Name: Artur Westergaard

Gender: Male, straight

Age/DOB: 30, unknown DOB, arrived in RY9

Origin: Aperturth, of Danish origin living in Texas

Family: Unknown, likely deceased during Resonance Cascade, looking for romance

Other: Artur is equitable in many ways to Repurposed Adrian Shepard, in that he is a separately assigned military man surviving alongside those at a science facility

Height: 6'1" (... 6'3" with the helmet)

Weight: 190, basically solid muscle, extremely well toned and durable in gear and out of it. Tremendously strong upper body and arms, though he doesn't skip leg day he does concentrate on heavy weapons lifting, and that takes a burly torso and strong arms

Hair: sandy brown, kept shaved or very short, and usually kept under a helmet, hat, visor, or other head-gear

Eyes: light brown, under worried looking brows; squints a bit and has some light-sensitivity issues, but that is part of his genetic package

Appearance: fair skinned northern-European, with an even dusting of body hair, his facial hair is quite blond verging on red if it gets long, but he does keep clean shaven. He's never seen without head covering, although some have claimed he will go out without a hat as long as he has eye protection on. He is well versed in all forms of military gear and armor, and will piece together varied portions depending on the needs at the time; prefers desert and arctic alternating color schemes, but he's added those Combine shinguards because he likes how he can stomp without hurting his bones with them

Icarus Processing: technically no, but the Resonance Cascade of Aperturth did trigger some minor physical changes in his senses and reflexes, see below

Image Credits: Gmod / Endwar(Specops)

Genetic Abilities: Already given to having very sharp eyesight, Artur's vision is around 4 times more acute than most, and he can see in low-light situations very well, which does lead to him being a bit blinded in broad daylight or with bright lights hitting him. His sense of hearing is about 2x stronger, and he claims he can hear small animals rustling around in walls, or the breath of enemies around corners. Physically his sense of touch is 3x stronger than it was before, and his reflexes for both manual dexterity and physical agility are measured over 5x better, putting him on par with some of the most flexible Pantheon members. He is about twice as fast as a normal man for running and over 3x for reaction time. Though not particularly due to any changed biology, his strength is still around 1.5 to 2 times better than most men. He lacks any other Vortal components to his abilities, though Melissa claims he would probably be a good addition to the physical traits mix.
Skills or Profession: Artur is a special ops trained military man, and as such he is remarkably good with sniping, heavy weapons, siege equipment, vehicles typically in use by military such as tanks, APCs, helicopters, and the like. He can recognize and repair, use, and instruct in their use, virtually every weapon he encounters, and if he hasn't seen it before (such as Combine devices) he observes and figures it out very quickly. He is bilingual, speaking English and Danish, and as such can understand a decent amount of other northern European root languages, but not necessarily speak them. His typical vocabulary does include a lot of technical and military jargon but he's not an engineer nor scientist, so he sticks with what he knows. As he is trained and has experience with heavy weapons one of his 'specialties' is to unhook a large weapon from a helicopter or emplacement, and just stride around with it like it's nothing. He can't throw it, but he has absolutely no trouble wading through a combat area with a minigun ripped off a fallen chopper. Yes, he ripped it off.
Personality: Surprisingly calm and collected for a man who likes to shoot Gunships out of the sky using a gun from a prior fallen Gunship. Not verbose, but not silent either, he follows orders as long as they make sense, and gives them only when needed. He doesn't even pretend to understand what went on that ruined their prior world, but it's very clear from the current one they're in that his job is not over, and his work is cut out for him. And he relishes this, particularly with a dragon. He is not afraid of heights or speed, and will absolutely leap off his dragon's back to fight directly with a Combine soldier nearby. He likes Barney's beer. Artur is also the kind of guy who loves being pranked because he has a spectacularly good sense of humor about it. He's not gullible, but he enjoys when someone can get the drop on him in a safe way.

Events or History: Along with a small group of scientists and local guards at the Austin Texas Aperture facility, he escaped and was held in stasis by Local Lane for a while, and then dropped back into the Rookery. Before then, his life had been basically military service since he was 20, and while he wasn't upwardly mobile for ranking, he was always well-liked by his peers and squad mates. He was born in Denmark but his family moved to the USA when he was around 3, so he did grow up with a faint Texan twang to his Danish-laden speech. A good B-student in most subjects, some of his high school friends thought he would be a football star, but he had little interest in the game, so moved into the military. It was mainly coincidence that landed him at the Austin facility when the Resonance Cascade was happening... or was it?

Currently residing in the Rookery proper, and is called on for most combat situations.


Name: Glare
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-large (ws) 11'6" s / 48' l / 96' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip, behind legs, horns, dorsal ridge, claws light steel grey; face, neck, limbs, body, wing arms, tail mainly bright orange; dorsal, limb, tail armor, wing fingers bright red; accent strip scales pale yellow-green; wingsails bright white with large warm grey marks; eyes yellow
Features: Skywing
Powers: Winged Flight, Glare is very strong and assertive in the air, though to ride him is to court danger: he likes to swoop and tumble, doing rolls and exceptionally sharp turns, his maneuverability is stunning. He can remain aloft without tiring even in heavy combat, though he does take a few minutes to warm up. He is not considered a heavy lifter, however he certainly is big and strong enough to bash a Gunship or Airship out of the sky and drag it around as a trophy.
Communication, Glare speaks Draconic and English equally well, though his vocabulary in either is limited to more or less 'what do you want me to hit, what do you not want hit', and dirty jokes. He knows that his rider speaks some other language in his own tongue, but cannot for the life of him understand a word of it. He does have a minor Vortal connection to Artur, however, and they coordinate very well because of this.
Flame Breath, Glare's fire breath is dangerous to be around, he will easily wind a whirlwind around a smaller target from above. The flames seem to actively move as though they have weight, though he can't control them remotely he does have a great understanding of how to best utilize that feature. He can blast a long and broad flame, from 1 to 10 meters in a cone or a 3 meter wide swath, for over 50 meters at a time, and have it drift downwards over a battlefield or enemy encampment. 'Oh you missed' ... nope. You're just too dumb to run... It does act as a sort of napalm-like burn, not chemical or acidic, but lingering on things much longer than typical fire, even when sprayed with an extinguisher. So if he's breathing it, whatever he's hitting will be hot for a good long while. He can pinpoint targets over 200 meters away, but his accuracy suffers if he's in low-visibility conditions. He leaves the sniping to his rider for that reason.
Parentage: Unknown Skywings, unlikely to be related to any on the Rookery.
Origin: Adopted from LunarSolstice981 with lines by PeregrineCella on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: This team is relied upon heavily for big combat situations, and they both enjoy teaming up with Paxton, Geoff, Adrian, and whoever else is up there for an extended duration. They do actually have 'pissin contests' of who can toast the most enemies.