Name: Tatell

Gender: Female, bisexual

Age/DOB: ~16, aged, RY4

Origin: Repurposed Earth, direct to Rookery Xen

Family: all ELLs are her kin, she may very well find time for romance though

Other: even Mel doesn't really know where the spare Vortal abilities came from, as she is 'stock' ELL format

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 100ish * Icarus treatments lighten her considerably, creating a very strong frame and lean musclarity, as well as durability

Hair: black with slight brown tint, stratight and satiny, quite heavy, keeps it mid-back length and tied up as shown

Eyes: Pale blue, nearly white, large and with thick lashes, under strong brows

Appearance: peach-medium skin with no scars or markings, has a strong jaw line and full lips, straight nose; wears Aperture-branded gear with a white Icarus undersuit, does love those trompin-boots; has no augmentations nor replacement parts, as she doesn't seem to need any; though quiet, she does have a big vocabulary of technical terms and she doesn't mind getting chatty with other scientist types or engineers

Icarus Processing: yes, while being created; she was gestated by a surrogate, however, and this led to the treatments having a strong Vortal component. Her physical skills and boosts include strength around 2x normal, speed 1.5x normal, and healing that is about 3x faster than a human's. However it's her agility and flexibility that is pretty impressive, as she can squeeze into narrow areas or reach improbable ledges with almost supernatural ease. She can also propel herself in lower gravity or using tools such as jetpacks, portal guns, or ropes with uncanny accuracy. Her senses are slightly improved as well, particularly her eyesight in dim or poor conditions, she can spot details at up to 500 meters easily, or in blizzard/sandstorm conditions; this is aided Vortally, below

Image Credits: Doll Divine / Meiker / Sukebancore

Genetic Abilities: as she is a stock-in-trade ELL she has that eerie 'same as all her sisters' method of syncing with their movement and expressions if there are more than one around. She can speak with them at virtually any distance, including from Xen into other dimensions, though up close she can convey actual words, past 10 miles it's merely a ping and a feeling. Her Vortal abilities include 3-D navigation and mental mapping, and anyone that can read minds can tell that she simply can 'see distances' almost like outlines and virtual constructs rather than with textures. In fact she can code these things too, much easier than almost anyone in the Rookery. She needs merely one glance at an area to be able to figure out her location and the safest passage through it, and can map out angles or pathways that are accurate to a remarkable degree even in a location she's only seen that one time. She has a sort of 'locational psychometry' which allows her to broadly Vortally suss out hidden details or passageways that are completely obscured. Her memory for all of these things is pristine and permanent, she can tell if even one pebble on a beach has been moved, though normally she doesn't care to look for such things as they'd drive her mad... But brickwork concealing hidden passages, handholds on rockslides, wear and tear on ladder rungs or security keyboards, those things are very easily memorized. Even looking up at the night sky - or the islands of Xen - gives her an idea of where she is and how best to proceed. When with dragons she seems best suited, and even Paxton admires her ability to coax them into scouting groups. They appear to be naturally disposed to listen to her directions, as she can judge their size, weight, and dimensions in order to move through locations.
Skills or Profession: a pathing and scout specialist, she can get from point A to point B and then help others reach the same destination. Since she's an ELL she was also given traditional engineering and repair downloads, which she uses frequently in tandem with that scouting ability. She can set up a base camp in an hour and have it occupied in two, even with a group that has no idea how to get where it's sitting. Tatell leaves 'railroad signs' to others on her journey across those islands, and has taught a number of them to the group. Though she doesn't have other overt skill with it, she can understand the verbal components of Vortigese and even a bit of French and Japanese, she's learning those and others from the Xenian explorer group, and has picked up a lot of Draconic from the Pyrrhans. She is very good with graphics code, and is also a talented spray paint tagger.
Personality: Though not created specifically from any other source DNA her early exposure to Xen seems to have brought out scientific and intellectual curiosity, and she is very much a part of the Xenian exploration team, not just an 'assistant'. She does spend more time with dragons than humans at times, and likes listening to their exotic voices as well as the 'whales' and other Xenian wildlife. Like most ELLs she is self sufficient, but enjoys being in a group which recognizes her own skills and personality.
Events or History: When the Xenian portal on the Rookery was reopened, it was clear that more hands-on and experienced skill sets would be best to explore it, and what better hands than an ELL for exploration? Mel created her with the eye specifically to do this on Xen, and though the surrogate wasn't really 'told' about this feature, she was brought from Black Mesa to the Icarus and Medusa facilities via their Xenian-based portals. This exposed the unborn ELL to Xen, though not the same one as she's working in now, and clearly had an effect. Aged to a mid-teen while being given the proper amount of downloads for such an engineer, she was also given some further after her specific abilities surfaced a year or so later. Tatell enjoys remaining in the Rookery Xen islands, and since befriending Stingray she can explore to her heart's content.


