek through. She's been responsible for putting in the 'peep-hole' portals that can be activated to detect intrusions in distant locations, and has always got a suggestion about where else to drop them when in combat or escaping enemies. Speaking of: she's also quite viscious when fighting Combine. She doesn't just think with Portals there, she actively shoots portalable surface pellets onto Combine soldiers and rips them to pieces with it. Since the Combine of the Rookery aren't known to deeply analyze their dead, she feels it's safe to do this without then washing the powder from the pellet off of them, she'd had to be warned on Repurposed Earth not to do this too often or where they would be found by Armacham-loyal troops. Giving up that information to Aristide would have been a disaster.
Personality: Though she's built for slinking around and spy thriller duties, Tariell is bold and strong-willed, standing up for herself and her sisters whenever needed. She, like her creche mates, was not brought up around the idea that they're servants. Far from it, she relishes the fact that she and they are 'free' now, and tries to encourage those still-shy among the ELL population to act like they are part of the revolution, and not just cleaning up after it. Though she is popular among many of them, she's actually more sure of herself and comfortable among the Pantheon, and feels that's where they all belong anyway.

Events or History: As with Uriell and Norell, Tariell was made to replace several of the lost ELLs, and given the Icarus treatments in full to better exploit their latent genetic powers. Aged to a mid-teen, and released with the Pantheon's training, Tariell quickly became like a sister to both the ELLs and Damon. She got into plenty of scrapes and troubles, but comes through it all with a dangerous glint in her dark eyes. As the cleanup after the Combine's downfall was going on in their world, she absolutely wanted to go to the Rookery to see what was up there, and dragons happened...

She and Coppershine are centered in the Rookery proper, and sent out frequently on missions in the surrounding ruins and Cities.


Name: Coppershine
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Large 13' shoulder / 45' l / 88' ws
Colors: White underbelly, from chin, neck, belly, backs of forelegs, undertail and trim scales; buff beige on face, part of neck, forelegs and backs of hind; caramel yellow mid-neck and fronts of forelegs; mottled rusty orange-copper on nose/face, and along all other surfaces of back, neck, wing fingers, and top of tail; wingsails are constantly changing, but range from the same coppery orange, through a brighter orange, yellows, cream, ivory, snowy-white, grey, and night-black - all of these can mix along the entire web surface, and are part of her powers; horns, dorsal plates and tail spikes, and all claws are a medium grey; eyes are bright yellow
Features: Mud-Night-Ice wing (features may not be directly visible in image) Four heavy legs with extremely sharp curved claws 5 on forelimbs, 4 with heel claw on hind; two 4-fingered leathery wings with elbow strut and massive wrist thumb claw, heavy claws on digits capable of ripping things (icewing styled); scaled skin with large even plating on belly and neck, heavier on limbs and tail, and long overlapping on back; face is boxy with high nose, external ears, very small jaw nubs, and two short backswept horns; neck has icewing styled sharp but shorter spikes, while back and tail have more typical Mudwing ridge plates
Powers: Winged Flight; Coppershine is surprisingly elegant in the air, likely due to her ice-night background, and remarkably durable on the ground thanks to the shared Mudwing history. She does spend more time on the ground than in the air, however, because her other powers are of much more use there than in the sky. She can lift far more than most, even most Mudwings, but must be careful when dealing with anything that her sharp claws might penetrate, she isn't all that safe to lift refugees.
Communication, though she can speak in English and Draconic, she also uses a Flux-Shifting Vortal speech that the Vorts taught her, and she has an intimate bond with her human companion. But in addition to being quite well-read, she can create intricate patterns on her wingsails enough to flash signals or even spell things out with concentration. That's not all though: she can growl like nobody's business, and within that growling and rumbling sound she's learned how to emulate numerous animals, vehicles, even the higher pitched chirps of Combine scanners and hacks.
Camouflage and Colorshifting, is it possible that this already-triple Hybrid has Rainwing or Seawing in her background? Because the colorshift on her wings isn't where it ends. Maybe it's Nightwing magic? Because she can stand still and blend in with even the most disparate surroundings: that white and bright orange against Combine blue? No problem. A bright toxic spill green? Done. Somehow. She is only invisible to biological eyes, however, so she must be careful when around Combine sensors or other sources of detection. That said, she has learned how to trigger Combine 'weight point' ground sensors just like a transport truck, while she makes noises of one approaching a checkpoint. No one expects a dragon, sounding like that.
Ice and Cold Tolerance - while she is unable to produce fire, or truly an ice-based breath weapon, her ability to linger in cold places is still quite obvious. She can tolerate far below-zero temperatures, such as deep space... Has she been to deep space? Yes. In fact she has, and can effectively survive it somehow, maybe a mixture of that Ice and Night? All she does need is a little prep time, and a quick wallow in mud, perhaps enfused with her mostly Mudwing power to heal.
Parentage: Mother Mudwing with an Icewing grandparent, father Mud-Nightwing hybrid; unclear whether any of the Rookery dragons are related to her but her genetic line certainly gives plenty of them a chance...
Origin: Adopted from Furrygamer2003 at Deviantart
Other Info: Coppershine likes lounging around under the sun, even with her chilly and dark heritage. As some other dragons can do, she seems to 'charge up' while doing this, and can then brave harder environments or do more difficult camouflage effects for a longer period afterwards. She and her human friend make a terrific team, and she enjoys being part of the resistance. Her only worry is that when Tariell has kids, will they get hurt by her claws and sharp spines? She hopes not!