Name: Videll

Gender: Female, straight

Age/DOB: 14 (aged), 2024

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC

Family: All ELLs are her siblings, however she also has splices that contributed to Bella and other telekinetics of the Pantheon

Other: quite a few of the scientists around the Rookery like her a lot, not just because of her ability to lift dust and particles from their delicate equipment, but because she's enjoyable to work with, it's likely she will hook up with someone around one of those facilities eventually

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 90* Icarus use has lightened her but she's still pleasantly curvy, with an hourglass figure and sleek muscularity; she still looks slender and light

Hair: dark brown, silky, cut reasonably short, she doesn't care for styles but also doesn't want to work with pony tails or other longer hair; it often floofs out while she's working

Eyes: pale blue, alert, slightly worried looking

Appearance: tan skinned with yellowish overtones, she likes to wear orange and black ELL gear that she's had modified to look more stylish. She wears no shoes, but that's fine, she's almost never touching the ground with her feet anyway. She is distinctly feminine and has a pleasant voice, cheerful, though she can sound a bit perturbed

Icarus Processing: yes, while Melissa was creating this batch of replacement ELLs she made the call to use the substance and make the most out of the splices that she was doing. As with any typical Icarus subject, Videll certainly benefitted with strength improvements, light weight bones, and flexible joints; it also strongly improved her Vortal abilities

Image Credits: Doll Divine Elemental Fire

Genetic Abilities: because she is an ELL there is always an element of technology and engineering to her background. However her concentrated Vortal powers are telekinetic, and come in the form of being able to lift anything from a single snowflake to a small car with the same delicacy. Whatever she lifts or moves with this power does not seem to break or even 'feel' the impact, and humans she's interacted with to pick them up or jostle them out of the way have gone on record to say that they 'felt it but felt nothing'. Her abilities work well at close range, but can be used with line of sight up to 100 meters away, and without line of sight, around 50. She can sense through these particles, but not through anything bigger than almost-microscopic dust: overall she can't feel through a person, but she can sense through an entire room covered by fine dust. Because she is spliced with the same donors as Isabella, her telekinetic power is among the strongest of the Pantheon, and she was easily able to fly and float herself around, literally straight out of the vat. She shares a strong connection Vortally to her siblings, and has a sparkling and almost 'fizzy' aura and mental feel. She does not have overt telepathy or empathy, but is easily contacted by those who do.
Skills or Profession: Melissa gave Videll a strong dose of three-dimensional awareness in her downloaded skills, understanding how to climb or navigate through complicated areas, and how to trace different structural elements such as vents, conduit, heating, and the like. But also Videll went back to request further specifics: she likes understanding what the equpiment she helps clean up does and how she can enable research and safety. A hardly-used "Standard OSHA Investigator" skill set therefore was given to her, and she came away from that shocked at how little it was followed... Videll enjoys conversing with researchers, and picking up side skills such as fashion and dancing. Overall she is a pleasant addition to any science team, even in the Rookery where things are a touch more serious and need practical applications more than frilly touches.
Personality: Gentle and practical, but with a style that is rarely seen among the ELLs. While not talkative, she is always paying attention to the conversations around her, so that if someone mentions their need for a particular item, she'll have it in hand momentarily. If she'd been around Black Mesa when Dr Kleiner lost his keys, she'd have had them back in his hands quicker than Barney, Gordon, or Mars! Some people believe that she's a bit of a germophobe, what with her hardly ever touching the ground - but she's not, she just doesn't want to wear shoes. Unless of course Wilson can find her some cute sandals or pumps?

Events or History: Among the group of replacement ELLs, Videll was eagerly accepted by both her sisters and the rest of the Pantheon. Though it was a little harder to find Bella on a good day to help her learn how to master her flight and other such uses of her telekinetics, eventually she did team up with the eldest of the Pantheon to work on larger projects together before the Rookery's era.

She resides with her dragon at the Rookery itself, but frequently moves to Rapture as well as the Borealis, to help fix those places up. Scoria seems to feel a particular attachment to Videll, since hers was the power that lifted all those sharp awful rocks and glass shards from her when the structure she was exploring came down.


Name: Scoria
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Smallish (tall wings) 7' s / 30' l / 50' and 22' ws
Colors: It's possible that all those little ashen bits are markings, but it's equally likely they are scald or burn scars; this dragoness used to be a more vibrant orange and golden tone, with a more metallic look to neck, tail, limb armor, but she was rescued from an exploding building in the ruins so no one has really ever seen her in her original coloration; those spots will not 'heal away', and they have tried.
Features: Pure Silkwing
Powers: Winged Flight, though her wings may look scarred, they're still strong and sure in the air. Scoria is a light flier, like a butterfly that somehow scoots across an entire field in moments, yet might have visited a dozen different parts of it before leaving. She isn't tremendously good at long-distance flights, nor with much weight on her or carried by her paws. But she isn't relied on to do more than scouting, or transportation of small gear for scientists to use. She does have a custom built neck satchel for that purpose, with padding and ballast to keep her stable.
Communication, quiet and with a timid, gentle voice, Scoria speaks mostly English, with only a few phrases in Draconic. She was more or less raised by humans, so she doesn't understand a lot of the Draconic around her, but clearly grasps the intention of it. Sometimes, she knows they're talking about her behind her back, but she knows she's loved by her rider and her friends. She can pick up tiny sounds and vibrations nearby with her antennae and ears, from a mouse scuttling to a burrowing insect, but lower-frequency sounds - such as those deep rumbling ones before an earthquake or the wave of an attack nearby - elude her, her hearing range is uniformly higher than most, which is why she tends to shy away from battlefields and large dragons alike. She does feel very uncomfortable in Rapture, and tends to remain up in the Aerie waiting for her bond to come out: the uneasy sense that she has of those deep sounds is amplified strongly there. She can make cricket-like sounds with her antennae, and children seem to like that. She has a very strong Vortal bond with her human friend, which has grown over time.
Silk Production, wispy and light weight strands come from her wrist glands, she has not yet mastered making heavier rope or sticky webs. However, what she does make can be of tremendous use to the scientists - and Videll is there to collect it individually, keeping each and every 2 foot long strand separate to be used as whatever they need. So far it's been really good for medical purposes, even if they're light, they're still strong enough to be used as stitching, down to a microscopic size for sutures in vascular or nerve surgery! Thankfully she realizes that not everyone needs to be able to stick a web over a Combine Strider, sometimes it's the tiniest stitches that make all the difference.
Parentage: Unknown, pure Silks
Origin: Adopted from FurryGamer2003 on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: It's likely that Scoria was hatched on the Rookery world itself, as her wings had barely grown when they found her.