Name: Stingray
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large (very big wings) 13'6" s / 62' l / 108' ws
Colors: belly from chin to mid tail dusty mauve; behind legs and belly/side spines pinkish mauve; main body scales and below tail medium purple; back, limbs, back spines, wing arms, dorsal wingsails, darker purple; markings metallic lavender much brighter than body; ventral wingsails red-violet base speckled strongly with very dark purple, medium mauve, and brighter lavender; horns and claws dark charcoal black; nose horn deep purple; eyes violet
Features: Leviathanwing
Powers: Winged Flight, both in the air and sea, Stingray can move. She is tremendously powerful and can lift phenominal amounts of weight, and carry them snugly and carefully to extremely distant locales. On Xen this is essential, she can take a full tanker container and deliver it to islands wherever needed in minutes. With the lesser gravity and thick atmosphere there, she can remain aloft as easily as in the sea. On any world with deep water she can propel herself so fast she cannot really be tracked though she's not really 'teleporting'. This is more dangerous if she's carrying anything, so she avoids that while down near Rapture. She doesn't leave a wake when going so fast, but if she is carrying or moving items her wings and tail will absolutely damage things if she isn't careful. On Xen she can cling to spires or cliffsides and maneuvers remarkably well going in any direction because of her abilities in the sea.
Communication, Stingray was already able to understand human speech on her homeworld thanks to exploration and observation. However English is a little different and she enjoys chatting with humans. She speaks her native Draconic as well as understanding Aquatic symbols and lights, which gives her a very good grasp on the many visual cues found in Xenian wildlife. She is able to understand the whalesong of virtually any world's worth of 'creatures meeting this criteria', and sings along with them as well. Though not normally a Vortal creature, she can sense strong psychic minds and presences, as well as communicate with Tatell in Xen at any distance, however this doesn't work on Earths of any kind. Her reflective markings and side spots can glow and shine allowing for deep darkness alerts or communication.
Sonic Booms, she can create with her voice a large destructive pressure wave, though this is more from hunting under pressure, and anywhere above the depths it turns into a massive force that can knock over tables or break fragile walls easily. She does take care around any inhabited area to not use this there, never knowing quite who will be hurt or inconvenienced in the process of hunting. On Xen, she can use this to communicate over very great distances verbally, or to blast at prey mid-air, stunning it so she can grab it with her mandibles.
Aquatic Adaptation, with gills along her neck, as well as lungs, she can live in virtually any habitat that has oxygenated gas or liquid. She can survive in incredible depths and pressure, chill, or very hot bursts such as found by heated vents on the ocean floor. She can see in near-complete darkness thanks to her bioluminescence. Her snout is fit with heat-sensing and electrical senses at close range, which allows her to detect distant prey or root around in silt or rubble to find living things. Her facial mandibles are strong enough to hold heavy weights, scrape stone into pieces, or grasp prey that's not quite within reach.
Parentage: Unknown Leviathanwings, unrelated to any on the Rookery
Origin: Adopted from and Fantribe by LunarSolstice981 with lines by x-Tamara-x on Deviantart; WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: She is big and terrifying but a very sweet dragoness. Observant and calm, but she will defend their territory from the much larger Xenian creatures as well as whatever lurks in the depths now near Rapture. She's fully capable of facing down the massive 'manta' creatures of Xen, but she actually likes blending in with them until they notice she doesn't smell the same... She tries to observe the Leviathan Water Ceremony but with only one moon on Earth, and none on Xen, she finds it a bit difficult to determine how much time has passed for it.